Try that one traducir español
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Well I'd like to try that one again. Come ahead. - Sure.
Bueno, quisiera intentarlo otra vez.
Hard to light? Try that one.
¿ Difícil de encender?
All right, let's try that one again.
Me probaré ése otra vez.
- Let's try that one.
- Probemos esa.
Try that one.
Inténtalo una vez
Try that one with the light on!
¡ Probemos allí donde está la luz encendida!
We'll try that one.
Veamos si tenemos suerte.
He had to try that one day or another, to go the whole way.
Tenía que hacerlo tarde o temprano, para llegar hasta el final.
Yeah, answer that big boy, just try and answer that one.
Contesta a esa.
But if you try to pull a fast one on me, I'll knock you off cold, - is that understood?
Pero si me la intentas jugar... te dejo tieso, ¿ entendido?
The score is tied, 6-6. Yale is lining up in front of those goal posts... and Evans is going to try to put that slippery pigskin between those uprights... for that one little point that Yale needs to win.
Es un empate, 6 a 6, Yale se alinea frente a esos postes... y Evans intentará colocar el resbaladizo balón entre ellos... para conseguir ese tanto que Yale necesita para ganar.
- You ought to try that at home one day.
Deberías intentarlo en casa.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Whitman... but this seems to be one of those situations that we try to avoid here.
Lo siento, Sra. Whitman... pero parece una de esas situaciones que tratamos de evitar aquí.
Well, I figured that if all the suspects found scissors in their rooms... the one that was guilty would try to get rid of'em.
Supuse que si los sospechosos hallaban tijeras en sus cuartos... el culpable trataría de deshacerse de ellas.
If you don't like that story, I'll try to think of another one.
Si no te gusta esa historia, pensaré otra.
- That won't help. We got one chance. Have the men on this side get ahead of the herd... and we'll try to stampede them back into the Indians.
Que los de este lado se adelanten al ganado... e intentaremos lanzarlo en estampida contra los indios.
You understand, I didn't try, but it seemed to me that one of them wanted the other one to do something but I couldn't tell who wanted who to do what to which.
Tampoco lo intenté, pero me pareció que uno de ellos deseaba que el otro hiciera algo, pero no sabría decir cuál de los dos.
Of course, I realize that you've got your mind made up about me, but I'm going to make just one more try.
Por supuesto soy consciente de que tiene una opinión formada sobre mí, pero voy a intentarlo una vez más.
There's no one but you can pull her out of that shell, And you're so afraid you'll fail, you won't even try.
No hay nadie excepto tú que pueda sacarla fuera de ese caparazón, y te da tanto miedo fallar que ni siquiera quieres intentarlo.
You should try again with that one.
Deberías probar de nuevo con esto.
But you're a big man, and a mighty smart one, too, but I gotta tell you that I aim to try just as hard as I'm able to do what John Carter wanted me to.
Usted es un gran hombre, y muy inteligente, pero le diré que daré lo mejor de mí para cumplir lo que John Carter me encomendó.
- I try... - There might be one or two things... that he wouldn't want us to know about him.
- Quizá haya un par de cosas... que no quiera que sepamos de él.
Aw, we fall for these little dames and try to believe they're in love with us... when every morning our shaving mirror yells, "They can't be"... till one day we find out that youth belongs to youth, like you just done.
Nos enganchamos a estas damiselas queriendo creer en su amor aunque el espejo nos diga que no y un día comprendemos que la juventud va con la juventud...
And then this fella comes along who says he's a - a baron... whatever that is... and every time I try talking plain horse sense to him... he told me to settle with one of his clerks.
Y ahora este tipo viene y dice que es un... barón... sea lo que signifique... y cada vez que trato de hablar directamente con él... me dice que negocie con uno de sus empleados.
You know, Mrs Kearn.. There is one thing that makes us really cross. That's when people try to make us look silly.
Señora Kearn, sólo hay una cosa que nos molesta de veras, que nos tomen por tontos.
The Duke has been ordered to try it on every girl in the kingdom, and if one can be found whom the slipper fits, then... by the King's command, that girl shall be the Prince's bride.
Al Duque se le ha ordenado probarla en todas las muchachas del reino, y si encuentra alguna a quien la zapatilla le quede, entonces... por orden del Rey, esa muchacha se casará con el Príncipe.
Put that one on and try to get Dry Wells.
Póntelas e intenta comunicarte con Drive Wells.
In a way, he belongs to all three of us and since all of us can't have him... we decided that you're the one to try to adopt him.
De alguna manera es de las tres y como ninguna de nosotras puede tenerlo.. decidimos que tú eres quien ha de adoptarlo.
Don't even try, no one has managed that
A usted también se lo puedo ondular un poco.
Try to figure that one out.
Intenta entender.
But why should he be foolish as to try to jeopardize - well, he may have to answer for that one of these days.
¿ Pero por qué sería tan tonto de poner en peligro? Quizá deba responder a eso uno de estos días.
