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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / He's coming here

He's coming here traducir español

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He's not coming because I asked him. Team Leader Kang Woo is coming here to see Ms. Tae.
No va a venir porque se lo pedí... el Sr. Kang Woo va a venir a ver a Tae Yang.
He's coming in here.
Va a entrar aquí.
Daddy - mummy - The bear is coming, he doesn't look pleased, and he's coming here.
¡ Papá! ¡ Mamá! Viene el oso, no parece contento, y viene hacia aquí.
- He's coming up here, Eddie.
Viene aquí, Eddie.
He's coming here to see you, Sister, and no cane.
Viene a verla, Hermana, y sin bastón.
He's clever, and he's jealous, and he's coming here.
Es listo y celoso. Y viene hacia aquí.
The warden's coming here, ain't he?
Viene el alcaide, ¿ verdad?
He's coming up here.
Viene hacia aquí.
He's coming down here.
Nos vio.
Since you were born, he's been coming here with that one hope in mind.
Tu padre alimenta esta esperanza desde el día en que naciste
He's coming here today for the first time.
Está venido aquí hoy por la primera vez.
He's coming here. He's coming here to visit us!
Ha llegado una carta de Lord Burnstead esta tarde.
- He's coming here?
¡ Querido George!
There's a peach of a player up at Fort Smith who was coming here... but he wanted us to pay him.
Hay un gran jugador en Fort Smith que iba a venir... pero quería que le pagáramos.
But he's coming here to meet me.
Pero él viene a conocerme a mí.
Maybe he's coming here to kill you.
Quizás venga a matarte.
It's nothing : while coming back from the congress to here,
Sólo del congreso hasta aquí me he cruzado, al menos...
He's coming up here with his lawyer tonight.
Viene esta tarde con su abogado.
- What's he coming over here for?
- ¿ Qué es lo que quiere?
- He's coming up here.
- Vendrá aquí.
What's it doing here if he's not coming back?
¿ Qué hace aquí si no va a volver?
Mr. Standing sent to another post for help... but they can't get here in time, so after dark tonight... he's coming with a few men to try to rescue you.
El Sr. Standing pidió ayuda a otro puesto... pero no llegarán a tiempo, así que cuando anochezca... vendrá con un par de hombres a intentar rescatarlo.
- He's coming here again.
- ¿ Va a volver aquí?
Listen girls, if he's coming here it's only for a short time.
Chicas, se viene a vivir de aquí de forma excepcional y transitoria.
Phil is not here and he's not coming.
Phil no está y no vendrá.
He's been coming here like this ever since he was that high.
Viene aquí a hurtadillas desde que era así de alto.
Hinkle was here and he's coming back.
Hinkle estuvo aquí y volverá.
No viene.
He ain't coming here no more. He's on his honeymoon, he is.
No volvería por aquí, estando en luna de miel.
He's figuring on coming out here to marry you?
¿ Y piensa venir aquí para casarse contigo?
Surely, he's coming here.
Seguro que viene aquí.
He's coming here!
Viene hacia aquí.
'Cause he's coming here tonight, in about 15 minutes.
Porque él vendrá en 15 minutos.
- He's coming over here.
- Por ahí viene.
He's so used to coming here.
Está acostumbrado a venir aquí.
Johnny's coming to the house and Rosemary my daughter not here when he arrives.
Johnny ha venido a ver a Rosemary y ella no está aquí.
Rocklin said if you don't come out, he's coming in here to tear you apart.
Rocklin dice que si no sales él entrará aquí para hacerte pedazos.
- lt's about Bert. He's coming here tonight.
- Bert vendrá esta noche.
He's coming here!
Está en los otros despachos. Ahora viene aquí.
He's coming up here. The Cop.
El policía subirá.
He's got a lot of gall, coming back here.
Tiene muchas agallas en regresar aquí.
He says if she don't come back... he's coming here tomorrow morning... bright and early and get her.
Dice que si no regresa, mañana vendrá aquí... bien temprano a buscarla.
When he's not here by six, he's not coming.
Si no está aquí a las seis, no viene.
The other one was our suitcase but Frank's bought a lot of things since he's been here and I told him he could have it in exchange for the pay he had coming.
La otra maleta es nuestra pero Frank ha comprado muchas cosas desde que está aquí y le dije que podía cogerla a cambio de la próxima paga.
Well, he's coming up here on a new rap.
Lo van a traer aquí.
Mr. Michel Moriani, he ´ s coming here If you make a good impression on him your future is assured
El señor Micael Moriani vendrá aquí. Si le causa buena impresión su futuro está asegurado
That isn't unreasonable, Father, but you can't do that unless he's coming here.
- No me parece descabellado. Pero no podrá hacerlo, a no ser que venga aquí.
Younger Miles, he's coming here to meet Yordy.
A Younger Miles, él viene aquí para reunirse con Yordy.
Hey, looks like he's coming in here.
Hey... parece que viene hacia aquí.
He's coming over here tomorrow.
Viene mañana.
He's coming over here.
El viene hacia aquí.

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