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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ D ] / Don't go down there

Don't go down there traducir español

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Don't we want to go down there to see the Treasury from nearby?
¿ No vamos a bajar, para ver la cámara del tesoro de cerca?
Why don't you go down to the morgue and live there, instead of making a morgue out of our home.
¿ Por qué no te mudas a la morgue... en vez de traer la morgue a nuestra casa?
And I go down there all the time, and I don't carry nothing'but that liver.
Voy siempre y lo único que llevo es hígado.
No vayas allá, Dan, por favor.
Don't sit there like a bump on a stump, go down and throw them out.
No te quedes ahí sentado, ve allá abajo y échalos.
Why don't you go up and lie down, and I'll serve your tea up there?
¿ Por qué no sube a recostarse y yo le llevaré su té?
Go on, darling, sit down. Don't hang about there.
Vamos, vamos, siéntate.
After this is all over, you can do all the parading you want to, but you don't have to go down there today!
Cuando el oro alcance los 200, entraré triunfal con mis soldados.
- Why don't you go down there and get her?
- ¿ Por qué no vas por ella?
You don't mean that she should be the one to go down there?
¿ No querrá usted que sea ella la que baje?
♪ Don't go up, don't go down don't go here don't go there ♪
No suba, no baje, No Vaya aquí, ni allí
I don't want him to cut my throat next time I go down there.
No quiero que me degüelle la próxima vez.
Go start a fire down in the gully there, and don't make any smoke.
Prepara un fuego allí en la hondonada, pero no hagas humo.
Why don't we go down there and pick off a few of them Indians?
Vayamos y acabemos con esos indios.
No, I just know where l'd like him to go, but we don't have a branch down there.
No, solo sé a dónde me gustaría que fuera, pero no tenemos sucursal allí abajo.
- Why don't you go down there and rest?
- ¿ Por qué no va a descansar?
So don't go back down there.
Pues entonces no vayas.
Don't go down there, sir!
¡ No baje, señor!
Don't go to the right, Maranella's ravine is down there.
No vayas a la derecha, está el barranco de la Maranella.
OK. Don't go to the right, Marella's ravine is down there.
O.K. No vayas a la derecha, está el barranco de la Maranella.
Of course, he was much taller than I, but there's something about a tall man that I, well I don't know, you look up at him and he looks down at you, and I don't know, you just go on like that indefinitely.
Jamás hubiese imaginado algo así de Kimo, un encanto con las mujeres.
You think I'm afraid to go out there and call him down, don't you?
¿ Crees que tengo miedo de bajar y enfrentarme a él, verdad?
Don't go down there.
No baje ahí.
Why don't we just go down there and break down the door!
¿ Por qué no bajamos al sótano y le tiramos la puerta abajo?
You want me to go out there, don't you? Yeah, and take me future, me career and me pension and throw it down the drain.
¿ Quiere usted que yo vaya allí ahora y que coja mi porvernir, mi carrera y mi paga y los tire por la borda?
Don't go down there.
No vayas ahí abajo.
"Why don't you go down there?" I had a little problem.
"por que no vas por ahí?" Porque tenia un problemita.
I've been down there once and I don't reckon to go again.
He bajado ahí una vez y no creo que lo haga otra.
You want me to think that you don't want me to go down there, but the subtle truth is you really don't want me to go down there.
Quieres que crea que no quieres que baje allí, pero la verdad es que realmente no quieres que baje allí.
I don't want to go to the funeral, it's too hot down there.
No quiero ir al funeral, hace demasiado calor allí abajo.
Why don't we go down there and find them?
- ¿ Por qué no vamos a buscarlos?
I don't know, but I want you to go down there and tell everyone everything is going to be all right.
No lo sé. Quiero que bajéis y le digáis a todo el mundo que todo saldrá bien.
Hey, don't go sitting down there.
Eh, no te sientes aquí.
Why don't you and I go? You don't still want to go down there?
¿ Quiere ir allí?
Don't you go threatening anything down there.
No me pegues sustos ahí abajo.
I don't want to go down there again.
No quiero ir allí de nuevo.
I don't want to go down there again.
No quiero volver.
Well, why don't you go down there and tell those kids -
Bueno, ve y diles a esos chicos...
Lucy, I don't wanna go down there.
No quiero ir.
Why don't you go down there and get them?
¿ Qué puedo decir? Las gafas, Matty. ¿ Por qué no bajas a recogerlas?
Why don't you go down there and take out a few books?
¿ Por qué no vas y sacas algunos libros?
We don't go down there anymore.
Nosotros no vamos más alla abajo.
- No, there's no need for that. Either we can get across going down this point of land and it don't look good, we go all the way back and start over. It's real simple.
Tenemos dos soluciones...
George, I don't want to go down there alone.
George, no quiero bajar sola.
- What designs you put around the car? Society should go down in the subway and lock because they don't have any business down there.
Las instituciones deberían bajar al metro y cerrarlo, porque a éstos no se les ha perdido nada ahí abajo
They both look in the same direction, I don't know what they see, but if something passes down through women, I should go look there, find out what it is.
Las dos miran en la misma dirección, no sé lo que ven, pero si algo pasa abajo según las mujeres, debiera ir allí, y ver qué es.
I guess these go right back down there now, don't they?
Supongo que ésos van por ahí, ¿ no?
- I don't go down there.
- Yo no voy allá.
Why don't we both relax and go in there and lie down and I'll fill you in?
¿ Por qué no vamos a la cama, nos relajamos y analizamos esto bien a fondo?
Don't go down there!
¡ No bajes!
You don't have to go down there.
No tienes por qué entrar.

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