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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ D ] / Don't go with him

Don't go with him traducir español

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You do want to go out with him, don't you, Connie?
Tu quieres salir con el, no, Connie?
You want to go away with him, and you don't love him?
¿ No lo quieres... y te vas con él?
Tony, don't go with him.
- Tony, no vayas con éI.
If he don't want to go with us, we'll take it on the I am without him. That's right.
Si no nos sigue, nos iremos sin él.
- So are snakes. - If I don't go out with him, Ann and I may lose our jobs.
Si no salgo con él, es probable que Ann y yo perdamos el empleo... y me quedaré sin nada.
Why don't you go out dancing with him occasionally?
¿ Por qué no sale a bailar con él alguna vez?
You're Eddie Norris'alibi. If you were with him at the hockey game, Why don't you go to the police?
Usted es su coartada, vaya a la policía.
Don't go with him!
¡ No vayas con él!
Well, if you don't want to go to Bagdad with him, you shan't. No. Never.
Si no quieres ir con él, no irás.
Don't go with him.
No te vayas con él.
Why don't you go with him part of the way.
¿ Por qué no te vas con él parte del camino?
Just like it would be a shame if you don't marry Don and go north with him.
La pena será si no te casas con Don y te vas con él.
Don't go with him, Jeannie.
No le vayas con él, Jenny
Don't go with him.
No va con él.
Why don't you go "play" with him?
¿ Por qué no se va a a jugar con él?
Instead of fighting with each other, Why don't you go over and tangle with him?
En vez de pelearos, ¿ por qué no os enfrentáis a él?
Roark, don't go with him.
Roark, no te vayas con él.
Go ahead and go with him, but you don't stand a chance.
Adelante. Lo tienes negro.
I don't know that I can go along that far with him.
No creo que pueda ir tan lejos con él.
When a gentleman's out with me, I don't go for no table hopping from him.
Cuando alguien está conmigo, no se mueve de mi mesa.
Then don't go with him.
No vaya con él
I'll go with you. No, you don't. Listen, look around for a piece of rope and tie him up.
¡ Escúchame, busca un pedazo de cuerda y amárralo!
Then don't go appearing before him in a hobble skirt with a slit.
Entonces no aparezcas ante él con una falda con abertura.
Don't go with him.
¡ No te vayas! Déjalo estar.
- Go! I don't want to keep a man who - - If Willie goes, Father, I go with him.
No quiero mantener un hombre... si Willie se va, padre, me voy con él.
I don't want to go to Rouen with him or to Versailles or wherever.
No quiero ir a Rouen con él, ni a Versailles ni a ninguna parte.
I don't go frolicking with him while he's on duty.
No soy yo quien ha enloquecido en el cuartel con el señor mariscal.
- I don't want to go out with him.
- No quiero salir con él. - ¿ Por qué no?
If you don't want to stay with him, then go with the others.
Si no quieres estar con él, vete con los otros, ¿ no?
- Why don't you go with him?
- ¿ Por qué no vas con él?
Why don't you go to the cinema with him?
¿ Por qué no vas al cine con él?
I don't let him go, and don't you go with him, if he asks, either!
¡ Ni le dejo ir, ni voy con él aunque me lo pida!
Why don't you go with him on his way home from work?
¿ Por qué no te vas con él en su camino de vuelta del trabajo?
Why don't you go with him?
- ¿ Por qué no vas con él?
If you don't confuse him with another smell, the wolf doesn't go to the trap.
Si no haces que huela a otra cosa, el lobo no va a las trampas.
And if you go away, if you get mixed up with them again, we'll lose him and I don't think you and I can ever...
Y si te vas, si vuelves a liarte con ellos, lo perderemos. No creo que tú y yo jamás podamos...
Why don't you go with him?
¿ Por qué no vas con él?
Don't go with him, he'll be no good to you now.
No vayas con él, que ya no te puede dar nada.
- Go with uncle Marcello, go. - I don't want him.
- Vé con el tío Marcello.
Why don't you go out with him? You're such old friends.
Sois buenos amigos.
Go check Red. I don't trust him with those gold teeth.
Ve y vigila a Red, no me fío de él con esos dientes de oro.
If I don't find him we'll go with him.
Si no lo encuentro, vamos a ir con él.
We can go out with him, if you don't mind.
Si no te importa, saldremos con él.
Don't leave me alone with him! He keeps making me these propositions. Where did you go?
No debías haberme dejado a solas, me ha hecho unas proposiciones.
Your lover has been taken to mental hospital, he will no longer go out if you don't affirm you saw the flying saucer together with him.
A su amante lo han llevado al manicomio, y no podrá salir si usted no declara haber visto con él, el platillo volante.
Go with Matsuzo. Don't let him find you. Hurry!
Que te acompañe Matsuzo, pero que Hoichi no se entere.
I don't think that you can just go up to someone with a physical impairment and brutally tell them the truth and what's more, reject him for it.
Disculpe. En mi opinión no podemos acercarnos a un individuo físicamente mermado para decirle brutalmente la verdad y encima que no le admitimos sólo por ese motivo.
Isn't that right, sweetheart, that you don't want to go with him.. and that you prefer to stay with me?
¿ Verdad, tesoro, que no quieres ir con él... y que prefieres quedarte conmigo?
Well, there you go, but Master Mateo said that if you don't give them to me you will have to do with him, and you know how he gets.
Bueno, allá tú, pero Maese Mateo ha dicho que si no me las das te las tendrás que ver con él, y ya sabes como las gasta.
Either you go to a hotel or to René's house And take your cat with you, because I don't want him
Al hotel o a casa de René y te llevas tu gato, porque yo no lo quiero.
Look, Vinny, if Frank don't see things right, You might have to make a decision To go out with him or come with us.
Si Frank no ve las cosas como son tendrás que tomar la decisión de seguir con él o venir con nosotros

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