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Don't fuck this up traducir español

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Get your ass after him, and don't fuck it up this time.
¡ Ve tras él y esta vez no friegues las cosas!
Look, if I make this deal I'm gonna probably get Sarah out of there Don't fuck this up man
escucha si hago el trato quizás pueda sacar a Sarah no lo jodas
And I got this, smoke grenade.This is gonna set up anything that happen to miss So don't fuck up You don't want to do that baby, I tell Mundo here to sneeze, you understand what I'm saying?
y ademas tengo esto una granada de humo así que no la cagues puedo decirle a elmundo que estornude y sabes que pasara?
Hey, don't fuck this up.
- Sí jefe! - Mierdas pasan!
Don't fuck this up, Mitchell!
¡ No jodas esto!
We can all retire on this one. Don't fuck it up.
Todos podemos retirarnos con esta... no la cagues.
You fuck this up... you're gonna leave your badge and your credentials... in a manila envelope...'cause I don't wanna see you when I get back.
Si la caga, déjeme su placa y sus credenciales en un sobre, porque no quiero verlo cuando vuelva.
Look, don't fuck this up by trying to be funny.
Mira, no lo estropees intentando ser gracioso.
Don't fuck this up.
No arruines esto.
Don't fuck it up for yourself. This is gonna be the most expensive case you've ever had if you lose.
No metas la pata porque será un caso muy caro, si lo pierdes.
I know compromise is a dirty word in this room, but if we don't come up with some fresh ideas, and soon, we're really going to fuck it up.
Yo sé que las concesiones no son bienvenidas aquí, pero si no tenemos alguna nueva idea pronto quedaremos todos jodidos.
Don't fuck this up.
No lo eches a perder.
This is your first big chance to stay alive, don't fuck it up.
Esta es tu gran oportunidad de seguir vivo, no la jodas.
You touch her again, I don't give a fuck how much your brain's worth, it's going to end up splattered all over this room. Do you understand?
Si vuelves a tocarla, no me importa un carajo cuánto valga tu cerebro, va a estar desparramado por todo este cuarto, ¿ entendiste?
Don't fuck it up. Leave this to me.
No la cagues, déjame esto a mí.
Don " t fuck this up!
¡ No la jodas!
Do your thing, Father. Don't fuck this up.
Haz tu trabajo, padre, y no metas la pata.
Don't fuck this up, or you'II get us all killed.
No arruines esto, o harás que nos maten a todos.
Don't fuck it up this time.
No metas la pata esta vez.
So don't fuck this up.
Así que no metas la pata.
Who's this bloke? I don't know, shut the fuck up Marcus!
No lo sé. ¡ Cállate, Marcus!
And don't fuck this up.
Y no metas la pata.
Benny Chains said to tell you, "Don't fuck this up."
Benny Chains me dijo que te dijera que no metas la pata.
I don't believe I'm fuckin'doing this now, my adrenalin is going. - Shut the fuck up, Donny!
- No puedo creer que estemos...
Don't fuck this up for one life!
No arruines esto por una vida.
All right, man, I'm just doing this so you don't fuck this up, all right?
Está bien, hombre, estoy haciendo eso... así que no lo arruines, ¿ correcto?
- Don't fuck this opportunity up.
- No arruinen esta oportunidad.
Don't you fuck this one up.
No arruines esta.
Jacki's voice : Oh God. Please don't let us fuck this up.
Ay, Dios, por favor, no dejes que arruinemos esto.
I don't want you to fuck this up for me.
No quiero que me lo arruines.
Don't you fuck this up.
No la cagues.
Don't you fuck this up!
No la cagues tú.
Boys, don't fuck this up.
Soy su jefe.
- I don't like this whole idea, but unfortunately I have to accept it until you fuck up two more times
No me justa esta idea, pero lamentablemente tengo que aceptarla hasta que la cagues dos veces más.
Because I'm-I'm worried that if I don't go figure myself out... if I don't go, like, land on my own two feet... then I'm gonna fuck this whole thing up, and this is too important.
Me preocupa que si no sé qué me pasa... si no resuelvo mis problemas... estropearé todo, y esto es muy importante.
Now, don't fuck this up.
No jodan esto.
- Steve, don't fuck this up.
- Steve, no arruines esto.
Don't fuck this up.
No arruinen esta.
Don't fuck this up. - Guys, I've got nothing Lucy wants for Christmas. So I'm counting on you guys.
No se caguen en esto en serio es lo unico que quiere lucy para navidad cuento con ustedes chicos
Don't fuck this up, boys. If you do, I'm going to be hard on you for the rest of your lives. - This is really important, Ricky.
Solo vayan a la iglesia y esten fucking listos chicos los voy a joder por el resto de sus malditas vidas
Don't fuck this up.
No te mandes cagadas.
Don't fuck this up, E. I really want to do this.
No jodas esto, Eric. En serio quiero hacerlo.
Just don't fuck it up this time like you always do.
Sólo que no la cagues esta vez como siempre haces.
That's it And don't fuck this up,'cause Julian's counting on you.
No la caguen, Julian cuenta con ustedes.
- Yeah, don't fuck this up
- Sí, no caguen esto, chicos.
- Come on, don't let him fuck this up.
- ¡ No dejes que lo arruine todo! - ¡ Dennis, esto es una mierda!
Don't fuck this up!
¡ No lo arruines!
We don't want to fuck this up. This is tight enough already.
No queremos cagarla más, Esto es ya suficiente,
Don't fuck this up, assholes.
No la caguen, ojetes.
I'm going with you so you don't fuck this shit up, too.
Iré contigo para que no arruines esto también.
Don't fuck this thing up again.
No arruines las cosas de nuevo.

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