One day, one shall regret having been too precise and artists will try to provoke intentionally the accidents that chance provides.
Un día se lamentará el exceso de exactitud y los artistas intentarán provocar aposta
Try to distinguish here which one is the Earth and which one is the cloth, which one is the black skin and which one is the Earth seen from an airplane, which one is the bark of the tree and which one that of the statue.
Trata de distinguir acá, cuál es la tierra y cuál la tela, cuál es la piel negra y cuál la Tierra vista desde el aire, cuál es la corteza del árbol y cuál la de la estatua.
You're the only one I can try... the only one that doesn't worship at the shrine.
Eres el único al que puedo poner a prueba, el único que no idolatra el santuario.
Now, there's only one way to find out if it's valuable. That's to try and hock it, right?
Hay un modo de averiguar si esto es valioso.
Mari'. if you didn't have that temper of yours. if you wouldn't be so fierce that everytime one wants to caress or talk to you. you try to bite...
María, si no tuvieras ese temperamento, que hace que siempre estes lista para sacar las uñas...!
- Enough of that one. Let's try this.
Vamos a intentarlo.
Now, let's try and pass that one today.
Ahora, tratemos de superarla hoy.
One thing at a time, with the help of the Lord and that's what we're here for in this dirty room, to try to help.
Pero cambiarán... paso a paso, con la ayuda del Señor. Y por eso estamos aquí en esta habitación mugrienta... para intentar ayudarlos.
The last test I took was close on to five years ago and that was one of them tests where you try this fella's toothpaste for 10 days and see if your teeth don't get brighter.
La última prueba que tomé fue hace cinco años y fue una de esas pruebas donde se prueba un dentífrico durante diez días para ver si los dientes no están más brillantes.
I think that the theme would be the conflict between one superior man and all the petty angry forces that try to tug him down, drag him down, make him settle for less than the best, something they can understand.
Creo que el tema sería el conflicto entre un hombre superior y todas las fuerzas mezquinas que intentan debilitarlo, hundirlo, hacer que se conforme con menos, algo que ellos puedan comprender.
No practicing after midnight, and, uh, that'll be one week's rent in advance, and don't try to sneak your buddies in here to sleep on the chairs.
Ninguno ensayo después de la medianoche, Y, uh, ése lo será El alquiler en la 1era semana del mes con anticipación,
Anyway, the one time that a couple of men did try to pick us up, we began to giggle like we were babies.
De todas maneras, la única vez que un par de hombres trataron de recogernos, empezamos a reír nerviosamente como si fuéramos bebés.
Exitoso en la mayoría de las cosas pero no en el intento que todos los hombres hacen alguna vez en sus vidas : el tratar de regresar de nuevo a casa.
Try it out. Talk it over with Martin, that's the one.
Tengo que consultarlo con Martin.
Well, don't you try anything like that if you wanna stay in one piece.
No intentes algo así si quieres seguir con vida.
I may be unable to suppress my natural charm, but try to remember, I've only to make one of several pre-arranged gestures at that window and your wife would be subjected to the most unbearable torture.
A veces no puedo reprimir mi encanto natural, pero recuerde, con que sólo hiciera cierto gesto hacia esa ventana, su mujer sería sometida a una tortura insoportable.
Well, it's just that if the imagination starts to wander one has to try and drag it back to reality before- - Before it becomes permanent, you said, Dr. Gerrard.
Que tu imaginación empieza a volar, y es mejor volver a la realidad antes antes de que sea "permanente", ¿ verdad, doctor Gerrard?
That's one thing I'm not gonna even try to learn.
Es lo único que ni siquiera intentaré de aprender.
It's just that they need a court to try to keep an eye on things and... too much for one man.
Tan sólo asistir a las sesiones para estar atento es demasiado para un solo hombre.
This is one Yankee... that isn't even gonna try to tell you.
Éste es un yanqui... que ni siquiera va a intentar decírtelo.
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ones 44
try that 85
that one over there 16
that one right there 19
that one time 17
that one 1331
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that one there 54
that one day 20
ones 44
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one moment please 57
one more time 797
one thing at a time 106
one month later 23
one day 2293
one more 931
one year ago 42
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one more time 797
one thing at a time 106
one month later 23
one day 2293
one more 931
one year ago 42
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one more hour 17
one more chance 34
one step at a time 173
one hundred 76
one more thing 865
one more minute 37
one more round 22
one more drink 18
one moment 967
one and two 35
one more chance 34
one step at a time 173
one hundred 76
one more thing 865
one more minute 37
one more round 22
one more drink 18
one moment 967
one and two 35
one second 1230
one sec 340
one night 558
one at a time 318
one time 516
one game 29
one point 33
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one's missing 20
one by friend 20
one sec 340
one night 558
one at a time 318
one time 516
one game 29
one point 33
one week 142
one's missing 20
one by friend 20