Except for this one traducir español
222 traducción paralela
I tell you, mother's all right, except for this one bug...
Mamá sólo tiene un fallo.
This she gave to me and it has brought me luck ever since.. .. except for this one hour..
Esto me lo dio ella, y me ha dado suerte desde entonces... excepto ahora.
True. Except for this one.
Verdad, excepto por una cosa.
AII except for this one misfit.
Todos, excepto este inadaptado.
Except for this one thing when I played Sinatra, have I ever even thought about performing a song.
Excepto una vez que interpreté a Sinatra. ¿ He pensado alguna vez en cantar una canción?
The entire house is clear except for this one place.
Toda la casa está limpia menos este lugar.
Oh, except for this one.
Oh, Excepto En esta.
They are all being cleaned, except for this one.
Las he prestado. Póngase cómodo.
Look, before you start blaming me for everything, I just wanted you to know that I've always had Gracie's best interest at heart. And I think I've done a pretty good job with her, except for this one measly little dead friend thing.
Antes de que comience a culparme de todo quiero que sepa que siempre he querido lo mejor para Gracie y creo que lo he hecho bien, excepto eso de la amiga muerta.
Except for this one thing- -
Con una sola excepción...
Except for this one over here.
A excepción de éste.
Except for this one.
Sí, excepto ésta.
" Immunity's the same except for this one note.
La inmunidad es lo mismo excepto por esta nota.
I remember this one time you were drunk and telling me how crappy your childhood was Except for this one summer you spent on the Maryland coast Where there was clean air and friendly people
Una vez estabas borracho y dijiste que tu infancia fue triste menos por un verano que pasaste en Maryland, donde había aire limpio y gente amable.
And they were all arranged like that, except for this one.
Y todos estaban organizados así, excepto por éste.
Completely unarmed... except for your golden curls, brown eyes and your dimples... you've captured an entire regiment - this one.
Y completamente desarmada, Excepto por los bucles de oro ojos marrones y sus hoyuelos, que han cautivado a un regimiento entero.
thoroughly stymied... except for one vitally important lead... this face, this name, this man... is still alive.
Excepto por una pista de importancia vital. Este rostro, este nombre... este hombre sigue vivo.
This morning, when the police transferred your call, it sounded like one of the 156 we get from crackpots every day. I wouldn't have bother about it. I would've forgotten it, except if Miss Courtland hasn't to be an ideal target for a confidence game.
Esta mañana, cuando la policía transfirió su llamada, parecía una de las 156 que recibimos de locos todos los días,... no la habría atendido, la habría olvidado, pero la Srta. Courtland parece ser el blanco ideal para un golpe como éste.
This effort began six months ago in Portoverto, where we were all to board the ship for Africa. And they were my... associates, In a quest for uranium, an element not one of them knew the first thing about except they'd heard you could get dough for it.
Esa empresa comenzó hace 6 meses en Portoverto, donde íbamos a tomar un barco para África, y ellos eran mis... socios en la búsqueda de uranio, un elemento del que ninguno sabía una palabra, excepto que habían oído que se podía sacar pasta con él.
You don't come into this one way or the other, except for plain meddling.
Esto no tiene nada que ver con usted, excepto por puro entrometimiento.
Except for this floor and the one above, which we sealed off for security purposes, the rest functions normally.
Con la excepción de este piso y del de arriba, que hemos cerrado por seguridad, el resto funciona normalmente.
She doesn't know why she insisted on a ship for this voyage except that it would give them some time and she'd never been on one before, certainly never one like thelady anne.
O al menos es lo que Eileen Ransome piensa. Ella no sabe por qué insistió en un barco para este viaje salvo que les daría algo de tiempo y ella nunca lo había tenido antes, ciertamente nunca como en el Lady Anne.
No one has been near my private parts except for this old lady I met on the bus.
Nadie se ha acercado a mis partes íntimas... salvo una anciana que conocí en el autobús.
You see, except for the hinges, which are a little shaky, this whole thing is in one piece.
Salvo las bisagras que están flojas está entera.
There is a legend that says it is safe to take home anything from nature, except for one thing - this is called dead man's flourish.
Según una leyenda, es seguro llevarse a casa cualquier... planta del campo, salvo una : el aspaviento del muerto.
Excellent, Pierre. And could you summon the passengers to me here, one by one in this order, except for the Princess Dragomiroff, who is not only of royal blood, but also much older than she tries not to look.
Puede traerme a los pasajeros en este orden, excepto a la princesa... que es realeza y además es mucho mayor de lo que desea aparentar.
Except for one note of thanks from this reporter to Mr. Steele... for his cooperation in bringing this story to you.
Salvo por una nota de agradecimiento de esta reportera al Sr. Steele, por su cooperación en esta historia.
Except for that one time I clipped this dude's old lady crossing against the light... but that wasrt my fault.
Salvo la vez que atropellé a su madre... mientras cruzaba en rojo.
On this planet, except for us, no-one survived.
En este planeta, a excepción de nosotros, nadie sobrevivió.
Yeah, this is my day, except for one thing.
