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Etta traducir español

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Starts with George And ends with etta
Empieza por "Giorg"... y termina por "etta".
Where did all these people come from?
ide dónde tale toda etta 9ente?
Do you want to go back this evening?
iQUielet le9letal etta MitMa noche?
Etta, call Diana at the Officers'Club theater.
Etta, llama a Diana al Club de Oficiales.
- General, it's Etta.
- General, soy Etta.
- Pull yourself together, Etta.
- Controla tus nervios, Etta.
Etta told me what happened, but this is not over yet.
Etta me dijo lo que pasaba, pero esto todavía no termina.
- It's simple, Etta.
- Es algo simple.
It's no use, Etta.
No tiene caso, Etta.
You are mine, Etta Place.
Eres mía, Etta Place.
- Hell'l swear'Etta'I don't know.
- Te juro, Etta, no lo sé.
We are involved'Etta. Don't you know that?
Estás conmigo, Etta. ¿ No lo sabes?
You remember the time you and me and Etta went to Denver that summer for a vacation?
¿ Recuerdas ese verano que tú y yo y Etta fuimos a Denver de vacaciones?
Etta had roast beef and I had chicken.
Etta comió carne asada y yo pollo.
Oye, Etta.
It's on the tip of my tongue, Etta. I swear it.
La tengo en la punta de la lengua, Etta. Te lo juro.
You're a good teacher'Etta.
Eres buena maestra, Etta.
Whatever you want'Etta.
Lo que tú quieras, Etta.
Etta's thinking of maybe goin'home ahead of us.
Etta está pensando en volverse a casa antes que nosotros.
Etta Grossman-Wise.
Etta Grossman-Wise.
Etta Wise.
Wise Etta.
Marielle, I've explained to Etta that this will is valid in all respects.
Marielle, le he explicado a Etta que este testamento es válido.
You know something, Etta, your husband is right.
¿ Sabes qué, Etta? Tu marido tiene razón.
It's very kind of you to make time in your busy schedule for me, Etta.
Le agradezco que me haga un hueco en su apretada agenda.
Why didn't you come forward, Etta?
¿ Por qué no siguió adelante, Etta?
Okay, about the will, Etta.
Respecto al testamento, Etta.
You see, Joanna's, uh, cousin Gitte... is apparently a rather large woman so she needs two seats.
Verás, la prima de Joanna, Etta, es aparentemente una mujer algo grande, así que necesita dos asientos.
I placed a call to Etta Mae Alexander in Houston.
Llamé a Etta Mae Alexander a Houston.
¿ Etta?
Laundry's like death and taxes, Etta.
La ropa sucia es como la muerte y los impuestos.
¡ Etta!
Hold on, Etta.
Espera, Etta.
Etta's hurt bad.
Etta está malherida.
This is the accompanying letter.
- iLO Ve? AaUí ettá la Calta.
There's Angela!
iAaUí ettá Án9ela!
Mummy, where is your little comb?
mami, idÓnde ettá tU peine?
- Where is it?
- iDÓnde ettá?
Now where did I put my little bag?
iDÓnde ettá ahOla M i bOltO peaUeñO?
Where's the list?
iDÓnde ettá la litta?
There's 21!
iAhí ettá el 21!
Where is he?
iDÓnde ettá él?
But where is he?
pelo idÓnde ettá?
So, where's your moon?
iDÓnde ettá tU luna?
Where are you, Schmitt?
SChMitt, idÓnde ettá?
- How long've you been at the garage?
- iDetde cuándo ettá en el 9alaje?
Is the colonel still in Berlin?
iAÚn ettá el Sl. COlOnel en Bellín?
They're in order.
todo ettá en le9la.
That's a laugh.
QUelel ettá muy bien.
Where's your motorcycle?
iDÓnde ettá tU motocicleta?
How did you end up on the Hamburg highway?
iPOl aUé ettá en la carretera hacia Hamburgo?

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