He got him traducir español
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He got Kieran like this by the throat and then he threw him down, and he didn't hurt him, not so much.
Agarró a Kieran así por la garganta y lo tiró, y no lo hirió, no mucho.
You abandoned his mother to a miserable life in hiding and saddled him with a demon's curse, so he thinks, which got his mother killed.
Abandonaste a su madre a una vida miserable en lo oculto... y lo marcaste con una maldición demoníaca, eso piensa... que llevó su madre a la muerte.
I stopped talking to him, and he got mad.
Dejé de hablarle y se molestó.
He's got some stones on him.
Tiene agallas.
He got arrested in the county, so they took him up to the county jail in Valhalla.
Le han arrestado en el condado, así que se lo llevaran a la cárcel del condado en Valhalla.
So he got under your skin, but after he got out of prison, after 12 years, you didn't want to see him even a little bit?
Así que se te metió bajo la piel, pero después de que saliese de la cárcel, tras 12 años, ¿ no has querido verlo ni un momento?
I said I did not want to see him until he got clean.
Le dije que no quería volver a verlo hasta que se desintoxicara.
Well, if he has a spoofer, then he's probably got a bunch of other shady shit in him.
Bueno, si tienen un burlador, entonces tendrá más mierda sospechosa dentro.
That night, when Father Herman got home, an old man appeared. He had recently visited him, just before his death. The Father had heard his confession, and given him the Holy Communion.
De noche, cuando el Padre Herman volvía a casa, apareció un hombre a quien había visitado justo antes de su muerte, para escuchar sus confesiones y darle la comunión.
They got him, but he's breathin'.
Lo tienen, pero sigue respirando.
Just leave him thinking he got everything he wanted even when he didn't. It's easy.
Es fácil.
- He's one of the best, but he's got a lotta issues that stop him from doing more.
Es uno de los mejores, pero tiene muchos problemas... que evitan que haga más.
One of these kids is nephew to the tribe's chief. He got in trouble in my county, And I'm returning him to be tried by his own people.
Uno de esos chicos es sobrino del jefe de la tribu, buscó problemas en mi condado y lo devuelvo para ser juzgado por su propia gente.
Owen told him he'd got it wrong.
Owen le dijo que lo malentendió.
Then I meet this happy kid. Sure, he's got bum legs, but he's not ugly. And I've completely cured him.
Entonces conozco a este chico feliz, claro, tiene las piernas tullidas, pero no es feo y lo tengo completamente curado.
What if this place turned him into a mutant, and he's got hermit crab hands?
¿ Y si este lugar lo convirtió en un mutante, y tiene ermitaño cangrejo manos?
If it is, then the people Dylan was involved with are drug dealers, and whatever evidence he collected may be what got him killed.
Si eso es así, la gente con la que Dylan estaba involucrado son traficantes de drogas, y cualquier prueba que el recogiera puede ser lo que le mató.
Yes, and when he got home, his brown uncle tucked him into bed.
Sí, y cuando llegó a casa, su tío marrón lo metió en la cama.
He never complained, but it got to him.
Nunca se quejó, pero tuvo un efecto en él.
- He's got Tallies with him?
- Tiene coincide con él?
He's got plenty of reason for the way you all treat him.
Tiene muchas razones por cómo lo tratan todos ustedes.
It's a bit like you and Billy, you know, he gets frustrated when you're not there to translate for him, and I think that's what we've got with this poltergeist.
Es un poco como lo que ocurre entre Billy y tú, ya sabes, se siente frustrado cuando tú no estás ahí para traducir lo que dice, y yo creo que eso es lo que tenemos que hacer con este Poltergeist.
And I told him he got to stand on his own.
Y le dije que tenía que valerse por sí mismo.
He's mine'? You got him for me'?
¿ La compró para mi?
Who he's got working for him?
¿ Para quién está trabajando?
I want to be out of uniform and in the plainclothes, to let him know that Motos got what it takes to succeed, prove to him that he can be proud of his daddy.
Quiero ser sin uniforme y en los vestidos de civil, para hacerle saber que Motos tiene lo que se necesita para tener éxito, demostrarle que él puede ser orgulloso de su papá.
Yes, sir, but if he's not your son, you got to cut him loose.
Sí señor, pero si no es tu hijo, tienes que cortarlo suelto.
Well, apparently, someone got to him before he could get away.
Aparentemente, alguien lo encontró antes que pudiera irse.
