Don't go traducir español
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Why don't we just start over, and we'll go at your speed.
¿ Por qué no volvemos a empezar? E iremos a su velocidad.
And even now, you don't want to go much further.
E incluso ahora no quieres avanzar mucho más.
We don't have to go into this blind.
No tenemos que entrar a esto a ciegas.
Don't go looking for revenge.
No busques venganza.
Why don't you take that 600 and go buy yourself a gold dildo, and stick up your ass.
Mejor toma tus 600 dólares ve a comprarte un buen consolador y mételo por tu trasero.
I don't normally do this, but me and Mikey go way back a ways.
No suelo hacer esto, pero conozco a Mikey hace años.
Now you're going to have a much better chance if I don't go with you,'cause they're gonna make me for sure.
Y te será menos difícil si yo no voy porque seguramente sabrán que soy policía.
So, I find myself at this dark bar, and she's hitting on me. I don't know where she thought it was gonna go. I told her I had a girlfriend.
Estábamos en un oscuro bar, ella estaba coqueteándome y no sé qué intenciones tendría, pero le dije que tenía novia.
I don't wanna go to swim class.
- No quiero ir a la clase de natación.
- Why don't you want to go...
- ¿ Por qué no quieres?
I don't have anywhere to go.
No tengo dónde ir.
If I don't go back, I don't know what he'll do to her.
Si no vuelvo no sé qué le hará.
You don't have to go back to Idris or Dad.
No tienes que volver a Idris o con papá.
You don't go through what you just went through, witnessing all that death and not feel something, Jace!
¡ No pasas por lo que acabas de pasar, presenciar toda esa muerte, sin sentir nada, Jace!
As far as aberrations go, don't you think that's a bit...
En lo referente a Aberraciones, ¿ no te parece que esta es un poco...?
If you don't go back to school, you screw up both of our lives.
Si no vuelves, nos joderás la vida a los dos.
If I don't go, the whole city, maybe even the entire planet, could be destroyed.
Si no voy, toda la ciudad, quizá incluso todo el planeta podría ser destruido.
No. Don't go.
No. ¡ No se vayan!
But you don't have to go down that road.
Pero tú no tienes que seguir ese camino.
Why don't you go tell John the good news?
¿ Por qué no vas a decirle las buenas noticias a John?
I can understand if you don't want to go with Malcolm.
Y puedo comprender si no quieres ir con Malcolm.
You don't want to go through life alone.
No querrás quedarte sola.
Well, if I don't support my parents, they're gonna go bankrupt.
Si no ayudo a mis padres, terminarán en bancarrota.
I don't really feel like a beer, so I'm gonna go smoke.
No quiero tomar cerveza. Saldré a fumar.
Why don't you go pick us out some tunes, huh?
¿ Por qué no vas a elegirnos unas canciones?
Why don't you go find some rich old guy, and you can be his kept woman... and he can fucking ignore you, which is what you want.
¿ Por qué no te buscas un viejo rico así te mantiene, y te ignora, si eso es lo que quieres?
I don't think I can go back to that empty house, open the door and... not hear his nails scratching on the floor as he runs to it.
No puedo regresar a esa casa vacía, abrir la puerta y no oír sus uñas rayar el piso al correr hacia mí.
No, please don't go, okay?
No, por favor, no te vayas.
- Oh, my God. Don't go.
- No te vayas.
No wonder my lawyers don't want to go to trial.
No hay duda de por qué mis abogados no quieren enviarme a juicio.
I think that if you don't wanna marry him... you at least owe it to him to go out there and tell him.
Creo que si no quieres casarte con él... al menos le debes el salir y decirle.
Why don't you go ahead and lie down, okay?
¿ Por qué no sigues adelante y te relajas, bien?
I don't have anyone to go home to, and AJ's hardly ever there anymore.
No tengo a nadie en casa esperando, y A.J. casi nunca está.
Why don't you go ahead and get washed up for dinner?
¿ Por qué no te adelantas y te lavas para cenar?
Why don't you go over there and take a seat?
¿ Porque no vienes y te sientas?
If I don't go back to Russell, he's gonna kill me.
Si no regreso con Russell, va a matarme.
I don't... I don't wanna go anymore.
Yo no... ya no quiero ir.
I don't have time to take these rags off, so go just in case this, you know, doesn't work.
No tengo tiempo para quitarme los trapos, así que vete, por si acaso esto, ya sabes, no funciona.
Hey, don't go there, man, all right?
Oye, viejo, no te vayas tan lejos, ¿ de acuerdo?
At least if we get shot, we don't have to go far.
Al menos si recibimos un disparo, no tenemos que ir muy lejos.
- Richard don't go down there.
Ricardo no vayas allí.
We can take it from here if you don't wanna go any further.
A partir de aquí, no es necesario que continues.
Why don't you go find out what they want?
¿ Por qué no vas a ver lo que quieren?
Don't go looking for more.
No vayas buscando más.
Don't go.
No te vayas.
But we don't have to go to Earth, right?
Pero no tenemos que ir a la Tierra, ¿ cierto?
Why don't we go to Venus?
¿ Por qué no vamos a Venus?
Don't let go.
No lo sueltes.
But I can set you up and get you transport if you want to go somewhere else, so don't be shy.
Pero puedo conseguirles un transporte si quieren ir a otra parte, así que no sean tímidos.
Don't you go soft on me now.
No te acobardes ahora.
Why don't... why don't we go home?
¿ Por qué... porque no vamos a casa?
don't go far 26
don't go yet 54
don't go to sleep 22
don't go there 232
don't go out 31
don't go anywhere 259
don't go home 28
don't go outside 18
don't go that way 22
don't go breaking my heart 18
don't go yet 54
don't go to sleep 22
don't go there 232
don't go out 31
don't go anywhere 259
don't go home 28
don't go outside 18
don't go that way 22
don't go breaking my heart 18