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I called the hospital traducir español

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I called the hospital.
Hablé con el hospital.
I called the hospital from the airport.
Llamé al hospital desde el aeropuerto.
I called the hospital, the police...
He telefoneado a todos los hospitales, a la comisaría...
I called the hospitals.
¡ Llamé al hospital!
I called the hospital.
Llamé al hospital.
I called the hospital and I talked to the head orthopedic surgeon and I told him who you were and what had happened.
He llamado al hospital y he hablado con el traumatólogo jefe, y le he dicho quién eres y lo que pasó.
- Farfel. - It's interesting because I called the hospital and they said you were released on Monday.
Es curioso, porque llamé al hospital y dijeron que le habían dado el alta el lunes.
I called the hospital twice.
Llamé al hospital dos veces.
I called the hospital a few times. But he was busy with some nurse.
Bueno, llamé al hospital un par de veces,... dijeron que perseguías a las enfermeras.
I called the hospital hours ago.
Te llamé al hospital hace horas.
I called the hospital and the firehouse.
Llamé al hospital y a los bomberos.
But if she comes home later and it turns out to be nothing, don't tell her I called the hospital, ok?
Está bien, pero si luego llega y no es nada, no se Lo cuentes.
I called the hospital.
¿ Qué pasa?
I called the hospital. Dustin's in a coma.
Dustin está en coma.
I called the hospital. She's stable, but in critical condition.
Llamé el hospital. ella está estable, pero en condición crítica.
So I called the hospital to see who doctor Rabinowitz is and he's an oncologist... who specializes in testicular cancer.
Así que llamé al hospital para ver quién es el doctor Rabinowitz y es un oncólogo... especializado en cáncer de testículos.
I called the hospital here already and we'll do an MRI as soon as we get settled.
Ya he llamado al hospital. Y haremos un MRI en cuanto nos acomodemos
I called the hospital, he's not there.
Llamé el hospital él no está allá.
I called your home, but your mother wasn't there Do you want to call at the hospital?
He llamado a tu casa, pero no había nadie ¿ Quieres que llame al hospital?
Yes, I wasn't here 20 minutes when the hospital called.
Sí, no llevaba aquí ni 20 minutos cuando han llamado del hospital.
In that hotel in the mountain, when they called us to tell that Hiroshi was at the hospital I thought I received the punishment from God
En ese hotel de la montaña, cuando llamaron para decirnos que Hiroshi estaba en el hospital, creí que era un castigo de Dios.
I've been associated with this hospital for six years... and yesterday afternoon, Dr. Gilley called me... to tell me he was cutting off my privileges with the hospital.
Estuve trabajando en este hospital por seis años... y ayer en la tarde, me llamó el Dr. Gilley... para decirme que acababa con mis privilegios en el hospital.
When the hospital called, I was so upset.
Cuando me llamaron del hospital, me puse tan nerviosa...
When I was in the hospital, the President of this community college in Northern California called me and he asked me to go out and teach.
Cuando estaba en el hospital, El presidente de una comunidad universitaria al norte de California me llamó Y me pidió que fuera a enseñar lo mío.
- I called an ambulance to take her to the mental hospital.
Llamé una ambulancia para que la lleven al hospital mental. Estarán aquí en cualquier momento.
So I called Mr. Danner immediately then drove to the hospital, I got my head stitched up then went back to the hotel.
Así que llamé al Sr. Danner immediatamente luego me dirigí al hospital, suturaron mi cabeza después volví al hotel.
I asked the hospital, it's called...
En el hospital me dijeron que se llama...
I-I called to inquire... uh, if an elderly lady had- - had shown up, uh... i-in missing persons or th-the morgue or the hospital or- -
Llamé para preguntar si había aparecido una señora mayor, en personas desaparecidas, o el depósito, o el hospital.
I called the hospital.
Me contaron lo ocurrido.
I called every hospital in the city.
Llamé a todos los hospitales de la ciudad.
I called the police and went to the hospital.
- Llamé a la policía y fui al hospital.
I called you because of rumors about an incident at the hospital.
Lo llamé por los rumores acerca de un incidente en el hospital.
I'm thinking, "This is very strange," so I called up New York Hospital... and asked for a doctor... in the Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat Division.
Todo eso me pareció muy extraño, así que llamé al hospital y pedí que me pasaran con un otorrinolaringólogo.
So now I'm thinking that, like, maybe I went a little overboard because MaritZa called me this morning talking about how the baby got a bad liver and he's still in the hospital and they think that he's gonna die.
Y ahora estoy pensando que tal vez me pasé un poco de la raya porque Maritza me llamó esta mañana para decirme que el hígado del bebé no está bien y que todavía está en el hospital y creen que se va a morir.
I heard you tell him not to visit you. He was so lost, so miserable, that I forgot I was the idiot and called you.
Estaba con él cuando le dijo que no fuese al hospital y le vi tan perdido, tan desgraciado, que intenté olvidar que era un idiota y decidí llamarla.
I just called up at the state hospital...
Acabo de llamar al hospital...
I called the only place I could think of. And the hospital.
- No, he llamado al hospital.
I guess the hospital called him last night.
Supongo que el hospital lo llamó anoche.
No idea. I gave you her message after she called, but I haven't seen her since the hospital.
Llamó el otro día, hablé inmediatamente con Vds., pero no he vuelto a verla desde el hospital.
I stayed in the hospital called Bethelehem...
Me quedé en el hospital Bethelehem...
I called Sloane. Told him that I'd dragged Dixon back to the Humvee. That I drove him to the hospital myself.
Llamé a Sloane y le dije que yo llevé a Dixon en el coche al hospital.
Night shift at the hospital. I'm glad you called.
Turno de noche en el hospital. Me alegra que me llames.
I came as soon as the hospital called.
Vine apenas me llamaron del hospital.
He called me at the hospital, I'm a pedes nurse, and said he'd accidentally double-booked.
Me llamó al hospital, soy enfermera de pediatría. Dijo que había cometido un error con las reuniones con clientes.
Anyway, they took me to the hospital and I called him and he came down to get me and on the way he stopped and met some friends of his for a beer.
Como sea, fui al hospital yo lo llamé, iba a pasar por mí y se detuvo en el camino a tomar una cerveza con sus amigos.
When the hospital told me that they were releasing Mikey I called John and I yelled at him and told him to do something, anything.
Cuando el hospital me dijo que darían de alta a Mikey llamé a John y le grité y le dije que hiciera algo, lo que fuera.
You know, when Rory called me tonight and said the word'hospital'... I just legitimately thought I was having a heart attack.
Esta noche cuando Rory llamó y dijo la palabra "hospital"... sinceramente creí que me daría un ataque cardíaco.
I called the police, the hospital, my bookie, the kennel...
Llamé a la policía, al hospital, a mi corredor de apuestas, a la perrera.
I called the office and they said you were at a hospital
Llamé a la oficina y me dijeron que estabas en el hospital.
I have traded every single one of my weekends, I have called in every favour, and kissed every pompous, wrinkled ass in this fluorescent hellhole so that I could secure for you, the one-and-only, mack-daddy, out-of-your-mind birthing suite in this entire hospital.
He cambiado todos mis fines de semana libres, he recurrido a todos los favores que se me debian y le he besado el culo a todo el que ha hecho falta para poder conseguirte la unica, la increible, la superlujosa suite de parto
And as soon as I thought that... the hospital called and said her kidney failed.
Y tan pronto pensé eso me llamaron del hospital diciendo que tenía una insuficiencia renal.

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