I mean, I got pictures of the guy but the next step was to show the pictures to the client on the assumption that he'd recognise him.
Tengo fotos del tipo, pero el siguiente paso era mostrarle las imágenes al cliente en el supuesto de que lo reconocería.
And Chapman hasn't got a great track record for believing people who said they haven't grassed him up, has he?
Y Chapman no tiene un gran historial de creerle a la gente que dice que no lo delataron, ¿ cierto?
- He's got a real temper on him.
- Tiene mal carácter.
Then after that, I tailed him to the parish house and sat outside without incident till it got dark. At which point, he got in his car and went to that warehouse on cherokee.
Después de eso, le seguí hasta la parroquia y estaba sentado fuera sin incidentes hasta que se hizo de noche, y en ese momento, subió a su coche y se fue a ese almacén en Cherokee.
We got a wit who thinks he may have seen him getting into a gray-ish van with a guy who more or less might have been Waits, maybe.
Tenemos a un testigo que cree haberlo visto metiéndose en una furgoneta gris con un hombre que podría ser Waits, podría.
Just got used to coming home to him, I guess, s-seeing him in the middle of the night
Solo me he acostumbrado a llegar a casa con él, supongo, verle en el medio de la noche
He's bonded with his teacher, Mrs. Watson, and he's getting great reports, and he's got a little best buddy down the street, and he plays with him every day.
Está unido con su maestra, la señora Watson, y él está haciendo grandes informes, y tiene un poco mejor amigo por la calle, y juega con él todos los días.
Yeah, I got a signal on the broker's phone, as long as he keeps the battery in it, I can track him anywhere.
Tengo señal del móvil del bróker, si tiene la pila puesta, lo sigo a todas partes.
Dude, we got a boatload of photos of him from the black hat presentation, but like I said, he's got on a mask and glasses.
Tenemos sus fotos en la presentación de sombrero negro, pero como te dije, tiene máscara y anteojos.
It's him, he's got the key.
Es él. Tiene la llave.
I've been dating him longer than you even knew Gus before you got married.
He estado saliendo con él más de lo que tú conocías a Gus antes de casarse.
But he is gay and his parents got him in a psychiatric to heal.
Pero es gay y sus padres le metieron en un psiquiátrico para curarle.
Things got hectic, and he shot him in the face.
Las cosas se pusieron difíciles y le disparó en la cara.
I know he was talking stuff about me, and you got into it with him.
Sé que estaba diciendo cosas de mí, y te peleaste con él.
Right after they got him in the operating room, um... He's dead.
Justo después de entrar en quirófano... murió.
When he got here, he realized only the kids could hear him.
Cuando llegó aquí, se dió cuenta que solo los niños podían escucharlo.
And if that doesn't work, I just found out the name of his kid, so I'm just gonna call him, pretend he had an accident, tell him he's got to come down to the hospital,
Y si eso no funciona. Acabo de encontrar el nombre de su hijo, y voy a llamarlo, pretendiendo que el tuvo un accidente, decirle que tuvo que venir añ hospital, y hacerlo que firme aqui.
So he... he yells up, "hey, hey, I got him!"
Así que... le grita hacia arriba, " hey, hey, yo lo tengo!
Well, tell... tell him he's got to move his family out of there.
Bueno, dile... dile que tiene que mudar a su familia de allí.
He's had a pretty messed-up life, but, you know, I got to give him credit.
Se tuvo una vida bastante desordenado-up, pero, ya sabes, tengo que darle crédito.
So you got out of your car, and you walked straight up to this guy, and you asked him what he was doing?
Entonces te bajaste del auto, y fuiste derecho hasta este hombre, ¿ y le preguntaste qué estaba haciendo?
I already got him something.
Yo ya le he conseguido algo.
When I asked him why he was here, he said it was because he got kicked out of the dorm.
Cuando le pregunté por que estaba aquí, dijo que era porque le habían echado de la residencia.
he got it 62
he got caught 17
he got scared 18
he got fired 16
he got up 23
he got mad 16
he got 53
he got me 33
he got you 25
he got angry 18
he got caught 17
he got scared 18
he got fired 16
he got up 23
he got mad 16
he got 53
he got me 33
he got you 25
he got angry 18
he got what he deserved 41
he got shot 40
he got away 151
he got what he wanted 17
he got out 64
he got lucky 28
got him 471
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
he got shot 40
he got away 151
he got what he wanted 17
he got out 64
he got lucky 28
got him 471
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23