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He'll do it traducir español

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He'll do it.
Lo hará.
Let Arthur take care of it. He'll know what to do.
Deja esto a Arthur, él lo arreglara.
If Jacob eggs him on, he'll do it.
Si Jacob lo empuja, lo hará.
He'll do it.
No, lo va a hacer.
And he knows you'll do it.
Y él sabe que Vd. lo hará.
- How do you know he'll have it?
- ¿ Cómo sabes que lo tendrá?
- I'm not sure he'll do it.
- No estoy segura que él lo haga. - ¿ No?
It'll do him good. He may learn something.
Tiene que practicar.
I told you, I'll do it this evening.
Le he dicho que lo haré esta tarde.
certainly when I was younger it was probably laziness that stopped me when we did the last program there was a comment my father made which was maybe he should've pushed me a little bit harder and I think maybe in retrospect he should've done and that's probably the one thing I'll do with mine that he didn't do with me
cuando era joven probablemente la flojera me detuvo cuando iba en mi ultimo año mi papá hizo un comentario como que quiza él deberia haberme exigido un poco mas y quiza mirando hacia atras creo que deberia haberlo hecho y eso es algo que el no hizo y que probablemente yo hare con los mios
Whatever he orders me to do, I'll do it.
Lo que diga cuñado, yo lo hago.
I'll do it. Whatever he tells me to!
Yo lo hago, lo que diga cuñado, yo lo hago.
He'll do anything to get it.
Hará lo que sea por lograrlo.
Whatever needs to get done, he'll do it.
Todo lo que se necesite hacer, él lo hace.
He's hoping you'll do it.
Él espera que Ud. lo haga.
What do you think'll happen when he finally figures it out?
¿ Qué crees que pase cuando por fin se entere?
He'll know exactly what to do with it.
Él sabe exactamente qué hacer con él.
I'm sorry for all the bad shit I've done and people I've tramped on. And I hope they forgive me and I'll never do it again, that's for sure.
Siento toda la mierda que he hecho y la gente que he tratado mal y espero que me perdonen y no volveré a hacerlo, eso seguro.
No, he'll never let you do it.
No, él nunca lo permitiría.
I know Tony a lot better than you do. And even if he has to work for another ten years to pay it off, he'll do it.
Le conozco mucho mejor que tú, y aunque tenga que trabajar 10 años para pagarlo, lo hará.
He'll do that for me, even if it means his career.
Hará eso por mí. Incluso si significa su carrera.
Starting this winter he'll be giving his heart and soul... to do it for the rest of us all over the country.
A partir de este invierno, nos dará su alma y su corazón para hacerlo para todos nosotros por todo el país.
Starting this winter he'll be giving his heart and soul... to do it for the rest of us all across the country.
A partir de este invierno nos dará su alma y su corazón para hacerlo para todos nosotros por todo el país.
He didn't leave us any money, but... But if you'll fight with me, if you'll work with me, we can do it. We can finish this film.
No tenemos dinero, pero si lucháis conmigo, terminaremos esta pelicula!
He'll do it, it's okay.
Lo hará, está bien.
I do know, it's your friend Augello who doesn't, he bought them. And now, please eat them, or we'll have to throw them away. Do you really have to leave today, Livia?
Y ahora, por favor, come o vamos a tener que tirarlos a la basura.
He'll do it for you. Don't worry.
No te preocupes, pase lo que pase.
If he'll die, he'd better do it quickly and decrease the surplus population.
Si va a morir, mejor rápido y así disminuye la sobrepoblación.
What do you think he'll do with it when he finds it?
¿ Qué crees que hará con él cuando lo encuentre?
I'll bring it to Giles, see if he can do better.
Se lo llevaré a Giles, a ver si él lo entiende mejor.
Do you think he'll ever figure it out?
¿ Crees que lo averiguará?
He's got experience loading cargo, storing supplies... any heavy work you got, he'll do it.
Es apto para las actividades... que se le asignan.
He'll do it...
Él lo hará.
It's nothing compared to what he'll be able to do now.
No es nada comparado con lo que podrá hacer ahora.
And he'll do it while attempting to open a locked safe... on his head.
Y lo hará mientras intenta abrir una caja fuerte en su cabeza.
He'll do it too.
El lo hará.
- He'll never do it again.
- Que no lo hará de nuevo.
I mean, it won't hurt your case and if he did do it, you'll want to know why.
No afectará al caso y, si fue él, le interesará saber por qué.
All you can do right now is play it cool for a while... turn down the emotional heat and, Donna, God willing... he'll forget you threw yourself at him.
Todo lo que podemos hacer ahora mismo jugar es que se enfríe durante un tiempo... bajar el calor emocional y, Donna, si Dios quiere... él va a olvidar le tiró a él mismo.
I still don't know what I've done to deserve you... but whatever it is, I'll try to keep doing it, and I promise to stand by you, to honor you... till death do us part.
Aun no sé qué he hecho para merecerte... pero sea lo que sea, trataré de seguir haciéndolo, y te prometo estar a tu lado, honrarte... hasta que la muerte nos separe.
Do you think he'll find it?
¿ Crees que lo descubra?
He'll have to do it in two places.
Tendrá que hacerlo en dos lugares.
Do you think he'll like it?
¿ Crees que le gustará?
He'll do it for 1.8 and without a broker.
Nos lo deja en 1.8 millones, sin agente.
He'll do it for you, like he does everything else.
No te preocupes, condenado limpia traseros, tu asistente conoce de memoria el ritual del poeta.
He's not even gay but he'll do it...
No es maricón, pero igual lo hará...
He says he'll do it for free. I just got to do a favour in return.
Dice que lo hará gratis sólo debo hacerle un favor a cambio.
If she do, he'll smile and take it for a great favor.
Y si lo hace él es capaz de sonreír como un tonto y tomarlo como una buena señal.
And he's like, "No, no, I'll never do it again!"
Y él le dice, "¡ No, no, no Io vuelvo a hacer!"
right now see i'm too early, or too late, ain't nothing out here, not yet anyway but it'll get better, it's definitely gonna pick up by the end of the day, how much do you have?
Ahora aquí, he llegado demasiado pronto o demasiado tarde. No hay nada, todavía no. Pero se pondrá mejor, seguro que algo recojo.
If he do bleed, I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal, for it must seem their guilt.
Si sangra aún, teñiré las caras de los criados, y parecerán culpables. "

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