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Feed him traducir español

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Did you feed him yet?
¿ Ya le has dado de comer?
I'm the one getting up at night to feed him change him, rock him back to sleep.
Soy yo quien se levantará para darle el pecho cambiarle y acunarlo hasta que se duerma.
He thought that if he could feed him enough negative reinforcement... he could strip them of their morality.
Creía que si podía alimentarlo con suficiente refuerzo negativo podría despojarlo de su moralidad.
I mean feed him Haha.
Digo a darle de comer. haha
This says we should feed him eggs and olive oil to ensure a glossy coat.
Dice que le demos muchos huevos y aceite de oliva para que le brille el pelaje.
- We'll feed him.
- Que cene aquí.
What'll we feed him?
¿ Qué le damos de cenar?
( Loretta ) I can feed him if you like.
Puedo alimentarle si quieres.
Let him be fed by a deaf mute... but feed him well.
Que lo alimente un sordomudo... pero aliméntenlo bien.
You know what, maybe - You know what, I'll feed him.
Ya sé. Le daré de comer.
Would you forget to feed him? Never.
¿ olvidaría darle de comer?
With the mess in the hall, maybe someone kidnapped her before she could feed him.
Viendo como está el vestíbulo, quizá la secuestraron antes de poder darle de comer.
I have to feed him.
Tengo que alimentarlo.
I feed him with ham sanwiches and hay.
Le doy de comer emparedado de Huevo y Heno
- You want me to feed him?
- ¿ Quieres que lo alimente?
You feed him he'll never leave.
Si lo alimentas, jamás se irá.
Did they say feed him now or later?
¿ Dijeron que lo alimentáramos ahora o más tarde?
I don't know what you feed him, but where can I get some?
No sé qué le dan de comer, pero, ¿ dónde lo venden?
Maybe forget to feed him.
Se le olvidaría darle de comer.
Ladies, feed him to the crabs.
Señoras, echenlo a los cangrejos.
I intend to feed him well.
Quiero que coma bien.
Feed him with apricocks and dewberries with purple grapes, green figs and mulberries.
Aliméntenlo de albaricoques y bayas con uvas moradas, higos verdes y moras.
Couldn't feed him?
¿ No tenían?
What did they feed him?
Que le diste de comer?
Always change him, always feed him!
Siempre cambiándolo y dándole de comer.
I want you to make this man a guest in your own home, and make him feel like he can use a place- - and don't feed him to Mommy.
Quiero que conozcas a este hombre, un invitado. Hazle sentir como si pudiera estar aquí.
Don't feed him to grandmother. Don't feed him to Joyce.
No se lo des de comer a mamá ni a la abuela ni a Joyce.
He loved to eat. And I tell you, you could not feed him enough.
Le encantaba comer, os aseguro... que nunca tenia suficiente.
You just make his favorite dishes and feed him yourself.
Usted hace a su plato favorito y lo alimenta usted mismo.
And Gang was hiding. Underneath the house, please feed him.
Gang estaba escondido debajo de la casa, dale la comida por favor.
Well, you could just leave him up there and not feed him for a couple of days.
Podrias dejarlo ahi sin alimento durante un par de dias.
I say we force-feed him his sombrero.
Yo digo que le obliguemos a comerse su sombrero.
If he's wired, it's doing jack shit because all we feed him is deliberate bullshit till we can, you know....
Si está pinchado da igual. Sólo le pasamos tonterías... ... hasta que podamos, ya sabes...
Maybe you could show- - What's the proper way to feed him? .
Quizás puedas mostrarme- - Cual es la mejor forma de alimentarlo?
Now you... you sit him back down, and you feed him his supper.
Ahora tú... siéntate a sus espaldas, y dale de comer su cena.
- No, I want to feed him.
- No, quiero darle de comer.
So feed him.
Entonces dale de comer.
He has to feed him, when he himself hasn't eaten food in centuries.
Tiene que alimentarlo, cuando él mismo no ha comido en siglos.
Feed him to the pigs, Errol.
Échalo a los cerdos, Errol.
Are you gonna feed him?
- Lo vas a alimentar?
Costs a fortune to feed him.
Cuesta una fortuna alimentarlo.
After hyenas feed and rest, they will track the missing member until they find him.
Tras comer y descansar las hienas rastrean a la que falta hasta encontrarla.
Then disembowel him and feed his innards to the crows!
¡ Y después despellejadle y dadle sus entrañas a los cuervos!
And feed them to him?
¿ Y hacer que se las devore?
Therefore, my lord, it highly us concerns by day and night... to attend him carefully... and feed his humor kindly as we may... till time beget some careful remedy.
es importante atenderlo todo el tiempo y tratarlo con el mayor de los cuidados hasta hallar remedio.
I went to the prison every day and did what I could for him, but I had barely enough to feed myself.
Gastos anuales, 20,6. Resultado : miseria.
We need him alive to feed the fire... keep alive the story that all our problems are being caused by aliens.
Lo necesitamos vivo para avivar el fuego... para mantener la historia de que todos nuestros problemas los causaban ustedes.
Eventually, talk to him... but right now, help me get the rest of this stuff so we can feed those people.
Eventualmente, hablar con él, pero ahora mismo, ayúdame a buscar el resto de las cosas para alimentar a esta gente.
The girl from next door Leonie Viner, found him when she looked in to feed the cat.
La chica de al lado, Leonie Viner, lo encontró cuando vino a alimentar al gato.
I'll feed it to Buddy. It'll make him so young.
Primero, actúa como un loco y cancela la boda.
And you don't feed him.
Tú no lo alimentas.

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