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Don't you worry about me traducir español

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You don't have to worry about me.
No tienes que preocuparte por mí.
- You don't worry about me. I'll come.
- No te preocupes por mí, iré.
- You worry about me, don't you.
Estás preocupada por mí, ¿ verdad?
Don't you worry about me.
No te preocupes por mí.
Why don't you let me worry about that.
¿ Por qué no dejas que yo me preocupe de eso?
Well, I'm trying. I just wish you don't worry so much about me.
- Ya lo intento, no te preocupes.
Don't worry about practicing with somebody alive. I'll get you... "a blow me up, suck me off, fuck me" doll.
No te preocupes por practicar con alguien vivo, yo te conseguiré... una muñeca "lame, chupa, coge".
But seriously now, Fun, you know, you don't have man around, so I worry about your safety.
Pero en serio, Fun no tienes a un hombre y me preocupa tu seguridad.
I'll tell you what, why don't you worry about the food and let me worry about the power?
¿ Por qué no te preocupas por la comida y dejas que yo me ocupe de la electricidad?
Don't you worry about that, pal. Long as you're with me, no one's gonna hurt you.
No te preocupes por eso, compañero, mientras estés conmigo, nadie te hará daño.
Oh, you don't have to worry about me, Mr. Bundy.
No tiene que preocuparse por mi Sr. Bundy.
You don't have to worry about me, Dad.
No tienes que preocuparte por mí, papá.
Why don't you let me worry about that?
- Voy a cuidar de ti.
Be quiet. You don't worry about it sweetie, she's not gonna hear me!
No te preocupes, querido.
With me, you don't have to worry about that kind of shit.
Conmigo no tienes que preocuparte por eso.
You don't have to worry about me getting pregnant.
No tienes que preocuparte de que vaya a quedar embarazada.
You don't worry about me.
No te preocupes por mí.
Don't worry about picking me up, I'd like to surprise you.
No te preocupes por recogerme, me gustaría sorprenderte.
And I love you for it, but don't worry about me.
Pero no te preocupes por mí.
It's OK, Cory, you don't have to worry about me.
Está bien, Cory, no tienes que preocuparte por mí.
You don't have to worry about me.
Y no te preocupes por mí.
Don't you worry about me, Hercules.
- No te preocupes por mí, Hércules.
You don't worry about him getting hurt?
- ¿ No te preocupa que salga herido? - Si me preocupa.
Well, don't worry about your cut. I'll break you off a piece.
No te preocupes no te me desmorones.
I fell in love with you without knowing how lonely it would be to live without you after you're gone. Now that I'm going to die first, I don't have to worry about it.
Me enamoré de ti sin saber lo solo que iba a sentirme viviendo sin ti una vez que te fueras, pero, ahora que voy a morir antes, ya no es un problema.
But you don't have to worry about me because I'm going to be fine.
Sé que te preocupas por mí. Pero no lo hagas. Estoy bien.
No, no, no, don't you worry about that, Roy. You pay me the money whenever you get it,'cause I know you are good for it.
No te preocupes por eso Roy me das el dinero cuando lo consigas porque se que eres bueno para eso.
At midnight, I don't have to worry about turning into no Klumpkin. Now if you don't mind, I have a date at the alumni ball, and you have a date with linoleum.
Ahora, me tengo que ir al baile, y tú al linóleo.
Don't you worry about me!
¡ No te preocupes por mí!
You don't have to worry about me!
¡ Estare bien!
- Don't worry about it,'cause anytime you want to give me anything, just let me know,'cause if I had to do it all over again,
Bien Siento haberte contagiado No te preocupes, cada vez que quieras darme algo hazmelo saber
Don't you worry about a thing.
¿ Me pondré bien?
You don't have to worry about me anymore.
Ya no tendrás que preocuparte más por mí, ¿ vale?
No, no. Don't you worry about me.
No te preocupes por mí.
Don't worry about me, you've got the tough part.
No se preocupen por mí, Uds. tienen la parte difícil.
Because I know what you're planning to do but don't worry, I don't give a damn about the Celestial Temple or your non-corporeal feuds.
- Sé lo que estás planeando. No me importan vuestros feudos incorpóreos.
Oh, don't you worry about me.
Oh, no te preocupes por mí.
I'm going to be just fine, and you don't worry about me.
Estaré bien, no te preocupes por mí.
Don't give me a reason to use this, Charlie, and you got nothin'to worry about. Fine.
No me des razon para usar esto, y tú no tienes de que preocuparte.
Oh, don't you worry about me.
No te preocupes por mí.
I just wanted to say, you don't have to worry about me... because I'm never gonna have sex.
Sólo quería decirte que no te preocupes por mí... porque nunca tendré relaciones sexuales.
You don't have to worry about getting fancy from me.
Descuida, yo no me pondré difícil.
Look... you don't gotta worry about me getting tanked or getting into fights anymore, sir.
Oiga. No tendrá que preocuparse más por mis borracheras o mis golpizas.
You don't have to worry about me, brother.
No tienes que preocuparte por mí, hermano.
Don't you worry about me.
No os preocupéis por mí.
Don't you worry about me, Goldie.
No te preocupes por mí, Goldie.
I don't want you to ever worry about me.
No quiero que estés triste por mí.
You don't have to worry about me.
Usted no tiene que preocuparse por mí.
Don't you worry about a thing, Gran. I'm gonna take care of all of you.
No te preocupes por nada, abuela, me haré cargo de todos ustedes.
" I don't know how the guns work but one older man, his name was Pista Baczi, he says'Don't worry about it, I'm going to teach you! '
" Yo no sabía cómo funcionaban las armas pero un hombre mayor, su nombre era Pista Baczi, me dice'¡ No te preocupes, yo te enseño!
Girl, you don't have to worry about me. I'm made of steel.
No tienes que preocuparte por mí. Soy de acero.

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