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Had to traducir español

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In the last two days, I've had to ID a mentor, see a friend of mine hauled off to jail, watch a new teammate get killed in an alley.
En los últimos dos días, tuve que identificar a un mentor, ver cómo mandaban a un amigo a la cárcel, cómo mataban a un nuevo miembro del equipo en un callejón.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I... just had to borrow a book or ten.
Lo siento, no quería despertarte... solo necesitaba un libro, o diez.
He was so upset he had to go sit in the car.
Estaba tan molesto que tuvo que ir a sentarse en el auto.
They had to extend their stay for a funeral... poor things.
Tuvieron que extender su estadia por un funeral... pobrecitos.
I said what I had to say to try and get justice for Trevor Nichols and his family.
Dije lo que tenia que decir para tratar de obtener justicia para Trevor Nichols y su familia.
Jake said that we had to talk him out of it.
Jake dijo que teniamos que convencerlo.
I'm sorry you had to come all the way down here for this.
Siento que hayas tenido que venir hasta aquí por esto.
She caught me, I had to, uh...
Me ha pillado, he tenido que...
I had to kill her!
¡ He tenido que matarla!
We took everything that we had to Scotland Yard.
Le llevamos todo lo que teníamos a Scotland Yard.
And it would've had to have bitten him under his shoe, which he decided to tie left-handed for the first time in his life.
Y habría tenido que picarle por debajo del zapato, el que decidió atarse con la mano izquierda por primera vez en su vida.
Our witness couldn't make out the details, but if we had to guess, he was offering you money to help him cover up the murder of Cy Durning.
Nuestro testigo no pudo escuchar los detalles, pero si tuviéramos que adivinar, le estaba ofreciendo dinero para ayudarlo a encubrir el asesinato de Cy Durning.
It's an expensive system, so whoever knocked out those cameras had to have a certain level of technical sophistication.
Es un sistema caro, así que quien sea que eliminó esas cámaras tuvo que tener cierto nivel de sofisticación técnica.
If you had to go to the bank, to the small business desk, and ask, "I'm gonna need $ 150,000."
Si tuvieras que ir al banco para pedir ese préstamo y dijeras : "Necesito 150 000 dólares", te preguntarían : "¿ Cuál es su idea?".
So, I knew I had to go to a psychiatrist and get antidepressants. So, I did. And the antidepressants worked, sort of.
Sabía que debía ir al psiquiatra para que me recetara antidepresivos, así que fui, y los antidepresivos más o menos funcionaron.
Like, in the 12-step program, I had to do a lot of unflinching, honest writing about myself, and I came to the conclusion that I'm a star-fucker.
En el programa de 12 pasos, tuve que escribir mucho sobre mí con honestidad y llegué a la conclusión de que soy un "sobador" de estrellas.
As a comedian, I had to start from square one.
Como comediante, debo empezar de cero.
And... I had to leave town.
Yo debía volver a mi ciudad.
I had a job to do in New York, that I had to go to for, like, three days.
Debía regresar a Nueva York por tres días a hacer un trabajo.
I didn't really care what Richard Game had to tell me until I find out he was dead, and now it's all I want to know.
No me importaba lo que Richard Game tuviera para decirme hasta que descubrí que estaba muerto, y ahora es todo lo que quiero saber.
Helen Dahle's husband said he had to get away to clear his head, and think about his wife's future.
El esposo de Helen Dahle dijo que tuvo que salir a despejar la cabeza y pensar en el futuro de su esposa.
We had to bully her into getting the prenup, for God's sake.
Tuvimos que amenazarla para que aceptara el contrato prenupcial, por Dios.
They said the poison had to have been administered by something with a higher alcohol content.
Dicen que el veneno tuvo que ser administrado en algo con mayor graduación alcohólica,
We had drinks with Mr. Nichols at his bar, and after that went to some joint where all the waitresses wear bikinis.
Bebimos con el Sr. Nichols en su bar y despues de eso fuimos a un antro donde todas las camareras usan bikinis.
When I walked into the jungle, I knew that as long as I stayed on mission, the folks up the chain of command had my back, and if there was something that they wanted to keep out of the public eye, there was a damn good reason for it.
Cuando me interne en la selva, sabia que mientras estuviera en mision, aquellos en la cadena de mando cubrian mi espalda, y si habia algo que querian mantener fuera de la vista del publico, habia una razon muy buena para ello.