Sí, este es mi día, excepto por una cosa.
hold out your hands this sword shall lead you to the one you seek well, except for these jewel this sword looks exactly like mine's!
Extiende tus manos Esta espada te guiará hacia aquel que buscas Bueno, excepto por esta joya
Ma'am, there is just one other thing, and I wouldn't even begin to bring it up... except for this funny mix-up over the bodies.
Sra. Vernon, hay otra cosa. Jamás la hubiera mencionado de no ser por ese extraño cambio de cadáveres.
I called this morning and canceled the papers except for Sundays, for your puzzles. You'll still get that one.
Esta mañana llamé y cancelé los periódicos excepto el del domingo, por los juegos de ingenio.
I suppose my only regret is that except for Sembagare, I have no one to share this with.
Mi único pesar es que salvo Sembagare, no puedo compartirlo con nadie,
Now, this particular coin, the one in my hand... same as all the other coins, except for one thing.
Ahora, esta moneda en particular, la que tengo en mi mano, es igual a todas las otras monedas, excepto por una cosa.
From now on, no one will have access to this room except for you and me.
A partir de ahora, nadie tendrá acceso a este cuarto excepto tú y yo.
I've never really told anybody this, except for one person.
Eso nunca se lo he dicho a nadie. Bueno, a una persona.
Here in this haven of Wildfell, I feel almost free at last, except for one haunting care, the dread of discovery. After all that has befallen me, it is hard to revisit the spirit of my youth.
Aquí, en este paraíso de Wildfell, me siento casi libre al fin, excepto por una preocupación inquietante.
I do not remember one thing that happened that entire month... except for this needle artist.
No recuerdo nada de lo que ocurrió todo ese mes con excepción de este artista.
3 : 00 a.m. Uh, for every room except this one.
A las 3 : 00 a.m. Para todos los cuartos excepto éste.
No one enters this area except for my crime scene guys.
No quiero que nadie entre en la escena fuera de mis especialistas.
Oh well that's fine, Nicolai, except for the fact that this is supposed to be a bloody violent bloodbath. No one is going to believe that this guy is getting eaten by an escalator if we don't do the closeups of the torso popping open and the organs getting squashed.
Ey, esto se supone que debe ser un baño de sangre y nadie va a creerse que este tipo es comido por la escalera mecánica si no hacemos la tomas del torso siendo abierto y con las visceras por fuera.
This is such a dull post to be imprisoned on. I have no one for company except an old aristocrat and a callow youth. It does me such good to speak with a man at last.
Me han encerrado en una carcel tan aburrida, que estoy sin compañia excepto un viejo aristocrata y un... un inmaduro jovenzuelo, me siento tan bien... al hablar, por fin, con un hombre.
Everything in this station's fine except for three outstanding problems every one to do with you.
Todo en la comisaría está bien a excepción de tres problemas pendientes, los tres relacionados contigo.
This affidavit states that... except for Vikram Sinha, Prabhakar and Ranjit Kumar, there, s no one... who is a close relative of the deceased Siddhant Rai
Esta declaración jurada indica eso... a excepción de Vikram Sinha, Prabhakar y Ranjit Kumar, hay nadie... quién es un pariente cercano del Siddhant difunto Rai
This old shelter's made a good hideout except for one thing- - the tunnels twist so much
Este viejo refugio ha sido un buen escondite, excepto por una cosa.
She's the one responsible for this. Nobody's responsible for this except for whatever did it.
Ella tiene la culpa.
I mean, except for my boss, Duncan Flynn, one of the foremost astrophysicists in the world... and maybe two or three of his colleagues, nobody knows much about the possibility of planets in this star system yet.
Quiero decir, excepto mi jefe, Duncan Flynn... uno de los astrofísicos más importantes del mundo... y quizá dos o tres colegas suyos... nadie sabe nada sobre la existencia de planetas en este sistema.
Except in this case for two nuns, who in 1923 met the man and believed so much in him and his dream that they invested money no one knew they had.
Solo que en este caso, había dos monjas que en 1923 lo conocieron y creyeron tanto en él y en su sueño que invirtieron dinero que nadie sabía que tenían.
I mean, except for that little kung fu kick out there you've made this experience a very pleasant one.
A pesar de la patada de kung fu hiciste que esta experiencia fuera agradable.
Tom, look, before this hurricane hit I recalled all exercises except for one a six-man Ranger team and their Black Hat out in the bush.
Tom, mira, antes que nos azote este huracán... Revoqué todos los ejercicios menos uno... Un equipo Ranger de 6 hombres y a su líder en el monte.
except for you 175
except for us 19
except for me 72
except for her 17
except for 89
except for him 16
except for one thing 106
except for one 63
except for that 35
except for the 24
except for us 19
except for me 72
except for her 17
except for 89
except for him 16
except for one thing 106
except for one 63
except for that 35
except for the 24
except for this 43
this one 1756
this one's on me 62
this one's for you 107
this one's on the house 18
this one right here 36
this one's nice 16
this one's different 27
this one here 92
this one is for you 16
this one 1756
this one's on me 62
this one's for you 107
this one's on the house 18
this one right here 36
this one's nice 16
this one's different 27
this one here 92
this one is for you 16