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He'll come traducir español

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If you give permission, he'll surely come around.
Si das tu permiso, seguramente él vendrá por aquí.
On the slight chance that this money might still be in Los Angeles, they figure he'll come back for it.
Basándose en la ligera posibilidad de que este dinero podría estar en Los Ángeles todavía, creen que volverá a por él.
He'll probably come out and be like, "Yeah, I did it."
- Que pendejo.
He's leaving. # Yeah, well, just... we'll just wait for him to come back.
Se va. - Bueno, esperemos a que regrese. Sam, ¿ qué haces?
If I agree, he'll come?
Si acepto, el viene?
Uh, I'll do the desk, and then, if you want to check the closet, there's a ton of boxes in there. ♪ We don't need no money, we can make it all work ♪ ♪ but he headed out on Sunday, said he'd come home Monday ♪
Yo miraré el escritorio, y si quieres mirar el armario, hay muchas cajas ahí. ¿ Qué es lo que estás mirando?
You can bet he'll come after you again.
Puede apostar que volverá a ir tras usted.
And if Bodaway Macawi believes you're Bridget, you can bet he'll come after you again.
Y si Bodaway Macawi cree que usted es Bridget, puede apostar a que irá tras de usted.
He'll come around.
Él entrará en razón.
Think he'll come back, try and finish what he started?
¿ Crees que volverá a intentar acabar lo que empezó?
And if Mr. Davies tries to come anywhere near you, he'll get thrown into jail.
Y si el Sr. Davis intenta acercarse a ti, irá directo a la cárcel.
He'll get free, and he'll come after us.
Se librará, y luego vendrá por nosotros.
In the meantime, an officer's gonna come by here, he'll take you and your daughter to a hotel, okay?
Mientras tanto, un agente va a venir por aquí, os llevará a ti y tu hija a un hotel, ¿ de acuerdo?
He'll come around.
- Se recuperará.
I just think if someone's going to come along, they'll come along. So, I've stopped looking.
Entonces, he dejado de buscar.
- It doesn't matter, he'll come back.
- No importa.
He'll come back and he'll ruin everything.
Volverá. Volverá y arruinará todo.
Maybe he'll come to his senses.
Quizá recupere el sentido común.
Now breath in deep, he'll come out the next time now.
Ahora respira profundamente, a la próxima saldrá.
I don't know. Everyone's talking about true love, and... well, if Judson was your true love, then... he'll come back.
Todo el mundo hablando sobre el amor verdadero y... bueno, si Judson era tu amor verdadero entonces... volverá.
He'll come around... so don't you worry about a thing.
Volverá... así que no te procupes por nada.
Once he gets there, it'll all come back.
Una vez que llegue allí, todo volverá a la normalidad.
He'll come back when he grows bored with making their lives a living hell.
Volverá cuando se aburra de hacer de sus vidas un infierno.
He'll come back to you with direction, but not until he's certain of where he's pointing you.
Volverá a darte dirección, pero no hasta que esté seguro de a donde señalarte.
The deer eats the grass, and someday, when the deer dies, he'll fertilize the ground so more grass will grow, so more deer can eat.
El ciervo come hierba, y algún día, cuando el ciervo muera, fertilizará la tierra y así podrá crecer más hierba, para que otros ciervos puedan comer.
I'll never forget it, he was like, "Come on in."
Nunca lo olvidaré, dijo : "Adelante".
He does find out, you know he'll come looking for it.
Y si se entera, vendrá a buscarlo.
He'll say, " Hey, come on, I got a room set aside.
Él diría : "Oye, ven, tengo un cuarto reservado".
I'll tell you one thing, if he ever does come back to town, he's not stepping foot in this house again, and he's certainly not seeing Sutton again.
Te diré una cosa, si vuelve alguna vez, no volverá a poner un pie en esta casa. y por supuesto que no volverá a ver a Sutton.
I bet you he'll come around in,
Apuesto que volverá por aquí,
- He'll come over.
- Vendrá.
And he'll come back to your apartment.
Y vendrá con ellas a tu apartamento.
Let's go quickly, or he'll come and ruin everything.
Vamos rápido, o él vendrá y arruinara todo.
Can you go ask Uncle Evan if he'll come up and help me?
¿ Le puedes decir al tío Evan que suba a ayudarme?
Do you think he'll come back?
¿ Piensas que el volverá?
Well, if he can't come up with a reasonable explanation... we'll have to go to the police, won't we?
Pues si no nos da una explicación razonable... tendremos que acudir a la policía, ¿ no?
He'll come around.
Cambiará de parecer.
At least if we do stare, there's a chance he'll come over to tell us not to be so creepy.
Por lo menos si miramos, hay una posibilidad de... que venga para decirnos que no seamos tan espeluznantes.
You eat it first, he'll have it later.
Tú come primero, él comerá después.
- But he'll come to dinner?
Pero vendrá a la cena.
- I bet he'll come without taking a shower.
Mejor que venga recién salido de la ducha.
Are you afraid he'll come back?
¿ Tienes miedo de que regrese?
You're a copper. One Jeremy Lanigan battered away'til he hadn't a pound his father, he died, made him a man again left him the farm and ten acres of ground he threw a grand party for friends and relations who didn't forget him when come to the wall and if you would listen, I'll make your eyes glisten
Eres poli. ¡ Dios!
He'll come to visit.
Irá a visitarla.
He'll come up faster if you warm him up from the inside.
Se recuperará más rápido si le calientas desde dentro.
He'll come up with something.
Se le ocurrirá algo.
Now, when Mr. Quarles comes to see you, as I know he will, being that you are the only friend he has left in this world, you call me, and I'll come and set that charge for you.
Cuando el Sr. Quarles venga a verlo, como sé que lo hará siendo su único amigo que le queda en este mundo usted me llama, y yo vendré a colocarle la bomba.
He'll come for the girl.
Vendrá por la chica.
He's tired, but he'll try to come.
Está cansado, pero intentará venir.
But he'll come around.
Pero él vendrá.
Yeah, I assume at some point he'll come out to like...
Sí, asumo que en algún momento vendrá a...

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