If his book came out, you'd be exposed as the screw-ups who killed Dr. Carter and left her body to God-knows-what indignity, and when a jury sees this, they'll realize you had every reason to kill your best friend
Si su libro saliera, quedarian al descubierto los malditos que mataron a la Dra. Carter y dejaron su cuerpo a Dios sabe que indignidad, y cuando un jurado vea esto se daran cuenta de que tenian todas las razones para matar a su mejor amigo
Did you inform him that you had a personal motive to kill your friend Trevor?
¿ Le informo que tenia un motivo personal para matar a su amigo Trevor?
The kid was evasive, like someone had got to her.
La chica estaba evasiva, como si alguien ya hubiese llegado a ella.
"Don't blame the doctors or the nurses, " but I've had enough of hospitals for one life " and I have some unfinished business to take care of.
No culpes ni a los médicos ni a las enfermeras pero estoy harto de hospitales y tengo temas que debo solucionar.
Thought you had a funeral to go to this morning.
Pensé que tenías que ir a un funeral esta mañana.
Seven years prior to that, that same woman that he hit had been wounded in the London Underground bombings.
Siete años antes de eso, esa misma mujer que atropelló había sido herida en el ataque del subterráneo de Londres.
Sherlock had started training me to be a detective just a few weeks earlier ; he thought I could help.
Sherlock había comenzado a entrenarme como detective unas semanas antes ; pensó que yo podía ayudar.
We had an interpreter talk to them.
Tuvimos a un intérprete hablando con ellos.
See, Mr. Kotite had an ax to grind with Cy Durning.
Verá, el Sr Kotite tenía un interés particular en Cy Durning.
The truth is that I had nothing to do with those murders.
La verdad es que no tengo nada que ver con esos homicidios.
If he wanted to kill himself, he had a much easier way tucked in his trousers.
Si quería matarse, tenía una forma más fácil metida en sus pantalones.
She's just been crying for a little while, and I was wondering if you had any tricks to get her to sleep.
Ella sólo ha sido llorar por un rato, y me preguntaba si tenía algún truco para conseguir que se duerma.
Duke LaCrosse Snyder, who was tapped to succeed his father, Orson, as chairman of the Washington Redskins, has been arrested in Midtown Manhattan, after family members, concerned by a pattern of increasingly erratic behavior discovered that he had been radicalized by ISIS.
Duke LaCrosse Snyder, quien sucedería a su padre como jefe de los Redskins, ha sido arrestado en Manhattan cuando su familia, alertada por su conducta errática, descubrió que había sido radicalizado por EIIL.
LeBron had the guts to do it! "
LeBron tuvo la valentía de hacerlo ".
They're, like, "God came to us a couple of thousand years ago", had some simple rules :
"Dios nos visitó hace miles de años y nos dio unas reglas."
Here's the shitty part about hanging with black dudes : Guys try to out-tough each other to see who had it worse growing up.
Lo malo de juntarse con negros es que ellos compiten para ver quién tuvo la peor infancia.
Then he started to get sick, and everyone I knew that had had an ill parent was, like,
Luego se enfermó, y todos mis conocidos que habían tenido un padre enfermo me decían :
The funeral was gonna be the next week, and I didn't want to go, because, like I said, the family doesn't all get along, and I felt I had done the difficult part.
El funeral iba a ser la semana siguiente, pero yo no quería ir, porque no todos mis familiares se llevan bien. Sentía que ya había hecho lo más difícil.
When things had thawed between my father and I... I was talking to him one day and I go, "Dad, I feel like you didn't love us."
Un día, estaba hablando con mi padre, cuando empezamos a llevarnos mejor, y le dije : "Siento que no nos querías".
I had three agencies fighting a cage match to cut a deal with me before your girlfriend even finished reading me my rights.
Tenía a tres agencias peleándose a muerte para hacer un trato conmigo antes que tu novia siquiera terminara de leerme los derechos.
When Richard Game confessed to your murder, he had been sick for years.
Cuando Richard Game confesó tu asesinato, había estado enfermo por años.
Eleven people had access to that account.
Once personas tenían acceso a esa cuenta.
Eleven people had access to that account.
11 personas tenían acceso a esa cuenta.
So, you see, I had no motive to hurt Helen.
Así que, ya ve, no tenía motivos para lastimar a Helen.
I know that you are one of very few people who had access to the account that financed the attacks against me. I know that's why you didn't come to dinner.
Sé que eras una de las pocas personas que tenía acceso a la cuenta que financió los ataques en mi contra.
But there were only two people who had access to the bottle, and I'm one of'em.
Pero solo hubo dos personas que tuvieron acceso a la botella. Y yo soy una de ellas.

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