Head him off traducir español
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"Get two cars... head him off before he hits town!"
Coja dos coches y alcáncele antes de que deje la ciudad.
- Trying to head him off.
- Lo están persiguiendo.
- Head him off.
- Vigiladlo.
- Don't let him reach his office. - Head him off.
¡ Atrapadlo antes de que llegue!
I'll head him off.
Haré que cambie el rumbo.
Mulholland, take the rest in the van and try to head him off before he crosses the river.
Mulholland, tú y el resto en camión, trata de Ilegar antes de que cruce el río.
Head him off!
- ¡ Ciérrenle el paso!
Phil was trying to pull a trick that's too slick for his own good... so I come over here to head him off.
El plan de Phil era demasiado complicado, por eso vine a ayudarle.
We'll head him off.
Vamos a su encuentro.
We'll head him off.
Lo interceptaremos.
- We gotta try to head him off.
- Hay que adelantarle.
You've got to head him off.
- Debes interceptarlo.
- Head him off!
- ¡ Córtale el paso!
Head him off!
¡ Córtale el paso!
This way. We'll head him off.
¡ Le cortaremos el paso!
We will head him off downriver.
Lo cogeremos río abajo.
We could head him off that way.
Podemos dirigirlo hacia allá.
We've got to try and head him off.
Hay que intentar detenerlo.
Steve's trying to head him off now on the road to Point Lobo.
Steve fue a tratar de detenerlo en el camino a Punta Lobos.
Head him off! Hey!
¡ Detenedle!
We're going to try to head him off at Gonzales.
Intentaremos cortarle el camino a gonzales.
You cover the house. I'll head him off.
Cubre la casa. Yo lo interceptaré.
Where would you go to head him off?
¿ A dónde pensarías que se dirige?
Head him off from the other direction.
Lo alcanzaremos desde el otro lado.
Now, when you start off, you get him up on top, see... and then give him his head and let him roll... and if he starts loafing on you, you just give him the gun, see?
Cuando comiences, ponlo a la cabeza... y déjalo correr... y si empieza a flojear, espoléalo.
Lo salvé cuando tenía su cabeza, justo a tiempo.
You can have him all night, and see if you can see his head off the second button.
Pasa la noche con él. A ver si consigues que saque la mano del chaleco.
When a bird sits on your head and interferes with the championship, you shoot him off.
Si un "pájaro" revolotea alrededor e interfiere en el campeonato,... lo liquidas.
And also some sort of cousin of yours, which didn't prevent him or his father from helping to cut off my father's head.
Y de alguna forma, también tuyo. Lo que no les impidió a él ni a su padre cortarle la cabeza al mío.
You take him downtown, while I work my head off?
¿ Vas a llevarlo al centro mientras yo me mato a trabajar?
Let him talk his head off.
Que hable.
I promised to knock his head off if I caught him making a nuisance of himself.
Prometí darle una paliza si daba molestias.
I'll head him off.
Le voy a convencer de que desista.
Don't knock his head clear off him because he's gotta talk, and quick
No le golpeen la cabeza, porque tiene que hablar y rápido.
Strangled him, then half cut his head off.
Lo estrangulo y lo decapito.
Take him to the guillotine. Cut off his head in the morning.
Córtenle la cabeza en la guillotina en la mañana.
Him who chopped off his uncle's head. Oh. He left it here for anyone to use
Pertenecía a Barry,... el que le cortó la cabeza a su tía.
I saw him once with Barbara, and he gets up on his toes like a rooster... and he pushes you over sideways... and then he shoves your head back till you think it's gonna drop off.
Se tiene que poner de puntillas te empuja de costado y la cabeza se dobla hacia un lado.
Head him off at the other roof.
Ahí, en la cuerda.
Just take him up on deck, chop off his head and give his body to the cook.
Mejor, súbalo a cubierta, córtele la cabeza y dele el cuerpo al cocinero.
He could twist the head off your Ursus before he knew what touched him.
Podría torcer la cabeza de tu Ursus antes de saber qué lo tocó.
Answer him. Or do I have to blow your head off?
Respóndele ¿ O tendré que volarte la cabeza?
And then I'm supposed to put my arms around him and make him some black coffee and stick an ice bag on his head and take off his boots and wrap him up warm and put him to bed.
Entonces, como se supone, pondré mis brazos a su alrededor le preparare un café le pondré una bolsa de hielo en la cabeza le quitaré sus botas y lo meteré en la cama
You want Gregory's head chopped off and his insides taken out so you can eat him, don't you?
¡ Quieres cortarle la cabeza a Gregory y sacarle sus entrañas para que te lo puedas comer! , ¿ no?
And for Mark Antony, think not of him, for he can do no more than Caesar's arm when Caesar's head is off.
Y no penséis en Marco Antonio... quien no puede más que el brazo de César sin la cabeza.
Nowadays, old Gabriel himself could stand outside that window and blow his head off and we wouldn't hear him.
Hoy en dia, el arcangel Gabriel podria estar tras esta ventana desgañitandose, y nosotros no oiriamos nada.
You held him, I took off the top of his head.
Tú le agarraste y yo le volé la tapa de los sesos.
You should see him running around, like a chicken with his head off.
Corría en círculos como un pollo sin cabeza.
If it wasn't for him, I would have been off my head years ago.
De no ser por él, habría perdido la cabeza hace años.
Because that's where they found him lying in a ditch, his head blown off by a shotgun.
Porque allí lo encontraron en una zanja con su cabeza volada por una escopeta.
It is up to him to pardon you or cut your head off
De él depende tu perdón o tu condena a muerte.
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office 169
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officer 2766
offensive 29
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off the top of my head 48
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off you go 630
off with his head 28