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He's doing it traducir español

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At least, that's how I always imagined doing it.
Al menos, es como siempre he imaginado hacerlo.
It's what he was doing to it. He was just showing you his trick, his party trick.
Era su truco.
It's bad enough that he's besotted into doing something, it makes it impossible for him to listen to reason.
Basta que se empeñe en hacer algo, para que sea imposible hacerle entrar en razón.
He's left me a wreck, and he won't even remember doing it.
Él me dejó restos, y él ni siquiera recuerda hacerlo.
He's doing it again.
Lo está haciendo otra vez.
I mentioned that to you, traveling around and doing music, * * * * * connecting our dots around the world and reminding the government, communications and art, you know, it's like a corporation.
Voy a iniciar una compañía de producción, te lo he mencionado. Viajando y haciendo música, y cosas étnicas y ecológicas por el mundo. Conectar nuestros puntos alrededor de todo el mundo.
I mean, it's terrible that this happened, but it's good, you know? Did his friend die because of what I'm doing? Hmm? Because I've started - - I don't know.
¿ Acaso su amigo murió por lo que estoy haciendo? - Porque he comenzado a... - No lo sé.
But still, we talked about it and he's not doing it...
¡ Eso no necesita hacerse!
- What's he doing? - Boys, get in the dugout. - Move it off.
- Chicos, vayan al dogout.
He's doing some time. He got another18 months to go.. so.. If anyhing happens to me, if I dont make it out of here...
Está en la cárcel y le falta un año así que... si me pasa algo, si no salgo.
[Voice breaking] I don't really remember... much of, like, where I've... where I've been and what I've been doing, and, uh... It's kind of a scary feeling.
[Rotura de voz] Realmente no recuerdo... la mayor parte de tiempo cómo, y donde voy... donde he estado y que es lo que he estado haciendo, y, uh... es una sentimiento un poco espeluznante.
He's doing it again!
Lo está haciendo otra vez!
He did it to me and he's doing it again!
¡ Me lo hizo y lo está volviendo hacer!
How am I supposed to understand what it is he's doing.
¿ Cómo iba a entender lo que estaba haciendo?
He's doing it.
Lo va a hacer.
But it could be interesting if you'd explain a bit what he's doing, and you can congratulate him on air...
Pero podría ser interesante si se hubiera explicado un poco lo que está haciendo, y usted puede felicitarlo por la radio...
Rob, he's doing it again.
Rob, lo está haciendo otra vez.
- He's doing it again.
- Lo está haciendo de nuevo.
That's what I've been doing the last eight years, and it's all about to pay off.
Lo he hecho por ocho años y estoy a punto de ver resultados.
- He's really doing it?
- ¿ De veras Io está haciendo?
I didn't know it was your birthday. What's he doing?
No sabía que era su cumpleaños, si quiere... ¿ Qué está haciendo?
He's doing it!
¡ Lo está haciendo!
It's like he's doing all this just for fun.
Parece como si lo hiciera para divertirse.
If the guy realizes you're doing it for money, he's not coming back.
Si el chico se da cuenta de que estas ahi por dinero, no va a volver.
Look, we'd need some time to go over this. But Mr. Sullivan here seems like he knows what he's doing. So, it would appear we have a problem.
Verás, necesitaríamos un tiempo para revisar esto, pero parece que el Sr. Sullivan sabe lo que se hace, así que parece que tenemos un problema.
It * * * out of battery or f * * * all * * * run l.U.U.S.Sd find find out * * * he wand what he was doing last night. On it.
Ryan, investiga sus finanzas, quiero saber qué estaba haciendo anoche.
He's been doing it all night.
Me miró toda la noche.
He's doing it again.
Otra vez me está mirando.
He's doing it now.
Me está mirando ahora mismo.
Well, whatever he's doing, it doesn't sound genuine.
Bien, cualquier cosa está haciendo, no suena genuino.
Of course, he's only doing it because I twisted his arm.
Por supuesto, solo lo está haciendo porque he retorcido su brazo.
Mike, he's doing it on his lunch hour, so we got to make it snappy.
Mike, que lo está haciendo en su hora de almuerzo, por lo que tenemos que hacerlo rápido.
Besides, that guy's doing it, and he looks pretty cool.
Además, ese tipo lo hace y parece bastante guay.
He's not doing it because he believes in the horse.
Él no lo hace porque cree en el caballo.
He's doing it because he believes in us.
Lo hace porque cree en nosotros.
He's just doing it to try to discredit me.
Lo está haciendo para tratar de desacreditarme.
No, no, he doesn't want us anywhere near this kid.'Cause he's been doing something dirty that almost got him killed, and I want to know what it was.
No, no, no nos quería de ninguna manera cerca del chico. Porque estaba haciendo algo sucio que casí le hace que le mate, y quiero saber qué era.
But right now he's in training, and if he's not suffering, he's not doing it right.
Pero ahora mismo se está entrenando. Y si no está sufriendo, no lo está haciendo bien.
- I just don't know why he's doing it.
- Yo no sé por qué lo hace.
Whereas Wilson, for me, he's doing it for the same reasons I'm doing it.
Mientras Wilson, para mi, él lo está haciendo por los mismos motivos que yo
But whatever it is, it can't be worse than what he's doing to himself.
Pero en cualquier caso, no puede ser peor que lo que se está haciendo a sí mismo.
He's probably doing the Farrakhan thing - running around with his little bow tie, talking about keeping it positive.
Seguro hace como Farrakhan con la corbata de moño y los discursos positivos.
He's doing it for the interest of Germany.
El Führer representa los intereses alemanes, así que representa lo nuestro. Ya sabes qué hacer.
He's probably doing it subconsciously.
Probablemente lo hace inconscientemente.
Yes, I'm doing it in real time. I'm cross-referencing from other buildings he's staged from.
Sí, estoy viéndolo mientras hablamos y buscando posibles coincidencias con otros edificios donde ya estuvo.
He's doing it for me, darling.
Lo está haciendo por mí, cariño.
50 It's funny but 50 making myself focus exactly on what 50 he was doing, I think it helped.
Es divertido pero fijarme en lo que hacía pienso que ayudó.
It's supposed to mean I've been doing this for a long time and I understand, you know, when you get a student that seems like he's got a lot of... talent and potential and hope... very dangerous thing.
Eso significa que he estado haciendo esto por mucho tiempo y entiendo que, ya sabes, que cuando consigues un estudiante que parece como él tener mucho... talento y potencial y esperanza... es algo muy peligroso.
It doesn't mean he knows what he's doing.
No significa que realmente sepa lo que hace.
Well, whatever he's doing here, I guarantee it's not good.
Lo que sea que esté haciendo aquí, os aseguro que no es nada bueno.
It's not my bike because Vale has been doing the evolution, so he has been making the bike for his style.
No es mi moto, porque Vale ha estado haciendo la evolución, por lo que ha estado desarrollando la moto a su estilo,

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