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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ D ] / Don't get worked up

Don't get worked up traducir español

249 traducción paralela
- Don't get all worked up.
- Traquilízate.
Now, now, now. Don't get yourself all worked up.
Vamos, vamos.
You shouldn't get worked up over things that don't concern you.
No deberías meterte en cosas que no te conciernen
Don't get so worked up about it.
No se entusiame.
- Now, don't get yourself all worked up.
- Cálmate.
Don't get so worked up.
No se excite.
Don't get worked up. You've got to keep your head.
No te alteres de ese modo, tienes que calmarte.
He's better, but don't Let him get worked up.
Está mejor, pero no lo excites
We'll be a laughing stock. - Don't get worked up.
Seríamos la risa de todos.
Don't get so worked up about it!
¡ No te pongas así!
Come on, don't get so worked up about it.
Venga, no hagas el payaso.
Don't get yourself worked up.
No se ponga nervioso.
Don't get worked up you might get worse.
No te exaltes que puedes empeorar. ¡ Dios nos libre!
Certain little things get you all worked up, and then you don't sleep.
Ciertas cositas te alteran por completo, y luego no duermes.
Don't get worked up! If he could kill people at a distance, why would he strangle them?
Pero si puede matar gente a distancia, ¿ por qué no estrangular?
And we'd all like to know... Come on, don't get worked up, you might be unfair and ridiculous.
No están siendo muy justos.
Don't get all worked up. Let's get to work!
No os angustieis. ¡ Trabajemos!
- Hey, mister, don't get worked up!
- Oh, señor, no se exaspere.
Now, honey, don't get yourself all worked up about nothing.
Mi cielo, no te pongas como loca por nada.
Don't get yourself all worked up boy.. this isn't for you.
No te compliques la vida, chico. No es para ti.
Don't get all worked up.
No te precipites.
- Good Sir.. Don't get worked up.
- Buen hombre... no se excite...
Don't get all worked up.
No te alteres.
But don't get worked up.
No te preocupes.
George, don't get yourself all worked up.
George, no te pongas en ese estado.
And you wanted her to be a witness. Now don't get worked up!
Tú quisiste que viniera de testigo, ¡ ahora no te excites!
Bruno, I beg you : Give me your word of honor. Now don't get worked up, Anna.
Bruno, te lo suplico : dame tu palabra...
Come, sugar, don't get so worked up.
Vamos, querida, no te esfuerces.
Don't get worked up.
No te excites.
Don't get so worked up
No te excites tanto.
Don't get all worked up.
Deja de asustarles.
Don't get all worked up.
No pierde la cabeza.
I still have my ideals, of course. But I don't get worked up over them. I wouldn't take any positive action.
Tengo exigencias, por supuesto, pero decir que me preocupa, que estoy dispuesto a hacer cosas concretas y eficaces, ya no es cierto.
Don't get too worked up. I know what you want from me.
Tranquilo, sé muy bien lo que quieres de mí.
calm down, don't get worked up.
Calma, no te alteres.
- Don't get yourself all worked up.
- No eches a perder todo el trabajo.
Don't get worked up, boss.
- Jefe, no se ponga nervioso.
Don't get all worked up.
No te pongas nerviosa.
Don't get worked up.
No te preocupes.
Don't get so worked up about what I say.
No te pongas nervioso por lo que digo.
Don't get worked up.
- No te enerves, padre.
Don't get worked up. It's not good for you.
No te exaltes, que no te hace ningún bien.
Mr. Adolphe is a simple man. Don't get worked up.
Don Adolphe es un hombre sencillo, no te preocupes.
But we all get worked up on execution days, don't we?
Pero todos nos excitamos con las ejecuciones, ¿ no es así?
How many of'em got to her... Don't it get you all worked up?
Cuántas veces lo habrá hecho. ¿ No te excita eso?
Don't get worked up, Mother.
Tranquila, madre.
Don't get yourself worked up about it.
¡ Pero no te vas a quedar así!
- Don't get worked up.
- No funciona.
Don't get so worked up, Hannerl.
No te pongas así, Hannerl.
- Don't get so worked up.
- No se altere por eso.
Don't get worked up, Mr. Krampe.
Los, haut ab! No se ponga nervioso, señor Krampe.

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