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I came to see you traducir español

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That first time I came to see you, you were in pain. It was your back.
La primera vez que vine a verte, te dolía la espalda.
No, actually, I came to see you.
- No, en realidad vine a verte a ti.
I came to see you.
Vine a verla a usted.
- I came to see you. Where are you?
- Vine a verte, ¿ donde estás?
First, i came to see you.
Primero, he venido a verte
I came to see you about a troubling matter.
He venido para hablarte de un asunto que me inquieta.
Yeah, I came to see you.
Sí, ya fui a verte.
I came to see you to clear things up.
Vine a verla para aclarar ciertas cosas.
I came to see you dance.
He venido a verte bailar.
I came to see you.
He venido a verlo a usted.
I came to see you.
Vine a verte a ti.
Yeah, actually, that's why I came to see you today.
Sí, en realidad, eso es por lo que vine hoy a verte.
.. but what the BBC correspondent, Alexander Werth, had said in his report from Majdanek, first broadcast, according to the BBC, the morning I came to see you in your office, describing the unimaginable horror that had been uncovered there.
Pero lo que el corresponsal de la BBC, Alexander Werth, había dicho en su informe de Majdanek, primera emisión, de acuerdo con la BBC, la mañana que fui a verlo a su oficina, describiendo el horror inimaginable que había sido descubierto allí.
I came to see you.
Quería verte.
I don't think I'd enjoy knowing that everyone who came to see me most likely already had a fatal disease, you know?
No creo que disfrute sabiendo que cualquiera que venga a verme, es muy probable que tenga una enfermedad mortal, ¿ no cree?
'Cause, uh, when you came to see me the other day, I though you looked kind of anxious.
Porque cuando viniste a verme el otro día, me pareciste algo preocupado.
I... I... came to see you.
Yo... yo he venido a verte.
As soon as it came in, I knew you'd want to see it.
Tan pronto como llegó, supe que querría verlo.
I only came here to see the look on your face when I rejected you.
Sólo vine aquí para verte la cara cuando te rechazara.
I realize they're just dreams, but... First it was Teyla, then right after you came to see me, I had one. And that's when mine stopped.
Me doy cuenta que sólo son sueños, pero primero fue Teyla y justo después de que vinieras a verme, yo tuve uno.
I just came by to welcome you to Atlantis, see how you're settling in, and, you know, if you needed anything. And did I mention I was seeing someone?
Mira, solo... solo vine a darte la bienvenida a Atlantis ver si estabas instalada, y ya sabes, si necesitas algo ¿ mencioné que estoy saliendo con alguien?
I was hoping you can tell if a certain Sam Ruben came to see you some time ago, and what he wanted to know about me.
Yo quería saber por qué Sam Ruben vino a verlo hace un tiempo, y qué quería él saber sobre mí.
But I'd invite you to look around if it would reassure you, but I see you came here empty-handed.
Pero te invito a que busques si eso te reconforta, pero te veo que vienes con las manos vacías.
I.. came here to see you.
He venido a verle a usted.
I can see that.. I came to talk to you about Ajanta theatre
Vine a hablar con usted sobre el teatro de Ajanta
I came here to see you.
Yo vine a verte.
Yeah, I just came to see if you had any petty cash.
Sí, sólo vine para ver si tenías cambio.
I just came to see if you were being well treated.
Solo vine a ver si estas siendo bien tratado.
I came to see if you were all right, and you just assumed.
Yo no soy doctor, nunca dije que lo era. Que?
I came by to see you, and she told me you took off.
Pasé a verte y me dijo que te fuiste.
- Actually, I came by to see you.
De hecho, vine a verte a ti.
Peyton. Hi, you just missed Lucas. - Actually, I came by to see you.
Peyton, acabas de perder a lucas uh, en realidad venia a verte a ti fantástico.
Yeah, actually, I came here to see you. But for the record, I'm not after Lucas, okay?
Si.. en realidad, vine para verte a ti pero para que lo sepas, no voy detrás de Lucas ok?
Did you see how close I just came to becoming Wraith food?
¿ Has visto lo cerca que he estado de ser comida para Espectros?
Although if I can be honest, you're the only one I came to see.
Sinceramente, sólo vine para verte. Buena noticia.
- Actually, I came here to see you.
- Realmente vine a verte a ti.
I just came by to see how you're doing.
Hola, Marco, me he pasado para ver cómo estabas.
I told myself I came back to show you how sorry I was, but the truth of it is, I only concerned myself with what I wanted, to see him... to see you.
Me dije que debía volver y decirte cuánto lo sentía, pero lo cierto es que me importaba lo que yo quería, verle a él... verte a ti.
I'm very happy you came to see me.
Me ha hecho muy feliz que vinieras a verme.
I thought you came to see me.
Pensé que viniste a verme.
I came because I wanted to see you.
Vine porque quería verte.
And I'm just so glad that you came here to see me so that I could tell you that and lock you in a room and keep you there until I sell your ass back into suburban slavery.
Y estoy tan feliz que hayas venido a verme para que pudiera decirte eso y encerrarte en una habitación y dejarte allí hasta que pueda revenderte a la esclavitud suburbana.
Meanwhile, I came back to California, pointed the van east toward Newfoundland and set off across the continent on my way to see you, stopping all over the map to collect the memories of a whole spectrum of people your dad touched.
Mientras tanto, volví a California, dirigí mi carro hacia Newfoundland y embarque a través del continente dirigiéndome hacia ti, parando en diferentes puntos del mapa para recolectar recuerdos que guardaban todas las personas que tu padre impacto.
I only came up here because I wanted to see you. I'm sorry, my bad.
Subí aquí sólo porque quería verte.
- I just came by to see you.
Vine a verte.
I came to see Mom, not you.
Vine a ver a mamá, no a tí.
I know you came here to see Adrian, but there's so much interesting work being done at the school.
Yo se que usted vino aquí para ver a Adrian, pero, existen muchos trabajos interesantes que han sido hechos aquí en la escuela.
I was you I came to see.
Vine a verte a ti.
Even I don't want to see your face just came to tell you that we are no Ionger friends.
Yo tampoco quiero ver tu cara... sólo he venido a decirte que ya no somos amigos.
Very kind of you two to stop by... to see how I came through the quake.
Muy amable de su parte parar a... ver como llegué a través del sismo.
I see you came to your senses and finally ate something.
Veo que volviste y finalmente comiste algo.

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