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Fozzie traducir español

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And now, filling in for the vacationing El Sleezo dancing girls... the funny, furry, fabulous... Fozzie Bear!
Y ahora, en reemplazo de las coristas de El Sleezo, que están de vacaciones, el divertido, fabuloso y peludo oso Figaredo.
Here I am, Fozzie Bear, to tell you jokes both old and rare!
Soy el oso Figaredo y les contaré algunos chistes viejos y otros nuevos.
You know, Fozzie, you really do have a lot of talent.
Figaredo, tienes mucho talento.
- French-fried frog legs, barbecued - Oh, Fozzie.
Ancas de rana fritas a la parrilla
- Let's go, Fozzie.
- Vámonos. - ¿ 500 dólares?
- $ 500? Would you consider a bear in a frog suit? - Fozzie!
¿ Le interesaría un oso disfrazado de rana?
- Just get it in gear, Fozzie!
Arranca, Figaredo.
Fozzie, turn left if you come to a fork in the road.
En el mapa hay dibujado un tenedor.
- Hey, Fozzie, look up ahead.
- Mira eso.
- Listen, why don't we just go... - Fozzie? - Yeah?
Escucha, ¿ por qué no vamos...?
Fozzie, where did you learn to drive?
- ¿ Dónde aprendiste a conducir?
- Fozzie...
- Figaredo.
Listen, see, Kermit here was living in the swamp. - Fozzie... - Then a fisherman came along.
René vivía feliz en un pantano, hasta que llegó un pescador.
" Figaredo :
Kermit and Fozzie come walkin down the aisle... to the thunderously loud music... of Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem. "
"René y Figaredo atraviesan el pasillo " acompañados de la estruendosa música "del Dr. Diente y Caos Eléctrico".
Movin'right along, Fozzie.
Allá vamos.
- What? - Fozzie, they're right behind us!
- Nos están pisando los talones.
- Get down, Fozzie. - Yes, sir.
Escóndete, Figaredo.
Fozzie, look at that funny little truck. - Yeah.
- Mira que camioncito más raro.
- Moving right along, Fozzie.
Salió corriendo. Vamos.
- Watch where you're going now, Fozzie.
Mira por dónde vas.
- Not right now, Fozzie.
- Ahora no.
- Step on it, Fozzie. - Yes, sir.
Aprieta el acelerador.
He's caught in a crosswind, Fozzie. We're gonna lose him.
Tiene viento de costado.
Stay with him, Fozzie. He's right above us.
Está justo encima de nosotros.
- Fozzie, come back in here!
- No te asomes. - ¿ Qué?
- Take off, Fozzie! - Yes, sir!
Arranca, Figaredo.
- Fozzie, take those wagons out of there. Yes, sir.
Saquen esos vagones de ahí.
- Thank you. See, in this film, me and Fozzie play crack investigative reporters for The Daily Chronicle.
En la peli, Fozzie y yo somos periodistas de investigación para The Daily Chronicle.
Well, that's cos Fozzie's not wearing his hat.
Eso es porque Fozzie no lleva el sombrero.
Fozzie, put your hat back on.
I'll tell you what, Fozzie, since you're such an investigative reporter, you figure it out.
Fozzie, ya que eres un periodista de investigación estupendo, averígualo tú.
- I'm Fozzie.
- Fozzie soy yo.
Yes, sir.
- Fozzie.
Fozzie, this is all very embarrassing.
Esto me da mucha vergüenza.
Well, Fozzie, I figure this is something that I have to do alone.
Fozzie, creo que debo hacer esto solo.
- Fozzie?
- Fozzie.
- You look fine, Fozzie.
- Estás estupendo.
Fozzie, are you OK?
Fozzie, ¿ te encuentras bien?
Don't worry because I've got Gonzo and Fozzie and all our friends from the Happiness Hotel to help.
No te preocupes, cuento con Gonzo y Fozzie y todos nuestros amigos del hotel Felicidad.
- Hey, Fozzie... - Sh.
Fozzie, how do we get in?
Fozzie, ¿ cómo entramos?
Here's one from Fozzie.
Ésta es de Fozzie.
Hi, I'm Fozzie.
"Hola, soy Fozzie."
Hi, Fozzie!
"¡ Hola, Fozzie!"
That's Gonzo. That's Fozzie. That's Rowlf and Scooter.
"Él es Gonso, y él Fozzie, Rowlf y Scooter."
Homer, I've got a Fozzie of a bear of a problem.
Tengo un problema como el oso Yogui de grande.
Fozzie, tell me again.
Fozzie, dime otra vez.
- Stop, Fozzie.
- Stop, Fozzie.
- Fozzie, bear left.
- Oso, izquierda.
Hey, Fozzie.

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