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Right now, God goes by the name of Durrell.
Ahora mismo, Dios se llama Durrell.
Besides, when too much time goes by between visits, that crusty woman unleashes her wrath on me.
Además, cuando pasa demasiado tiempo entre visitas, esa malhumorada mujer da rienda suelta a su ira sobre mí.
He goes by Grafs now.
Se apellida Graft ahora.
Goes by "JJ."
Le llaman "JJ"
Not yet. But get out of here right now, and not a minute goes by, to be informed about it.
Aún no, pero si no sales de aquí, no tardará un minuto en enterarse.
The time goes by quickly.
El tiempo pasa rápidamente.
"As tear goes by"
Te serán devueltos a ti al doble
But if another six months goes by, we run a serious risk of losing our momentum.
Si pasan seis meses más, corremos un riesgo grande de perder impulso.
But not a week goes by without you finding yourself in trouble.
No pasa una semana sin que te metas en problemas.
It goes by really fast.
Se va realmente rápido.
Goes by the street name H.F.S.
En la calle la llaman P.Q.P.
He goes by his gut and it bothers him, no matter what the numbers.
Se guía por sus instintos, no lo deja en calma. Sean cuales sean las cifras.
She goes by the name Abigail Clayton and...
Ella llega con el nombre de Abigail Clayton y...
I know a Phil, goes by Little Philly.
Conozco a un Phil, lo llaman Philly.
Goes by the name of Rachel.
Responde al nombre de Rachel.
Devrath, head to Hotel Lido right now... she might be there... she goes by the name of Rosie nowadays, not Simran... and inform Rane as well.
Devrath, ve al hotel Hotel Lido ahora. La chica debe estar ahí. Ella usa el nombre Rosie, no Simran.
And trust me, as time goes by, his methods can get a little extreme.
- ¿ Qué tal diez? - Papá me da siempre 20.
The white man can't pronounce that, so she goes by Grace, which her parents can't pronounce.
Los blancos no pueden pronunciarlo, por eso se apodó Grace. Aunque sus padres no puedan pronunciarlo.
The first mate goes by the name of George Merry.
El primer oficial se conoce por el nombre de George Merry.
It goes by many names.
Se le conoce por muchos nombres.
He goes by "raven viper."
Se hace llamar "La Víbora Negra"
Not a day goes by when I don't wonder, if he heard me or not, if he knew...
No pasa un día que no me pregunte, si él me oyó o no, si lo sabía...
He goes by Bo now.
- Ahora se hace llamar Bo.
"Goes by Bo now."
- " Se hace llamar Bo...
But I know that with each day that goes by, it's less likely that...
Pero sé que cada día que pasa es menos probable...
Oh, and she goes by "Lola" now.
Y ahora se hace llamar "Lola".
Five feet, goes by Claire McDeere.
1,50, se llama Claire McDeere.
Not a day goes by that I don't...
No pasa un solo día que yo no...
He also goes by the name Sergio sometimes.
También responde al nombre de Sergio a veces.
Dan, not a day goes by that I don't miss Keith or hate you for what you did to him... And to Nathan and to our entire family.
Dan, no hay un solo día que no eche de menos a Keith o que te odie por lo que le hiciste... y a Nathan y nuestra familia entera.
I'm doing the best that I can, but every day that goes by without me hearing anything, the more that I feel like...
Lo estoy haciendo lo mejor que puedo, pero cada día que pasa sin saber nada, lo que más siento es...
There's not a day that goes by where I don't think about him.
No hay día en que no piense en él.
So this is my version "Lovesong" by The Cure And she goes to my mom
Así que esta es mi versión "Lovesong" de The Cure va para mi mamá
He's going for me, to make up for the mud and dirt and the cleaning of wet clothes and the toil and the care and the drudgery that goes with raising a boy by hand in these freezing god-forsaken flatlands with thieves and villains running wild as would murder us all in our beds, he's going and there's an end to it!
Irá por mí para compensar lo del lodo, la suciedad el lavado de la ropa, el trabajo duro y penoso que requiere criar un niño en esta tierra helada y abandonada con ladrones y villanos desatados que podrían matarnos!
By the way, did I mention that my wife's vagina never goes above 71 % humidity?
¿ Mencioné que la humedad de la vagina de mi esposa no pasa del 71 por ciento?
But then years go by, and your daughter goes off to college... and she doesn't come home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Or summers. Or ever.
Pero luego pasan los años y tu hija se va a la universidad y no regresa a casa para el Día de Acción de Gracias, ni para Navidad ni en verano, ni nunca.
Scar's raid on the eastern border goes unnoticed by Freddy's group.
El grupo de Freddy no nota el ataque de Scar en su frontera este.
You live in a tower that soars to heaven and goes unpunished by God.
Vives en una torre que se eleva hasta el cielo y que no es impune ante Dios.
She goes by "Nina"?
¿ También llamada Nina?
That goes right in the vault, by the way, and it's like a, it's like a vault, locked down, Fort Knox or some sort of prison.
Eso va directo a la bóveda. Es como una bóveda. Está cerrada, como Fuerte Knox o una cárcel.
By the way, a little cologne goes a long way.
A propósito, con un poco de colonia basta.
We go in, Brooklyn's take goes up by 10 %., that's the new deal.
Si intervenimos, la comisión de Brooklyn sube un 10 %.
The price of a bag goes up by half.
El precio de la bolsa se sube a la mitad.
Gettin'Up Morning goes straight to the front, joined along the inside by Mack's Hero.
Gettin'Up Morning va derecho al frente, acompañando por dentro por Mack Hero
Right, by the time she goes through customs and luggage it'll be about an hour.
- Demorará al menos una hora...
The Emperor really goes to too much trouble Trying to win the sentiments of the people by building a trivial bath for them.
Desde luego el Emperador se toma demasiadas molestias... intentado ganarse el favor de la gente construyéndoles un baño que ni les importa.
Any girl that can roll like a carpet, ride like a Harley, flip like a cheese omelet goes upstairs to Sal's private quarters, and you get shot by Beetle Cam!
Todas las chicas se enrollan como alfombras, se montan como una Harley, Se voltean como un omelet de queso Sube las escaleras hacía las habitaciones privadas de Sal,
♪ This is The Cleveland Show. ♪ = = sync, corrected by elderman = =
- S03E09 "There Goes El Neighborhood"
A few months go by, she goes into labor and she loses the baby.
Unos pocos meses después, ella entró en trabajo de parto y perdió al bebé.
A man just happens to walk a dog by a van and it goes crazy?
Sucede que un tipo pasea un perro al lado de una furgoneta, ¿ y el perro enloquece?
This thread goes here... two pass by.
Este cable va aquí... estos dos pasan por allá.
by the way 9822
byron 205
byers 25
bye bye 239
bye for now 50
by the sea 31
bygones 81
by the end of the week 21
bye then 84
by the end 42
byron 205
byers 25
bye bye 239
bye for now 50
by the sea 31
bygones 81
by the end of the week 21
bye then 84
by the end 42
by the power vested in me 31
bye now 202
by the grace of god 46
by then 159
by the river 32
bye to me 16
by my side 27
by any chance 561
bye to you 39
by now 279
bye now 202
by the grace of god 46
by then 159
by the river 32
bye to me 16
by my side 27
by any chance 561
bye to you 39
by now 279
byes 156
bye forever 30
by me 131
by the sound of it 17
by this time 33
by myself 167
bye mom 21
by that time 70
by god 340
by the looks of it 63
bye forever 30
by me 131
by the sound of it 17
by this time 33
by myself 167
bye mom 21
by that time 70
by god 340
by the looks of it 63