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He was a wonderful man traducir español

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He was a wonderful man, Mr. Krayler was.
El Sr. Krayler era un hombre maravilloso.
He was a wonderful man.
Era un hombre maravilloso.
Yes, he was a wonderful man.
Sí. Era un hombre bueno.
- He was a wonderful man.
- Era un hombre maravilloso.
All she ever told me was that he was in the oil business, and that he was a wonderful man and that she was the wrong woman for him.
Lo único que me dijo fue que estaba en el negocio del petróleo. Que era un hombre maravilloso y ella no era la mujer indicada para él.
Yeah, that's right, he was a wonderful man.
Sí, cierto, era formidable.
- He was a wonderful man.
- Fue un hombre maravilloso.
Yeah, he was a wonderful man.
Sí, él fue un hombre maravilloso.
He was a wonderful man.
Era un gran hombre.
He was a wonderful man. He...
Era un hombre maravilloso.
Well, he sounds like he was a wonderful man.
Suena como un hombre maravilloso.
He was a wonderful man.
Fue un hombre maravilloso.
He was a wonderful man, a wonderful man.
Él era un hombre maravilloso, un hombre maravilloso.
No, he was, he was a wonderful man.
No, el era... El era un hombre increible.
My Matthew,..... he was a wonderful man.
Mi Matthew,... era un hombre maravilloso.
Yes, he was a wonderful man.
Era un hombre maravilloso.
- He was a wonderful man.
- Era un hombre formidable.
He was a wonderful man.
Fue un hombre excelente.
- He was a wonderful man, but...
Era un hombre maravilloso, pero...
Sounds like he was a wonderful man.
Parece que era un gran hombre.
He was a... He was a wonderful man.
Era un hombre maravilloso.
His daughter said he was a wonderful man before he started seeing things.
Su hija dijo que era un hombre maravilloso antes de que empezara a ver cosas.
He was a wonderful man.
Era maravilloso.
He was such a wonderful man.
Era un hombre maravilloso.
He was a wonderful man.
Bueno, ¿ podrías escribir tal vez sobre papá?
You batted those eyes and told him what a great big wonderful man he was.
Moviste esos ojos y le dijiste que era un hombre maravilloso.
He was such a wonderful man.
Wayne era tan bueno.
Hoss, this was once a wonderful man. But he was struck down- - life struck him down. Pa, I didn't mean to offend you.
Hoss, él era un hombre muy bueno, pero él fue derribado por la vida.
He was a rather wonderful man, not... brilliant or dashing or anything like that, but... just rather wonderful.
Fuè un hombre maravilloso... no era una estrella ni brillante ni nada parecido a eso... Solamente maravilloso.
But he was, not only specific talent he was also dedicated worker, and a wonderful man.
Pero no sólo era un talento específico,... sino también un trabajador entregado y un hombre maravilloso.
He was such a wonderful man.
Era un hombre tan maravilloso.
That was a wonderful performance. The man shouldn't be on trial, he should be given a medal.
No procesen a este hombre, denle una medalla.
Teacher Cai was a wonderful dancer when he was a young man.
Maestro Cai Era un bailarin maravilloso cuando era un hombre joven.
He met a man in a public house who said he was in the secret service, and he offered Frank this wonderful job.
Conoció a un hombre en el parque, que dijo pertenecer al Servicio Secreto. Y le ofreció ese puesto maravilloso.
He's a clever man, a reading man, and I do view... suddenly attaching himself to her like that... a man in his situation, with a broken heart... phoebe Harville was a wonderful woman and he was devoted to her.
Es un sabio, un hombre leído, y pienso... que, de pronto, atarse a Louisa de una forma así, un hombre, en su situación, con el corazón destrozado... Phoebe Harville era una mujer maravillosa.
- Intimately. - What kind of a man was he? - A wonderful man.
Señor Presidente, acabamos de recibir un mensaje urgente del presidente de Rusia.
There was a famous psychic in the thirties, and he told me that a wonderful man was gonna come into my life and I must wait for him.
Habia un famoso psiquico en los treinta, y me dijo... que un hombre grandioso llegaria a mi vida y debia esperar por el.
It's a wonderful story and I hope people understand how important it was to this man to fight for what he believed in.
Es una historia fabulosa, y espero que la gente comprenda lo importante que fue para este hombre luchar por sus convicciones.
He was a wonderful,..... wonderful man.
Era maravilloso..... un hombre maravilloso.
Democracy to my father was a wonderful concept, but I don't think he felt that all those publics out there had reliable judgment, and that they very easily might vote for the wrong man or want the wrong thing ;
La gente podía no votar a la persona adecuada.
He was a great man, great producer, just wonderful producer. Any time, all right?
Era gran hombre, gran productor, un productor maravilloso.
And he was a wonderful, wonderful man.
Y era un hombre realmente maravilloso.
He was truly a wonderful man.
Era un hombre verdaderamente maravilloso.
He was a very attractive young man and very bright, and wonderful personality.
Era un joven muy atractivo y muy brillante, con una personalidad maravillosa.
When I saw Gandhiji and met him I was very impressed, he was an unusual man a rare human being and a wonderful leader of mankind
Cuando vi a Gandhiji y le conocí me impresionó mucho, era un hombre poco corriente, un ser humano poco común y un maravilloso líder para la humanidad.
There was a man, this wonderful man, and he stopped it.
Había un hombre. Este maravilloso hombre. Y él lo impidió.
Hathaway was a wonderful director, but he was a man who, in a sense, bulldozed his way along.
Hathaway era un director maravilloso, pero era un hombre que, en cierto sentido, arrasaba con todo.
He's a good man and a wonderful father, but I always felt he was more married to the Navy than me.
Es un buen hombre y un padre maravilloso pero siempre sentí que estaba casado más con la Armada que conmigo.
- He was such a wonderful man.
- Era un hombre maravilloso.
Before they could get it into the magazine, World War II broke out, and suddenly this wonderful story about a young man named Holden Caulfield and this personal rebellion he was going through seemed trivial and beside the point and, you know, it just didn't seem appropriate
Antes de que pudieran publicarlo en la revista, estalló la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y de repente este maravilloso cuento acerca de un joven llamado Holden Caulfield y esta rebelión personal por la que él estaba pasando parecía trivial e irrelevante
Your father, he was a sweet, wonderful, loving man.
Tu padre, era un hombre maravilloso, dulce, cariñoso.

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