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I called them traducir español

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I called them the night you left.
Les llamé la noche que te fuiste.
I wanted to inform Luo Qun and Feng Qinglan of it, so I called them when I returned.
Quería informar a Luo Qun y Feng Qinglan de ello, así que les llamé cuando volví.
I called them.
Yo les avisé.
I called them in by having him recommend the Remington Steele Agency to Hoskins.
Me los cobré haciendo que recomendara la Agencia Remington Steele a Hoskins.
I called them welcome and gave them everything they wanted.
Les di la bienvenida y les di todo lo que querían.
Our friends are here. I called them at the last moment.
Se han unido nuestros amigos, aunque no les avisé hasta el último momento.
I called them.
Yo los llamé.
I know the number so well because I called them so many times.
Sé el número de memoria porque los llamé muchísimas veces.
I pissed and spat on them. Then I called them names.
Les provoqué y les insulté.
- I called them, too, just to be sure.
- Los llamaré para asegurarme.
I called them.
Los llamé.
( March 1969, Saint Florentin ) I don't understand why, during the strikes the unions, who were those who called them...
( Marzo 1969, Saint Florentin ) No comprendo por qué durante las huelgas los sindicatos, los que fueran, convocaron las huelgas.
- I called them off.
Dell, todo bien.
I called for them to come.
Los llamé para que vinieran.
And I know that people called for them to be "buried outside" and the like.
Sé que la gente pedía que los enterraran fuera de la ciudad.
I'd have called them Judith and Rebecca - nice names.
Las habría llamado Judith y Rebecca... son bonitos nombres.
I called his father in Detroit then I got them talking on the phone.
Llamé al padre de ella en Detroit y los puse al teléfono. Debieron hablar como tres horas.
Well, I thought she'd called them. You lying hound!
- Ella los ha llamado.
I called H.Q. I had them check this guy out from here to Tokyo.
Investigué a este sujeto desde aquí hasta Tokio.
- I've already called them.
- Ya les he llamado.
I called the network and I told them you were going to Rim Rock Canyon.
Llamé a la cadena y les dije que ibas a Rim Rock Canyon.
Tell them I called from the telephone station.
Dígale que lo llamaron de la estación de teléfono. Gracias.
I thought you might wish to speak to them so I called off the dogs.
Pensé que tal vez desearía hablar con ellos así que llamé a los perros.
Gibbs couldn't find them. I helped get them out myself before you were called.
Es mentira, yo misma ayudé a prepararla antes de que te llamara.
I wish we hadn't even called them.
Ojalá no hubiese llamado.
I've heard her called a lot of things. I've said most of them, but "nice" wasn't one of them.
La han llamado muchas cosas, pero "amable" no es una de ellas.
I'm afraid we're still going to have to call the police. I've already called them.
Tanaka sabe que usted es un hombre de honor y es demasiado inteligente como para retar la espada de Remington Steele.
If you look at the development of television... it is going to be this fabulous tool... and its incredible ability to beam out films... all over the world by satellite... and everybody will be able to watch them simultaneously. I don't think so. thanks to that amazing device called video...
No me parece que la TV o lo que acabe siendo, algo increíble gracias a los satélites, a cómo se va a emitir, emitiendo películas constantemente en todo el mundo, películas que todos podrán ver, el vídeo será algo increíble,
I called the clinic to let them know you can't make it.
He llamado a la clínica para avisar de que no puedes ir.
I called the restaurant last night... and told them it was a very special occasion.
Anoche llamé al restaurante... y les dije que era una ocasión muy especial.
You called them last night but I didn't tell you I got the audition until this morning.
Los llamaste anoche... pero yo te conté lo de la audición esta mañana.
I don't know what their real names are... but people called them "Gold and Silver."
No sé cuáles son sus nombres reales... pero la gente los llamaba Oro y Plata.
Tell them I called again.
Diles que volví a llamar.
I had to hold them up with the shotgun while my wife called the police.
Tuve que ahuyentarlos con mi escopeta mientras mi esposa llamaba a la policía
I would have called in one of those confounded churchmen but I saw no reason to let them know our business and I sent them off for a drink.
Habría llamado uno de aquellos condenados cocheros... pero no vi motivo para hacerles saber de nuestros asuntos... y los envié a tomarse una copa.
So, I called my boys over, and we picked up a few of them, and a couple of M-60s, and then they booked up.
Llamé a mis amigos y robamos algunos misiles... y un par de M-60, y luego se pusieron a trabajar.
Now, I look at those so-called adults and I see them lying to others, hurting others,
Ahora, miro a esos que se hacen llamar adultos y los veo mentirse, lastimarse unos a otros,
When the maids of honour chattered during my performances, I not only swore at them, but called out at them anything that might come to me, And always the Princess would intervene,
Cuando las damas de honor hablaban mientras tocaba, yo las insultaba y las llamaba de todos los nombres, pero la princesa siempre intervenía,
- We call them. - I've already called'em.
- Ya he llamado yo.
They stared at the pillars of the so-called "international Information Center" I've mentioned, and that terrified them.
Cuando entraron en el vestuario, yo me encontraba cerca de la puerta del fondo,
It is not what I have called them.
Asi no es como yo Ios he estado llamando.
I'm sure, if you called them, you know... told them you were in a jam, they'd help you out.
Estoy seguro, de que si los llamas y... les dices que estas en un apuro, ellos te ayudarán.
I called a few people and asked them to watch.
Llamé a algunos y les pedí que vieran.
I think he had prepared them... by the time I was called in.
Creo que lo había dispuesto todo... cuando me llamó.
Puritans, they called themselves. Hypocrites, I call them.
Sabíamos qué esperar de los llamados'Puritanos'.
I don't like them. They don't like being called Drones.
Los mantenemos por servicio así como mantenemos el ganado por sangre.
You called Mr. Rhoades up on the phone, and I slipped over and took them?
Tú llamaste por teléfono al Sr. Rhoades, y yo me escurrí para tomarlas!
Then I called at Allan Brothers', the land agents, and found it was from them that the villa had been rented.
Entonces llamé a Allan Brothers los agentes de la propiedad y supe que la casa había sido alquilada a través de ellos.
The cops are on their way, I've called them.
Los policías están en camino, los he llamado.
And they asked me if I would come with them, and they took me to the police station, they called my doctor and he came to the police station and got me and took me back to the clinic.
Y me pidieron que fuera con ellos, hasta la estación de policía. Llamaron a mi médico y él vino a la estación y me llevó de vuelta a la clínica.
I called work and told them we wouldn't be in for a few days.
Llamé al trabajo y les dije que faltaríamos un par de días.

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