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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I'll try that

I'll try that traducir español

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And if you try to work anywhere else, I'll pull so many strings that you'll strangle in them.
Y si se intenta trabajar en cualquier otro lugar, Me encargaré de que nadie le contrate pero ahora...
Let me tell you something. If you let us go now, I'll try and get you off with a light sentence, but if you lock us up, that's legal assault, and I'll see to it that you get the limit.
Permítame decirle algo... si nos deja salir ahora trataré de sacarlo con una sentencia ligera... pero si nos encierra, es asalto, y veré que le den el máximo.
If you try to pull another break like that on me, I'll deliver you in a basket.
Si intentas escaparte otra vez de mí, te devuelvo dentro de un cesto.
But if you try to pull a fast one on me, I'll knock you off cold, - is that understood?
Pero si me la intentas jugar... te dejo tieso, ¿ entendido?
I am a selfish girl but I'll truly try to be better and not waste my time in school so that Father may not be disappointed in me.
Soy una egoísta pero me esforzaré por ser mejor y no perder mi tiempo en la escuela para que papá no se decepcione de mí.
You try to force that palooka down the public's throat... and you'll find out what I know.
Intenta meter a esa torpe por la garganta del público... y descubrirás lo que yo ya sé.
I'll try to ring you with a halo in that sidelight story.
Trataré de hablar bien de ti en esa pequeña historia.
I'll try that place.
Intentaré en este lugar.
I promise you, my darling, that as soon as I've completed that experiment, I'll try to be more...
Querida, te prometo... que en cuanto haya acabado este experimento... intentaré ser más...
I don't know, I'll have to try it on no Grandma, that's my underwear
No sé, voy a tener que probármelo. ¡ No abuela, es mi ropa!
I'll do the fishing, Disko... you just get out that checkerboard and try to figure out how really smart you are.
Yo seré el que pesque, Disko tú preocúpate por sacar ese tablero y averiguar cuán listo eres realmente.
And if that's being a halfwit, I think I'll try to get rid of the other half.
Y si eso me da pinta de medio bobo, intentaré ser bobo entero.
If you ever try a thing like that again, I'll...
Si vuelven a hacer algo así, yo...
I got plans for that kid! You try and snatch him, and I'll have you dropped out of sight!
Si intentas quitármelo te haré desaparecer.
Listen, either you give me your word of honor you won't try that again. Or I'll spank your little...
Júrame que no volverás a intentarlo o...
You made a nervous wreck out of me, you tortured me, you took my pride away, my self-respect and I stood for it, but if you try to tell me that he just came here to bring a handbag, I'll kill you.
Me hiciste poner nervioso, me torturaste, me quitaste mi orgullo y mi autoestima y lo soporté, pero si intentas decirme que sólo vino a traerte una cartera, te mataré.
I know that once I've gone, they'll try to strip me here at home.
Sé que cuando me vaya tratarán de arruinarme aquí en casa.
If you don't like that story, I'll try to think of another one.
Si no te gusta esa historia, pensaré otra.
Will you remember that? I'll try.
- ¿ Lo recordarás?
Don't try that again. Because if you do, I'll break a couple of your bones, if you've got any.
Vuelve a intentarlo y te rompo un par de huesos.
Maybe I'll try it someday on that jungle out there.
Igual lo intento con la selva ahí fuera.
I'm afraid not at least he's not conceited and he has nice clear eyes he shall come tomorrow, I'll let him have a volume of Corneille, he shall try his hand at that
No tengo miedo por lo menos, no es presumido y tiene ojos claros él vendrá mañana, le permitiré tener un volumen de Corneille, él probará su mano a eso
I can't give it back to you now but I'll try to see that the police don't bother you.
No puedo devolvérselo ahora pero trataré de hacer que la policía no la moleste.
I'll try to think of a game that I play well.
Intentaré recordar alguno que domine.
That sounds a little complicated, but I'll try.
Suena un poco complicado, pero lo intentaré.
Now I think I'll step in there and try that chair for size.
Creo que voy a entrar para probar esa silla.
If they try to keep you in Havana, I'll bust that town...
Si intentan detenerte en La Habana, destruiré la ciudad...
But if I live later, I'll try to live in such a way, doing no harm to anyone, that it will be forgiven.
Pero si sobrevivo, intentaré vivir de manera que no haga daño a nadie para ser perdonado.
Trataré de recordarlo.
Carol... I'll try to be back by tomorrow afternoon. Promise me that you won't do anything until then.
Carol, intentaré estar de vuelta mañana por la tarde, prométame que no hará nada hasta entonces.
Try that again and I'll put you on solitary confinement, you would-be Frankenstein.
Si vuelves a intentarlo, te dejaré incomunicado, Frankenstein de pacotilla.
I'll try to remember that.
Trataré de recordarlo.
I'll try to remember what you said last night... that years from now, this will seem the greatest adventure we ever had, even though we had it separately.
Trataré de recordar lo que dijiste anoche que cuando pase el tiempo, veremos esto como nuestra mejor aventura, a pesar de haberla vivido separados.
I won't try to tell you that you'll get over it soon, because it will take time... maybe a long time.
No te diré que lo superarás pronto porque llevará su tiempo- - quizás mucho tiempo.
But don't try to run away or pull any tricks like that, because I'll be keeping an eye on things pretty close.
Pero no intente huir o hacer algún truco, porque estaré vigilándola muy de cerca.
Just as i'd feel sorry for any animal that's... being tormented in a - in a trap or a maze, and if you try to help him, he'll turn on you and tear your heart out.
Sí. De la que se siente por un animal atrapado en una trampa o un laberinto y cuando intentas ayudarle, se revuelve contra ti y te ataca.
Try any monkey business and I'll blow you clear outta this house Where's that money?
Mira, si tratas de jugarme sucio te haré volar fuera de esta casa.
Well, I'll try, but I'm quite sure that I haven't any dollars, Whatever they are. You see?
Bien, lo voy a intentar, pero estoy completamente seguro que no tengo dólares, o cómo quiera que se llamen. ¿ Lo ve?
- I'll try to see that it's long enough.
Intentaré que sea suficiente.
And now, I think I'll have a try at that fancy brass clock.
Ahora intentaré ganar ese reloj de latón.
I don't know how we're going to do it, but if that's the way you want it, lads, we'll have a try at it.
No sé cómo lo vamos a hacer, pero si es lo que queréis, lo intentaremos.
- I'll have to try that sometime.
- Tengo que probar eso algún día.
Consider me invited, and I'll try and find out about that wine cellar business.
Invítame y trataré de averiguar sobre el asunto de la bodega.
That's right. I'll try both.
Tomaré las dos cosas.
I'll try and remember that, when I'm on the witness stand singing.
Intentaré acordarme cuando esté en el estrado soplándolo todo.
Try anything like that, and I'll stop it.
Haga algo así y yo lo impediré.
I'll try to measure up to all that.
Intentaré estar a la altura.
To the office tomorrow for that job, I'll try again.
Mañana, cuando vengas al despacho buscando trabajo, volveré a la carga.
You try and take that boat and I'll gut you out like a cod.
Intente quedarse ese barco y le destripo como a un bacalao.
- Lf I can't get that, I'll certainly try for 75.
- Trataré de ahorrarle $ 75.
Well, I'll try to answer that question, sir.
Intentaré responder.

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