I found that traducir español
12,863 traducción paralela
And I found that in work.
Y encontré eso en el trabajo.
I found that.
Encontré eso.
And I found that Lung put the murder newspaper clippings all over the wall.
Pero he visto que Lung pega en la pared recortes de periódicos sobre los asesinatos de prostitutas.
Mainly I found that dealing with people was my best skill.
Principalmente supe que tratar con gente era mi mejor habilidad.
Yeah, I know. Boxes in the house that you found on your own.
Sí, lo sé, las cajas en la casa que encontraste por tu cuenta...
The fact that I found marks on both arms is consistent with assault.
El hecho de haber encontrado marcas en ambos brazos coinciden con un ataque.
All right, well, I did swab the bruised areas of the mandible, and I found traces of the same alloy that was in the trauma to the left ulna.
De acuerdo, bueno, he limpiado las áreas dañadas de la mandíbula, y he encontrado trazas de la misma aleación que había en el traumatismo del cúbito izquierdo.
I found a cracked rib, but remodeling indicates that it was fractured six months ago.
He encontrado una costilla rota, pero la remodelación indica que fue fracturado hace seis meses.
So, I found trace amounts of turpentine on the victim's jaw, so I've been analyzing various formulations to try and find a match, and I think that I actually got one there.
He encontrado restos de trementina en la mandíbula de la víctima, así que he estado analizando varias fórmulas para tratar de hallar una coincidencia, y creo que he encontrado una aquí.
No, if that were the case, I would've found anti-degradants in it.
No, si ese fuera el caso, yo he encontrado antidegradantes en ella.
But I've always found that secrets are much easier to keep when you have... no one to share them with.
Pero yo siempre he encontrado que los secretos son mucho más fáciles de mantener cuando no tienes... a nadie para compartirlos.
I ask because this is the knife that was found in Sally Brown's room.
Lo pregunto porque este es el cuchillo que se encontró en la habitación de Sally Brown.
Anyway, after I fixed the tardy thing, I found out something that is going to blow your mind.
Como sea, cuando solucioné lo del retraso, descubrí algo que los sorprenderá.
Okay, 3o I tracked these serial numbers from the $ 20 bills that were found on the girl's body.
Vale, 3o Seguí estos números de serie a partir de los $ 20 proyectos de ley que fueron encontrados en el cuerpo de la chica.
So, it's a beautiful day out, and I found myself thinking, I could make this day last five times longer by smoking a bunch of coke, or I could call my good friend Rob Norris and have him bore that idea out of me.
Bueno, es un día precioso y estaba pensando, podría hacer este día cinco veces más largo fumando... un montón de coca o podría llamar a mi buen amigo Rob Norris... y que me quitara esa idea de la cabeza.
And that's when... I found her...
Y entonces... la encontré...
Then when I found out that the beads were...
Luego, cuando me enteré de que las perlas...
I've found the program immensely helpful over the last few years, and my appreciation for that support's never wavered.
He encontrado el programa inmensamente útil en los últimos años, y mi agradecimiento por ese apoyo nunca vaciló.
Hey, look what I found - - a key to that secret room.
La llave de esa habitación secreta.
I found some closed sites, sites that don't come up in a search?
Encontré sitios cerrados, que no salen en una búsqueda.
I came to tell you that Issabella Martinez's body has been found.
Vine a decirte que el cuerpo de Issabella Martínez fue encontrado.
You know, I've always found that term antiquated.
Ya sabes, siempre he encontrado ese término anticuado.
I just found out that Rafael's been lying to me
Me acabo de enterar de que Rafael ha estado mintiendo a mí
And that's how I found my faith.
Y así es cómo encontré la fe.
I'm not really gonna comment on that, but if anything was found, you know, we had proper authority and had professionals take a look at it as needed.
No voy a hacer comentarios, pero si se encontró algo, se dejó... EXNOVIO DE TERESA... que se encargaran las autoridades y los profesionales pertinentes.
