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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ D ] / Don't get in my way

Don't get in my way traducir español

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- You don't get it. All this time, you've been making a play for me... so I wouldn't stand in the way of your foul plot... to murder my brother.
Me has estado engañando para que no os fastidiara Ios planes.
You'll take it in the belly, if you don't get out of my way.
Se Io llevará en la barriga, si no se aparta de mi camino.
I'm warning you, don't get in my way!
¡ Te lo advierto, no te cruces en mi camino!
Don't get in my way. You're still tied to me.
Cosechadora o mucama siempre estarás atada a mi.
I admire ambition when it don't get in my way.
Admiro a la gente ambiciosa, cuando no se interpone en mi camino.
Have Bart round up the boys, then you and I'll ride up to the smelter... just in case. Don't get in my way, Lisa.
No te entrometas, Lisa.
Not if you don't get in my way, fancy pants.
no si no te metes en mi camino maricón
Where did I leave my brains? Don't I know enough not to get in the way of the evidence?
¿ Acaso no sé que no debo meterme con las pruebas?
your presence here - and please don't mind my saying so - might get in the way.
podría ser un obstáculo.
Don't get in my way
Deja de entrometerte.
- I don't like people who get in my way.
- No me gustan los que se interponen.
Don't get in my way!
¡ Aparta de en medio!
If I am correct, you already made up your mind, - and don't get in my way. - I'm afraid to say,
¿ Si lo he comprendido bien, sr. consejero, ha decidido no molestarme?
Don't get in my way.
No te interpongas en mi camino.
I am in my way to some place, I hope I don't get late.
Ahora debo irme a un sitio. Espero no llegar tarde.
I already told you I'm on this case. Don't get in my way!
Ya se lo he dicho, Rouannat, este asunto me concierne y no queremos seguir tropezando a cada paso con sus hombres.
Frank, that man is bleeding more than anybody in here... with the possible exception of your nose if you don't get out of my way. Let's go. Get him inside.
Ese hombre sangra más que nadie, con la posible excepción de su nariz si no se aparta.
# Now you can go where you're gonna # # But don't get in my way I'm a mean ol'lion #
# Ahora pueden ir donde quieran # # pero no se metan en mi camino, porque soy un viejo león #
Don't get in my way!
Apártate de mi camino.
If you don't get out of my way, I'm going to kick you in the nuts.
Si no se quita de mi camino, le daré una patada en los huevos.
Why don't you teach your younger brother well? Master, I... Don't get in my way
maestro, I... no entréis dime... por favor deténgase dímelo... dímelo... por favor pare
And I don't need some penny ante Woodward and Bernstein to come along and get in the way of my men.
Y no quiero que un estúpido reportero... venga a interponerse en el camino de mis hombres.
- Don't you get in my way.
- No te metes en mi camino.
Don't get in my way.
No te metas en mis asuntos.
Maybe I should leave my house, so I don't get in the way?
¿ No debería dejar mi casa, así no estoy en el paso?
I have memories of my own, but they don't get in the way of my life.
Aunque sí tengo los míos, pero no dejo que se interpongan en mi vida.
Don't you get in my way.
Ni se me ocurriría.
Don't you get in my way!
¡ No interfieras!
- I don't let anything get in my way.
- Nada me impide a mí.
You realize, Dr. Angelo... that my intelligence has surpassed yours... and I can't allow your fear of what you don't understand... to get in the way of this work.
Se da cuenta, Dr. Angelo... que mi inteligencia ha superado la suya... y no puedo permitir que su miedo a lo desconocido... interfiera con este trabajo.
I don't want my photography to get in the way of the story, of the acting
No quiero que mi fotografía intervenga en la historia, en la actuación.
Don't get in my way then!
¡ Entonces no te pongas en mi camino!
I'm not feeling so terrific myself, but I don't let that get in the way of my work.
Yo tampoco me siento eufórica, pero no dejo que mi trabajo se resienta.
Just don't get in my way again, okay?
No vuelvas a meterte en mi camino.
I don't ride them, but they do sometimes get in the way of my limousine.
No viajo en ellos, pero a veces se interponen en el camino de mi limosina.
just don't get in my way!
Te advierto esto : no hagas nada que me interrumpa.
Well, don't let your feelings... get in my way, Anna.
Que tus sensaciones no se interpongan en mi camino.
Don't mess with my stuff, don't get in my way and I'm sure we'll get along fine.
No toques mis cosas, no te interpongas en mi camino, y seguro que nos llevaremos bien.
Ten Miles, don't get in my way.
Diez Millas aparta
Don't get in my way, boys. This one's mine.
No se metan en mi camino, muchachos este es de los míos.
But for now, don't get in my way.
Pero por ahora, no te metas en el medio.
And I don't want them to get in the way of my band.
Pero no quiero que se interpongan en la banda.
If you have to be there, please, just don't get in my way.
Si tienes que estar aquí, por favor no te cruces en mi camino
I wanna do it right this time. If you don't wanna participate, that's fine. Just don't get in my way.
Quiero hacerlo bien esta vez, si no quieres participar, no te metas en mi camino.
Don't get in my way.
No te metas en mi camino.
He said, "Come with me, but don't get in my way."
ÉI dijo : "Puede acompañarme, pero no me estorbe".
I'm freakin'out because Ruby's acting all distant and disinterested... and I don't know if that's her reacting the way she should, because "Screw me" or if it's me overreacting... because I get the distinct impression that we are in a nosedive... and I have reason to believe that it's entirely my fault.
Estoy enloqueciendo porque Ruby actúa de forma distante y desinteresada, y no sé si está actuando como debería o si yo exagero.
As long as you don't get in my way. Never do that again!
Siempre y cuando no te interpongas en mi camino. ¡ Nuncas vuelvas a hacer eso!
Don't get in my way all the time.
No te entrometas todo el tiempo.
Don't get in my way.
No me estorbes.
Don't get in my way if you value your life, got it?
No interfiera si en algo aprecia su vida, ¿ entiende?

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