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Female voice traducir español

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( female voice ) I've turned this place inside out to find a secret passageway for them
Revisé este lugar de arriba a abajo para encontrar un pasadizo secreto por donde...
( female voice ) If I get in there, I'll die!
- ¡ Si entró ahí, voy a morir!
( FEMALE VOICE ) Space Station Nerva, this is the Earth High Minister.
Hola, Estación Espacial Nerva.
RECORDED FEMALE VOICE : Final warning. Final warning.
"Aviso final, aviso final."
( Female voice ) You know, i have some candles ; maybe we can light them.
"Yo llevaba unas velas casualmente y las encendimos"
( raised female voice through the wall )
( voz hembra levantada por la pared )
She was convinced that Astra was responsible for, characteristically, the treble frequencies were accentuated, the instrumental backing to the song had been tuned out and only the high-pitched female voice was audible.
Estaba convencida de que Astra era responsable, por sus características, las frecuencias de agudos estaban acentuadas, el acompañamiento musical estaba desafinado y solo se oía la voz femenina de tono alto.
[In female voice] " I can't, Garson.
"No puedo, Garson. Lo necesito. Oh, yo...".
FEMALE voice :
- Disculpe, señor Richards...
[Female Voice] I want to report a murder.
- Quiero denunciar un asesinato.
[Female Voice] My name's not important.
Mi nombre no importa.
[Female Voice] I want to report a murder.
Quiero denunciar un asesinato.
female voice : ANYTHING YOU LIKE.
¿ Algo especial?
Yo creo que es mejor a oscuras.
There is a female voice asking if we want room service.
Hay una voz de hembra que pregunta si queremos algún servicio.
- ( FEMALE VOICE ) But, Ace, it's suicidel
- ¡ Pero, Ace, eso es suicida!
( electronic female voice ) Mag-Lev engaged.
MagLev activada. Tome asiento para evitar lesiones.
( female voice ) What follows are classified photos.
Lo que sigue son fotos confidenciales.
Sounds like trouble ahead. Female voice, we're going to check it out.
Escuchamos gritos aquí, vamos a chequear...
I thought you'd pay more attention to a female voice.
Pensé que le prestaría más atención a una voz femenina.
( female voice ) Hydraulic systems activated.
Instalacion hidraulica activada.
( female voice ) S.m.r. Module Beginning orientation.
Módulo S.M.R. inicia orientación.
( female voice ) Blood replacement Systems online.
sistemas de reemplazo de sangre en línea.
[Recording : Female Voice] To continue talking, please deposit 1 0 cents.
Para seguir hablando, deposite 10 centavos.
I think you would be surprised at how a tortured, impassioned female voice can soothe an achy-breaky heart.
Te sorprendería saber cuánto alivia a un corazón herido la voz atormentada y apasionada de una diva.
[Electronic Female Voice] You have a video phone call.
Tienes una videoconferencia.
I really loved hearing such a distinctive female voice.
Leerla llenó mis oídos de una voz femenina destructiva.
I've been trying to get a female voice in the band, anyway.
Hace tiempo que busco una cantante para el conjunto.
[Female voice] Warning, orbital integrity compromised.
Advertencia : Integridad orbital en peligro.
Siempre con cambios.
The acoustic voice of the individual, male or female!
Si es hombre o mujer.
. how fragile your female nature is and shout "no" to the people selling guns, you must respond to the lies of reactionary prophets of doom with a unanimous voice and shout from the bottom of your motherly and wifely hearts.
Tenéis que responder a las mentiras de los profetas de la reacción... con un grito unánime desde vuestro corazón de madre y de esposa.
( female recorded voice ) THIS IS THE SPECIAL OPERATOR.
Esta es la operadora especial.
¡ Los veré a todos en un mes!
( WITH VOICE OF FEMALE ) Tell Mr. tripe to stop the trumpet ;
Así no se puede seguir.
I said : " The voice of the female announcer was shrill and annoying.
Dije que la voz de la anunciante era chillona y molesta.
Was the voice of a male or a female?
¿ Era hombre o mujer?
Male or female's voice?
¿ De un hombre o una mujer?
- [Man # 2 Speaking Polish ] - [ Man # 1 Continues ] [ Female Interpreter, In French] He was 13 1 / 2 years old. He had a lovely singing voice and we heard him.
Varias veces a la semana, cuando había que alimentar los conejos del corral SS, Simón Srebnik, vigilado remontaba el río Ner en una embarcación hasta los confines del pueblo, hacia los prados de alfalfa.
( female electronic voice ) Please wait for full stop.
Esoere hasta que se detenga.
( female electronic voice ) Mag-Lev engaged.
Mag-Lev encendido.
( female voice ) Bridge.
[Female Electronic Voice] Code accepted. Jarod, Jeff Baytos... decontamination and facilities specialist.
Jarod, él es Jeff Baytos especialista en descontaminación y seguridad.
( female electronic voice ) Spectra imaging process successful.
Proceso de imagen de espectro exitoso.
[Female Electronic Voice] I'll scratch you.
You may look like a female, but do something about that voice.
Pareces una hembra, pero tienes que hacer algo con esa voz.
[Electronic Female Voice] Hello, Marge.
Hola, Marge.
Can you get audio on the voice, male or female?
¿ Puedes saber si la voz es de hombre o de mujer?
The voice you heard, was that a male or a female?
La voz que oyó, ¿ era de hombre o de mujer?
I heard a female's voice getting off the boat and I didn't know who it was, and then, when I took a glimmer and looked, it was Lill- - TIJUANA : I could tell by her hat.
Oí la voz de una mujer que bajaba de la barca, y no sabía quién era, y luego, hubo un resplandor, miré, y era Lill, me di cuenta por el sombrero, y dije "¡ Lill!"
[Radio static ] [ Female voice] :
¡ Ayuda!

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