Now that Mr. Avery's DNA is found on that particular key, I was left to question whether or not people would have me believe that not only are they carrying around keys for Teresa's vehicle, but they're also carrying around vials of Mr. Avery's DNA with them,
Ahora que se halló ADN del señor Avery en esa llave, me pregunto si pretenden que crea que no solo alguien anduvo llevando por ahí la llave del vehículo de Teresa, sino que también anduvo llevando frascos con ADN del señor Avery,
Eventually, I found a relative who informed me that Nicholas and his mother were both killed in a car crash in Prague.
Finalmente, encontré un pariente que me informó que Nicholas y su madre ambos murieron en un accidente de tráfico en Praga.
I haven't found anything since that aestel.
No he vuelto a encontrar nada desde el "aestel".
I almost wish I'd never found that jewel.
Ojalá no hubiera encontrado esa joya.
Because I don't trust the FBI at all and I think that they're gonna come up with some dishonest test that somehow claims that the blood in the vial is different than what was found at the scene.
Porque no confío en el FBI para nada y creo que inventarán una prueba deshonesta para decir que la sangre del tubo es diferente a la que se encontró en la escena.
I hope that you found the experience a rewarding one.
Espero que la experiencia les haya resultado gratificante.
I don't know, but I heard that they found bones.
No lo sé, pero yo oí que habían encontrado huesos.
So I'm the only one who finds it convenient that Santa's house vanished right when we found it?
Entonces, ¿ soy el único que encuentra conveniente que la casa de Santa desaparezca justo cuando la encontramos?
I don't want to brag, sir, but since I took over the department, I already found that stair car - that was missing since last fall.
No quiero alardear, señor, pero desde que asumí el cargo encontré el auto que se había perdido el año pasado.
I'm glad for you that you found out.
Me alegro por ti que lo hayas averiguado.
That's how I found out about it.
Fue así como me enteré.
She thought that I compared them and found her more difficult...
Pensó que las comparé y que ella me pareció más difícil...
Because I know that you both have found "the one."
Porque sé que los dos encontraron su pareja ideal.
And then I found this man and I told him i was from Jones and he said that was Mississippi 7th and so...
Y entonces encontré a un hombre y le dije que era de Jones. Me dijo que era la Séptima de Missisipi, así que...
I found out that I was pregnant.
Descubrí que estaba embarazada.
No need to do that because I found the key.
no hay necesidad de eso por que ya encontre la llave.
Mainly I've found that dealing with people is my best skill.
Principalmente veo que tratar con gente es mi mejor habilidad.
I found you and now that...
- Te encontré y ahora...
That's why I want us to start where the tape was found. - So we can set up camp at night... - Lisa.
Quiero empezar donde hallaron la cinta, instalar un campamento...
And I guess it's just a coincidence that your camera uses the exact same kind of tape that you found?
¿ Es coincidencia que tu cámara use el tipo de cinta que encontraste?
But what I found fascinating is so many things that happen in this book draw a distinct parallel to recent events in Venezuela.
Pero lo que me parece fascinante es que muchas cosas que ocurren en él tienen paralelo con los recientes eventos de Venezuela.
You have found that not to be so, for which I offer my, um, sincerest commiserations.
Ustedes han descubierto que no es así por lo cual les presento mi más sentido pésame.
I was scraped off and discarded... and eventually found myself stuck to a shoe that dropped me here.
Me quitaron y me tiraron. Un día me pegué a un zapato y acabé aquí.
With time I found out that the world I'd seen from above, belonged to only a few. In this story, I was only a pilot.
Con el tiempo descubrí que el mundo que siempre había visto desde arriba, solo era de unos pocos, en esta historia, yo solo había sido el piloto.
I am so sorry you found out that way.
Me da tanta pena que te hayas enterado así.
That's how I found the copper. That's why I'll find the gold.
Así es como hallé el cobre y es por eso que hallaré el oro.
i found you 161
i found it 701
i found 117
i found someone 17
i found out 58
i found them 110
i found myself 20
i found something 222
i found her 202
i found him 265
i found it 701
i found 117
i found someone 17
i found out 58
i found them 110
i found myself 20
i found something 222
i found her 202
i found him 265
i found one 42
i found a 18
i found a job 16
i found these 35
i found this 211
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
i found a 18
i found a job 16
i found these 35
i found this 211
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830