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French fries traducir español

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$ 3 for this, with a couple of French fries.
Tres dólares por esto, con un par de patatas fritas. Qué estafa.
I'd like to go places tonight and have a big time, order a double-decker hamburger with onions, a side order of French fries and a double chocolate malt.
Me gustaría salir esta noche y pasarlo a lo grande... Pedir una hamburguesa doble patatas fritas y un batido con extra de chocolate.
The French fries are all soggy.
Las patatas se quedaron zapateras.
You're comfy without French fries.
Lo eres a pesar de las patatas.
2-inch-thick steaks, French fries, and a big salad.
Un filete, patatas y ensalada.
Hey, Vicky. Steak, French fries, you and me, remember?
- Filete, patatas. ¿ Te acuerdas?
I'll take you out to the Cliff House, and we'll have shrimp cocktail... and a steak and French fries and a little wine.
Te llevaré a la Casa del Risco. Comeremos cóctel de camarones... bistec y papas fritas.
I'll take you out to the Cliff House, and we'll have shrimp cocktail... and steak and French fries and a little wine. You know, the whole mishmash.
Cenaremos cóctel de camarones... bistec y papas fritas, beberemos vino... y toda la cosa.
- Waitress, some more french fries?
- Camarera, más papas fritas?
And good French fries.
Y patatas fritas muy buenas.
A big plate of French fries and a malt.
Un gran plato de papas fritas y un batido.
Why are you eating French fries?
¿ Por qué comes patatas fritas?
Bring us French fries, And not cabbage, Or half-raw meat.
* Danos muchas papas fritas * y no nos des coles... * ni tampoco carne medio cruda.
- I ordered french fries.
Yo he pedido patatas fritas.
MAN 3 : We ordered french fries.
Hemos pedido patatas fritas.
One cheeseburger, one shanty, one portion french fries.
Una hamburguesa con queso, una malteada y papas fritas.
Now, didn't I order some French fries?
¿ No había pedido patatas fritas?
Now take it easy on those French fries, Velma.
No comas muchas patatas, Velma.
At your age I ate french fries in the street... and laid slobs... who used safety pins on their bras.
A tu edad, comía patatas fritas por la calle, y cenaba con chicas de lo... más tirado, que se sujetaban el sostén con imperdible.
A little French fries with that, too.
Y unas patatas fritas.
Yes. roasted with a few french fries
Estofada con patatas, bróculi, salsita.
Steak and french fries?
¿ Un filete y patatas fritas?
- Have some French fries.
- Toma unas patatas.
A double Chubby Chuck, a Mexicali Chili-Barb, two orders of French fries and...
Una Chubby Chuck doble, un Mexicali Chili-Barb, dos ordenes de papas fritas y...
In other words it's a steak, but it is definitely not a tournedos, and chips that no-one would dignity with the name French fries, and a glass of red wine of uncertain, not to say dubious origin.
Se trata de un filete, pero en modo alguno un tournedós, unas patatas fritas que nadie se atrevería a llamar "patatas paja", y un vino de origen dudoso.
Bring me a Maine lobster, about a three-pounder... some drawn butter, bedspring French fries... and a liter of the house white wine.
Una langosta de Maine. Como de kilo y medio. Con mantequilla fundida y patatas fritas.
She makes french fries.
Hace patatas fritas.
Try the cheese burger, try the french fries.
Dos hamburguesas con queso y papas fritas.
Lace, if the Debs are paying, you think I could have a double cheeseburger, some french fries, and a coleslaw?
Lace, si pagamos, crees que podría pedir una hamburguesa doble con queso con patatas fritas y una ensala?
We'll be French fries, human French fries!
Estaremos papas fritas, papas a la francesa humano!
We are not going to be French fries.
No vamos a ser papas fritas.
Frozen French fries.
Las patatas fritas congeladas.
A huge clump of human French fries was found stuck to a camper trailer this morning by...
Un enorme grupo de papas fritas humana fue encontrado pegado a un remolque de recreo esta mañana por...
- And, um... on the edge of town, there's this little place... where you can get the world's greasiest french fries.
- Y... en las afueras de la ciudad, hay un lugar... donde hacen las papas fritas más grasosas.
I'm gonna eat at the Hilton every night... with steak and French fries and lots of ketchup.
Cenaré en el Hilton cada noche. Carne, patatas a la francesa y salsa de tomate.
He was dunking for french fries.
Estaba friendo patatas.
Your hair is in my French fries.
Hay pelos tuyos en mis patatas fritas.
Them's my French fries!
¡ Esas son mis patatas fritas!
Hey, they're my damn French fries.
- Son estas malditas patatas fritas. - Son mis malditas patatas fritas.
I want French fries!
Quiero patatas fritas.
Just ordinary food... French fries, hamburgers, hot dogs.
Patatas fritas, hamburguesas, perros calientes.
Why don't you get a cheeseburger, French fries?
¿ Por qué no una hamburguesa con papas?
French fries and ketchup.
Las patatas fritas.
- I'd like some spare ribs... French fries and a big, juicy cheeseburger with a chocolate malt.
- Quiero unas costillas... papas fritas, una jugosa hamburguesa con queso y una malteada de chocolate.
- French fries and cola.
- Patatas fritas y cola.
You know how many calories are in those French fries?
¿ Sabes cuántas calorías tienen esas patatas fritas?
Let me have a double cheeseburger with some onions, french fries and a Coke.
Quiero una hamburguesa doble con queso y con cebolla... papas fritas y una Coca.
- Yeah. How about some french fries?
- Sí, papas fritas bien cocidas.
Can I have French fries and gravy, with a cherry Coke?
Quiero papas fritas con salsa, y una coca cola cherry.
I could always go for your French fries and hamburgers.
Me encantan tus patatas fritas y tus hamburguesas.
It's these damn French fries.
- ¡ Mi corazón!

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