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Doorbell buzzes traducir español

43 traducción paralela
Good-bye. [Doorbell buzzes]
Vince, please don't make us go out tonight. Why not? [Doorbell buzzes]
- Es mejor que nos quedemos en casa.
- [Doorbell Buzzes] - Yeah, well, there's the beer.
Bueno, deben ser las cervezas...
- [Doorbell Buzzes] - The beer!
La cerveza...
[DOORBELL BUZZES] lf that's R.B. for the donation remember, you are a millionaire of very limited means.
Si es R.B. para el donativo recuerda, eres un millonario de recursos muy limitados.
Funny how men change. [DOORBELL BUZZES]
Es curioso cómo cambian los hombres.
As a matter of fact, I did see him. [DOORBELL BUZZES]
De hecho, le vi.
Did you vote for him? ( Doorbell buzzes )
- ¿ Usted votó por él?
( Doorbell buzzes ) - Let's...
- ¿ Abrimos?
( doorbell buzzes )
¿ Qué quieres?
- [Doorbell Buzzes]
No se mueva.
Do you think I could bear the thought of him holding you in his arms- kissing you, loving you? - [Doorbell Buzzes]
¿ Crees que podría soportar el saberte en sus brazos besándote, amándote?
- If you have any questions regarding the test, give me - - [Doorbell Buzzes]
Si tiene alguna pregunta, llámeme- -
- [Doorbell Buzzes ] - [ Steele] Coming.!
Ya voy.
[Doorbell buzzes]
¡ Si, un minuto!
Beautiful. [Doorbell Buzzes] Who would come here?
Precios @. ¿ Quién habrá venido hasta aquí?
Quiet. [Doorbell Buzzes]
- [doorbell buzzes] - That's her.
Es ella.
( doorbell buzzes ) God.
( doorbell buzzes )
Es vivir con ello.
[Doorbell buzzes]
[Doorbell buzzes]
Oh, right, vicar in a strip club, whose idea was that? DOORBELL BUZZES Her idea.
Bien, un vicario en un club de striptease ¿ A quién se le ocurre? Es idea de ella.
- ( DOORBELL BUZZES ) - I think Jessa's here.
Creo que Jessa está aquí.
- ( DOORBELL BUZZES ) - Who's here at midnight?
¿ Quién está aquí a medianoche?
[doorbell buzzes]
[Zumba timbre]
( doorbell buzzes )
( zumbidos timbre )
They're not stupid enough to ring on the front door bell... DOORBELL BUZZES
No son lo tan estúpidos como para tocar el timbre...
Uhh... [doorbell buzzes]
Uhh... [Timbre zumba]
( doorbell buzzes )
( suena el timbre de la puerta )
( doorbell buzzes )
( suena el timbre )
If his church were to ask the editor... [doorbell buzzes]
Si su iglesia se lo pide al director.
[Doorbell buzzes]
Creo que podría ayudarle.
[DOORBELL BUZZES] I'll get it.
Ya voy yo.
( doorbell buzzes ) Oh, no, sir.
- No me diga que es una amiga para usted.
( doorbell buzzes )
¡ Georgie!
( doorbell buzzes )
- Escóndase.
[Doorbell buzzes] Excuse me just for a second.
Din... [doorbell buzzes] Dink, you're... Hello?
Dime, no... ¿ hola?
( doorbell buzzes ) I'll get it.
Yo abro.
- [Doorbell Buzzes] - Damn!
- Rayos.
[doorbell buzzes] FBI. Detective Santos?
FBI. ¿ Detective Santos?
[doorbell buzzing ] [ lock buzzes]

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