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He did it to himself traducir español

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Whatever good he did, he did it to himself.
Todo el bien que hiciera, se lo haría a sí mismo.
I think he did it to himself.
Creo que fue él mismo.
He did it to himself.
Te he dicho que se lo hizo él mismo.
He did it to himself, Eddie.
Fue el único culpable, Eddie.
He did it to himself, didn't he?
¿ Lo hizo él mismo? ¿ No es así?
He did it to himself.
Le pasó por su propia culpa.
He did it to himself.
Él se lo hizo a sí mismo.
He did it to himself.
El se lo hizo por si mismo.
He did it to himself.
Se lo hizo él solo.
- You're saying he did it to himself? - No.
- ¿ Dices que él se lo hizo solo?
He's just self-conscious about his neck because he did it to himself.
Está obsesionado con esa cosa en el cuello porque se la hizo él mismo.
He did it to himself.
Se lo ha hecho a si mismo.
Clearly he did it to himself. The kid is disturbed.
Es obvio que se lo hizo él mismo, está trastornado.
Do you really think that he did it to himself?
¿ De veras crees que él mismo se lo hizo?
He did it to himself, man.
Se lo hizo a si mismo, hombre.
He did it to himself.
Se lo hizo a si mismo.
Look, you did not cause that kid's death, J. He did it to himself. Your name just happened to be on the bottle.
Mira, tú no mataste a aquel chico Jake se suicidó, tu nombre sólo aparecía en la receta
You mean he shot himself in the chest, then fell to the floor, then did it again?
Quiere decir que se disparo a si mismo en el pecho y luego de caer al suelo, se disparo otra vez?
If he did, he kept it to himself.
Si era así, lo mantuvo en secreto.
That's no sign he's goin'batty. Did you ever know a man to tell a lie so often He came to believe it himself?
¿ Alguna vez conoció a un tipo que dijera una mentira con tanta frecuencia que llegara a creerla el mismo?
Well, the next time his gas valve gets jammed, he can fix it himself. All I did was offer to go to work and help so that we could get married real soon.
Todo lo que hice fue ofrecerle trabajar y ayudar para que nos pudiéramos casar más pronto.
Who did you steal this from? To the Casino croupier who hurt himself with it so he sold it to me by weight
Me la vendió un crupier que se pegó un porrazo con ella.
It wasn't much good he did for himself goin'off to America.
Pobre Pat McMahon, su padre. No se hizo nigún bien emigrando a América.
I scuppered him, scuppered your pink and white boy and you put him right in my lap no one need to took the fleece off he is such a fool he is bound to give himself over, why did you do it?
La he engatusado. He utilizado a tu noviecito y tú me lo pusiste en bandeja. Va a tener problemas con le policía.
I know how you got it. And I know what he did to himself after you stole it from him.
Sé cómo la conseguiste y lo que hizo cuando se la robaste.
And did you see how funny it was when he tried to protect himself?
¿ Y vistes lo divertido que fue cuando se intentó defender?
Did he do it to himself or did your friends help him out?
¿ Lo hizo por cuenta propia o le ayudaron tus amigos?
And did it in such a ghastly manner, found himself a hairdresser in Penza and announced to her about his decision over the intercom, bastard.
- He tenido el placer de conocerlo. Bueno, es la vida.
All right, so even if he didn't do it himself... I could've got him to tell me who did.
Bueno, aunque así sea, podría haberme llevado a quien lo hizo.
Well, it depends, doesn't it, on what he wanted to confess to and if he really did want to confess, why did he try to kill himself before doing so?
Depende de aquello que quisiera confesar. ¿ Y si quería confesarse, por qué intentó suicidarse antes?
Eddie, he did this to himself, don't you get it?
Eddie, él fue el propio culpable, ¿ no lo entiendes?
Did he see it as a metaphor for the hero's journey into the wilderness to face himself?
¿ Simbolizaba el viaje del héroe hacia el páramo para enfrentarse a sí mismo?
I didn't realize. He did manage to climb a tree... and go along a branch of it and get himself down.
Se las arregló para subir al árbol e ir a la punta de una rama, y logró bajar.
Sometimes I wonder if he believed in all of those things he did himself or if he was doing it because it was expedient to do as a politician.
A veces me pregunto si creía en todas esas cosas que hizo o si lo hizo porque le convenía como político.
I asked him to make a fool out of himself, and he didn't want to, uh, but he did it for me.
Le pedí que hiciera el ridículo, y no quería. Pero lo hizo, por mí.
He wanted me to kill him, and then he did it himself!
¡ Él quería que lo mate, y luego lo hizo él mismo!
He kind of did it to himself.
Pero él mismo.
If Henry suspected Thomas of getting above himself - and if he did, he wasn't alone - it didn't get in the way of Becket coming to mind for the top job in the country, the newly-vacated post of Archbishop of Canterbury.
Si Enrique sospechó que Thomas se le opondría, y si lo hizo, él no estaba solo, eso no obstaculizó que pensara en Becket para el mejor puesto en el país, el puesto recientemente vacante de Arzobispo de Canterbury.
- He did stuff to himself but... - It's OK.
- Él se hizo cosas solo, yo...
He did it all for himself, to get the science on that disk.
Lo hizo por él, para obtener el secreto contenido en ese disco.
madam, your son, Jeannot, makes me puzzled yesterday, in the washroom, I told him to take off his pants himself he did it, and said "yes"
" Señora, su hijo Jeannot me representa un problema. Ayer, en el baño, le pedí que desabroche solo su pantalón.
And it's not that he didn't need to make a living as an artist, he did, he needed that income, but he more than - he wanted to satisfy his patrons whoever they were, wanted to satisfy himself.
Y no es que no necesitara ganarse la vida como artista. Lo necesitaba. Necesitaba ese ingreso, pero él más que satisfacer a sus clientes, quien quiera que fueran, él quería satisfacerse a sí mismo.
Yes, and he says he did it just to put himself through dance classes.
Sí, y dice que lo hizo para pagarse las clases de danza.
Or did the penny drop because of the way it was interpreted by the Nazis... and so he wanted to defend himself?
O fingía que no gustaba... debido al modo como fue interpretado por los nacistas... ¿ para entonces poder defenderse?
He did it to himself
No te pregunte a ti, maldita enfermera.
That he arranged a screening for "Some Call It Loving" there... you can't help but respect someone... who has taken all the time and effort... to educate himself, become familiar with... with not only my films... ones I did with Kubrick of course weren't obscure... but "Some Call It Loving" was kind of an obscure film.
El hecho que organizara el pase de "Some Call It Loving" ahí... respeto mucho a alguien que se ha tomado todo ese tiempo y esfuerzo... de educarse a sí mismo, familiarizarse con... no sólo mis películas... las que hice con Kubrick no eran tan oscuras... pero "Some Call It Loving" era ciertamente algo oscura.
It's what he did to himself.
Se lo hizo a sí mismo.
Yeah. Well, I did ask, but he keeps it to himself.
Sí, se lo pedí, pero lo mantiene en secreto.
I found the bottle, and i knew that he had done something bad to himself and he did it off that bridge so that i would forgive him.
Encontré la botella y supe que se había hecho algo malo él mismo, y lo hizo en el puente a manera que pudiera perdonarlo.
If he did, he kept it to himself.
Si la tenía, se la guardó sólo para él.
Now, if he did kill himself, and someone knew about it and moved him... maybe tried to hide what had happened...
Si se suicidó y alguien lo supo y lo movió tal vez, trató de ocultar lo que sucedió.

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