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Don't say it like that traducir español

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Don t say it like that...
No digas eso...
Don't say it like that. Say it as if you meant it.
No lo digas así, dilo de verdad.
Don't look at me like that, son. Say you forgive me. Just say it once.
No me mires de ese modo, hijo di que me perdonas.
Oh, don't say it like that.
- Ay, no lo diga así.
Say, if that's your idea of a practical joke, I don't like it.
Si ésa es su idea de una broma, no me gusta.
Don't say it like that.
No diga eso.
- Things come back to you. - Don't say it like that, Sam.
Recuerdas muchas cosas.
Don't say it like that.
No lo digas así.
No, no tenemos que hablar de él, pero me alegra, que antes del final supiera lo que es ser un hombre.
You don't usually hear a man say a thing like that... especially about his wife, so I wrote it down.
No se suele oír a un hombre decir una cosa así... especialmente sobre su esposa, así que lo anoté.
I don't like the long worse skirt, there is that to use it, if not what people will say.
No me gusta la falda larga, peor hay que usarla, si no qué dirá la gente.
And I say that I don't like it.
Y te diré que no me gusta.
Well, you don't have to say it like that.
Bueno, no hay que decirlo así.
Don't say that. It's not like you.
No que se molesté a viejo, no se queda.
Let's say I don't like my work and let it go at that.
Digamos que no me gusta mi trabajo y que ahí quede.
I know you're going to say that I'm imagining it, but... don't you think that my symptoms are rather like those of my poor wife?
¿ No cree que los síntomas son muy parecidos a los de mi mujer?
It ain't that I don't want to do like you say.
No es que no quiera hacer lo que dicen.
Oh, now don't say it like that.
Bueno, no lo digas así.
I don't quite know how to say it but there's a mature quality about her that's disturbing in a child and my husband and I thought that a school like yours where you believe in discipline and the old-fashioned virtues might, well, perhaps teach her to be more of a child.
No sé cómo decirlo. Hay en ella cierta madurez que es alarmante en una niña. Mi marido y yo pensábamos que en una escuela como la suya que exalta el orden y las virtudes básicas le enseñarían a ser más niña.
Beatrix, when you talk like that, all I can say is don't do it.
Beatriz, cuando hablas así, sólo puedo decir : "No lo hagas".
You don't have to say it like that.
No lo digas así.
Don't say it like that.
- No lo digas así.
I don't think that has anything to do with you, but I'd like to say it anyway.
No creo que tenga nada que ver contigo, pero, de todas formas, quería decirlo.
Say, like a good bredded horse, I just know that I don't live with myself if I don't get my hands on it.
Es como la atracción de un buen pura sangre, es solo que no puedo vivir conmigo mismo hasta que no posea ese animal.
I don't know what to say. It's always like that.
No sé qué decir, como siempre.
You can say what you like ON that platform of yours, But we don't want it at Jordan's.
En esa tarima habla Io que quieras, pero en Jordan " s no lo queremos.
And I was hoping you'd like it, but.... If you don't like it, we shake hands and say goodbye. It's as simple as that.
Y esperaba que te gustase, pero... si no te gusta, nos damos la mano y nos decimos adiós.
I just want to say, sir... that like you, I don't find it funny to sleep on a tomb... when it's so easy to open it and sleep inside.
Tengo que decirle, señor, que tampoco creo que sea divertido echarse encima de una tumba, cuando es tan fácil abrirla y acostarse dentro.
I don't think you should say things like that, even if it's how you feel.
Realmente. Jorge. Usted no debería decir cosas así.
It's all very well for you to say that I can get them back undetected but, well, if something goes wrong, I don't think that they would understand that you merely like to wear them for a couple of hours.
Siempre dices que no pasa nada, que nadie se va a dar cuenta pero si algún día se enteran, no creo que les parezca un atenuante el hecho de que sólo las lleves unas pocas horas antes de devolverlas.
Don't say it like that, Branko.
No digas eso, Branko.
Look, Clay. I don't like to say anything... but if it's about your arm,... you'd be better off going to a doctor than that priest.
Mira, clay, no me gusta hablar de esto... pero si es por Io de tu brazo... te haría mejor ver a un doctor que a un cura.
I think it might be awfully jolly, as you say... but don't you think it was an unpardonable liberty speaking to Rupert like that?
Creo que podría ser totalmente divertido como tú dices... pero, ¿ no crees que hablarle así a Rupert fue de un descaro imperdonable?
And if it was deliberate... and it was planned for Founder's Day... one of only three days of the year that you fire the cannon... then, sir... I don't like to say this... but obviously you were the target.
Y si fue deliberado y planeado para el Día del Fundador uno de sólo tres días al año en que usted dispara el cañón entonces, señor no me gusta decir esto pero, obviamente, usted era el objetivo.
Don't say things like that, it's a great sin!
Eso no se dice, es un pecado muy gordo.
I'm just saying I don't know... if I could say something like that... to someone if I knew it would hurt them.
Lo que quiero decir es que no sé si le pudiera decir algo así a alguien si supiera que lastimaría.
I don't find it easy to talk at a time like this, but I got to say something about that guy up there, and I can sum it all up in just one word... courage, dedication, daring, pride, pluck, spirit, grit, mettle
No es fácil hablar en una situación como ésta, pero tengo algo que decir acerca de ese tipo ahí arriba. Y lo puedo resumir en una sola palabra : Valor, dedicación, valentía, orgullo, coraje, temple, entereza y...
Don't say it like that.
No hables así.
You say that like you don't believe it.
Lo dices como si no lo creyeras.
You say, "No, I'm not gonna do it." And after that, he don't like you no more.
ustedes dirán, "No, no lo haré." y despues de eso, él no las querrá más.
It's just like that, that you say- - l don't know what to do with that.
Cuando dices... que no sabes qué hacer.
Yeah, well, we don't say it like that around the house.
¡ Sí! ¡ Bueno, así no lo decimos en casa!
Yeah, but don't say it like that.
Si, pero no lo digas asi.
- Cute. - Please don't say things like that to me. It's not proper?
guapo por favor no me diga esas cosas no es apropiado?
- Don't say it like that.
- No lo digas así.
I don't think you can say it exactly like that.
No pienso que pueda decirlo exactamente así.
It's like saying, "Don't think of elephants" and the minute you say that, they come waltzing in the door.
Es como decir, "No pienses en elefantes"... y en el momento en que dices eso, vienen a bailar el vals a la puerta.
- and at that moment it was my turn, and I didn't know what to say. I ordered baloney, even though I don't like it
Y, cuando me toca a mí, ya no sé qué decir y pido salchichas de cerdo, aunque no me gustan.
Don't say it like that, this is serious
No lo digas así, esto es serio.
When you say a thing like that it makes me think you don't love me anymore.
Cuando hablas así, parece que no me amarás más.
All right, now when you meet him, whatever you do...,... don't say "You're Hercules?", like it's a big surprise'cause frankly, he's not that much different than other men.
Muy bien, ahora cuando lo conozcas, lo que sea que hagas no digas : "¿ Eres Hércules?", como si fuera gran sorpresa porque francamente no es tan distinto de los demás.

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