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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / He's coming for me

He's coming for me traducir español

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I wonder what he's coming back for?
Me pregunto para qué regresa.
# For he's coming to fetch me soon
Porque pronto vendrá a buscarme
He's coming home to ask me for tuition.
- Necesita el dinero de la matrícula.
You've known this was coming for a long time. You've taken everything he's offered you. Now you've got to pay for it.
Verás nunca te he preguntado si me dejas ponerte un anillo en este dedo.
He's coming by for me later.
Luego se pasa.
He's coming for me.
Viene por mí.
I made this for Woody Merrill, he's coming to pick me up.
No. Es para Woody Merrill.
It's better this way... every time he opens his door, every time he hears footsteps coming round the corner Laredo starts sweating, thinking it's me. ... his food won't set well for the rest of his life.
A ver qué te parece, cada vez que abra Ia puerta o escuche unos pasos que se aproximan, Laredo empezará a sudar pensando que soy yo, muerto de miedo el resto de su vida.
I don't like a man coming late for supper before he's married.
No me gusta que un hombre llegue tarde a cenar sin estar casado.
- He's coming for me in a few minutes.
- Vendrá a buscarme ahora mismo.
It's almost like my father knew, he had fifty appointments, as if I was leaving for Korea and not coming back!
Es como si mi padre lo supiera, tenía 50 citas. Como si me fuese a Corea para no volver más.
- A lemonade for me. He's not coming.
- Una limonada para mí.
He calls up, he tells me he's not coming home for dinner, all right.
Llama, me dice que no viene a cenar, de acuerdo.
Tak strange! He will himself invited me to for lunch. I am coming, and it's not there.
¡ Ha insistido para que almorcemos juntos y no ha venido!
He's crazy for coming here.
Me extraña que venga a buscarte aquí.
He tells me Dad is fine, then he tells me it's no use coming back for another week.
Me dice que papá está bien... y después me dice que no regrese hasta dentro de una semana.
He's coming for me any minute.
El va a venir por mí en cualquier momento.
He's coming for me soon.
Vendrá a buscarme.
I had him driving a truck for me and a fellow up there in New Hampshire... and he got hooked, which is why he's coming up.
Condujo un camión para mí y para otro tipo, allá en New Hampshire... y lo atraparon, por eso está en problemas.
He's coming back for you and for me.
Ha regresado por ustedes y por mí.
Nor feel the love he's had for me all these years without... without the memory of that beast... and his beasts, coming between us.
Ni sentir el amor que ha tenido por mí todos estos años sin que eI recuerdo de aquellas bestias se interponga entre Ios dos.
He's coming back for me.
Él viene a por mí.
I leave you, for he's coming.
Llega : me retiro.
He's coming in for the kill. Want to help me out?
Me está presionando. ¿ Me ayudas?
His oldman want to marry her to a gypsy Mumangui, coming from Madrid, he's about to come, so tomorrow night, she'll wait for me at the laundry to runaway.
Sus viejos quieren casarla con un gitano Mumangui, que viene de Madrid, está al llegar, así que mañana por la noche, me espera en lavaderos para darnos el piro.
I've been busting my ass for four years and I'm gonna get what's coming to me.
Me he dejado la piel cuatro años y conseguiré lo que es mío.
I don't know if it's for me or for you, but he's coming.
No sé si por ti o por mí, pero vendrá.
He's coming to work for me in my organisation.
Va a trabajar para mí en mi organización.
Quigley said to tell you he's coming for you.
Quigley me dijo que te dijera que viene por tí.
He's coming for me!
Ya viene...
He phones me before he's coming and I open up the house for him.
Me telefonea antes de venir y yo le preparo la casa.
He's coming back for me!
! Va a regresar por mi!
Because he's not coming for me, Richie, he's coming for you, Tess.
Porque no viene por mí, Richie, viene por ti, Tess.
He's coming to New York. And he wants to meet me for dinner at the Russian Tea Room.
Viene a Nueva York, y quiere que nos veamos para cenar en el Salón de Té Ruso.
You better be right... because if Doyle should send Hickey after me... he's coming directly for you.
Será mejor que tengas razón... porque si Doyle manda a Hickey por mí... viene directamente por ti.
For three weeks, you've been telling me how you can't stand the guy. Now you're disappointed he's not coming back?
Te has pasado tres semanas diciéndome que no le soportas y ahora estás decepcionado porque no vuelve.
Oh, and as for that brutish fellow who knocked me out the window... see that he gets what's coming to him.
Y en cuanto a ese tipo bestial que me tiró por la ventana asegúrate de que reciba lo que se merece.
He's coming for me!
¡ El viene por mi!
He's coming for me. He's going to rip open my skull and there's nothing I can do about it.
Me viene a buscar... me va a abrir el cráneo... y no hay nada que pueda hacer.
Don't worry for me, my brother Pietro's coming. He's in Turin, he's meeting me.
No os preocupéis por mí, mi hermano Pietro está en Turín, y ha venido a buscarme aquí, a la estación.
I stood there and waited for the obligatory, he's-coming-to-stop-me ten seconds.
Me quedé ahí los obligatorios 10 segundos por si viene a detenerme.
And now he's coming back for me.
Y ahora está regresando por mí.
He's coming for me.
Viene a buscarme.
- He told me... to tell you to wait here for him, that he's coming over.
- Dice que le espere aquí, que ya viene.
He's coming to the Cape for a party, and he invited me to go with him.
Vendrá para una fiesta y me invitó a que lo acompañara.
He listened and said,'She's not coming back for the funeral.'
Me escuchó y solo dijo que no volverá para el funeral.
He's coming for me.
Él viene para mí.
He's coming for me.
Viene a por mí.
Can't. Will's coming over He's got something for me to sign
Imposible, va a venir Will, para que le firme unos papeles.
Then he oughta know what's coming to him for fucking with me.
Entonces debe saber que me harté de que me jodan. CUIDADO
I need you to send me some sort of sign that he's coming for me.
Necesito que me envíes alguna clase de señal de que él está viniendo a por mi

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