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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / He's coming home

He's coming home traducir español

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What's he done? Is he coming home?
¿ Ha ganado al colegio Downey?
He's started drinking and coming home late.
Comenzó a beber y a llegar tarde a casa.
He's coming home!
Él regresa casa!
He's coming home, Mom Beck!
Va a regresar a casa, mamá Beck!
Father ´ s tired, so he ´ s coming home early.
Papá está cansado, así que viene pronto a casa.
Says he's coming home.
- Dice que vuelve a casa.
He's not coming. He's at home where he ought to be.
Está en casa, donde debe estar.
He's coming home to ask me for tuition.
- Necesita el dinero de la matrícula.
He's coming home in a few weeks.
Él vendrá a casa en pocas semanas.
But it looks like he's not coming home this time.
Pero parece que esta vez, no.
- Vuelve a casa.
And now he's coming home... home to a new mother many years younger than he.
- ¿ Y qué? - Y ahora vuelve a casa - Encontrará a una nueva madre, unos años más joven que él.
And he knows all about horses and- - And he's coming home for supper.
Y sabe todo sobre caballos y..... y vendrá a casa a cenar.
I just got word he's coming home!
¡ Regresará a casa!
He's coming home!
¡ Regresará a casa!
He's got some leave coming... ... and he'll be going right near your home, so you leave that to me.
Pronto se irá de permiso y pasará cerca de tu casa, déjalo en mis manos.
But he's not coming home.
Pero no va a volver a casa.
Our son's coming. He's finally coming home.
Es que nuestro hijo ha vuelto.
" He keeps asking,'When's Daddy coming home?
" No para de preguntar : '¿ Cuándo volverá papá a casa?
No, he's coming home.
No, se viene a casa.
He's coming home from Europe tomorrow.
Vuelve de Europa mañana.
Look... the boy's coming home today, isn't he?
Mira... el muchacho regresa a casa hoy, ¿ no?
He's coming into the home stretch. He's okay out of the north turn.
Es la última recta, a la salida de la curva norte.
- Charley. He's coming home from the Pacific.
Charley viene a casa del Pacífico.
Four-oh-five. Tell Bill Daly's wife to roll over. He's coming home.
Avisen a la esposa de Bill Daly que regresa a casa.
He ain't coming home tonight if he knows what's good for him.
No va a volver si sabe bien lo que le espera. ¿ Diga?
When's he coming home?
¿ Cuándo regresa?
But now that he is coming home, well, it's every man for himself.
Pero ahora que regresa a casa, bueno, es el sálvese quien pueda.
That's you knew why he wasn't coming home.
Por eso sabía que no regresaría a casa.
All I know is he's the person I've seen since coming home who's willing to help.
Sólo sé que es el primer ser humano que se ha ofrecido a ayudarme.
He calls up, he tells me he's not coming home for dinner, all right.
Llama, me dice que no viene a cenar, de acuerdo.
Does he say if he's coming home?
¿ Dice si va a venir?
Like I told you, my husband's overdue coming home now.
Ya te he dicho que mi marido llegará en cualquier momento.
He's not coming home.
No vendrá.
He said that he's coming home soon.
- Ha dicho que vendrá pronto.
He's not coming home for dinner.
No vendrá a casa para cenar.
He's coming home.
Él viene a casa.
When's he coming home?
¿ Cuándo llega?
He'd run to me when I got home and say, "Mama's always coming at me."
Cuando llegaba a casa corría a mí y decía, "Mamá siempre me acosa."
He's coming home.
Viene a casa.
He's coming home for dinner for the first time this week and it never occurs to you to wonder what he's been doing those other nights.
Viene a cenar por primera vez esta semana nunca se te ocurrió imaginarte que ha estado haciendo las otras noches.
And coming home on the tram, he turned to me right out of the blue and he said, " There's a way'round most things, Darling,
De vuelta a casa, se volvió y me dijo : "Todo tiene solución, cariño".
¿ Cuàndo vuelve a casa? " ¡ Sí! Escucha, tengo dos o tres dulces propuestas,
He's coming home next week.
Viene a casa la semana que viene.
Because I don't know if he's coming home.
Porque no sé si está volviendo a casa.
I said I don't know if he's coming home.
Dije que no sé si está volviendo a casa.
- I don't know if he's coming home or not.
No sé si está volviendo a casa.
They'd probably seen me coming home after a few disco biscuits and thought, " He's a cartoon character.
Probablemente me vieron venir después de una fiesta... y pensaron, " Es un personaje de dibujos animados.
He's coming home.
Que viene a casa.
He's coming home.
Vuelve a casa.
He's coming home in a few days.
Vuelve a casa en pocos días.

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