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I have to go home traducir español

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I'll come back, but I have to go home now.
Regresaré, pero ahora tengo que ir a casa.
I have to go home.
Tengo que ir a casa.
I have to go home.
Tengo que irme a casa.
I have to go home.
Debo regresar a casa.
I have to go home. I have to go home!
Tengo que irme a casa.
I have to go home with my dad.
Es que tengo que ir a casa con mi padre.
And I have to go home to my kids.
Qué tan raro fue cuándo te mudaste? Lo más raro.
It's just I have to go home to my daughter looking like this.
Me molesta tener que volver a casa y que mi hija me vea así.
I have to go home!
¡ Tengo que irme a casa!
.... I have to go home.
Tengo que ir a la casa.
I think I better go. I have to go home, right now.
Me tengo que ir.
Does that mean I have to go home?
¿ Entonces debo irme a casa?
- I have to go home.
- Tengo que irme.
I have to go home.
Debo ir a casa.
I have to go home.
Debo volver a casa.
- Because I have to go home soon... and my mom threw out our TV when she caught me watching V.I.P.
- Porque debo volver a casa... y mi mama tiro nuestra tele cuando me pesco viendo V.I.P.
Thank you, Mr. President, but I have to go home.
Gracias, Sr. Presidente, pero debo volver.
- I have to go home. - No.
- Yo debo irme a casa.
I have to go home.
Debo irme a casa.
I have to go home.
No, tengo que volver a casa.
I guess I have nobody to go home to.
No tengo ningún lugar donde ir.
Mr. Colonel, let me go home, I have something to solve.
Mi Coronel, déjeme ir a casa, Tengo cosas que hacer.
I wanted you to have something special, so when you go home, Patrick, alone at midnight, you'll remember your parents weren't so bad.
Quiero que tengan algo especial, así que cuando vayas a casa, Patrick, y estés solo a medianoche, recordarás que tus padres no fueron tan malos.
Maybe next time I've to go home Come in and have a drink lt's late.
Entra y toma algo.
I will have a chance to go back to the United States to my home.
En ése momento, me sentí muy afortunada... de tener la oportunidad de volver a los Estados Unidos, a mi casa.
I still have to go home and fill out my egg diary.
Es verdad. Yo tengo que ir a casa y escribir acerca de mi huevo.
- Mom, I don't have to go to this dance. I'll stay home if you want me to.
No tengo que ir al baile, me quedaré si quieres.
I have to go downstairs and back up, as if I'm coming home from the gala.
Debo bajar, y subir como si llegara de la gala.
I demand you return everything that you have taken from us and allow us to go home.
Le exijo que devuelva lo que nos quitó y nos deje ir.
I guess I'II just have to take my ball and go home.
Me voy con mi bola a mi casa.
I have to go home.
- Tengo que irme a casa.
I have a home. - We'll go to the fair.
- Tengo casa, tengo casa.
Look at me I don't worry. Well, I was thinking about the things I have to do when I go home...
Estaba pensando en las cosas que debo hacer cuando vuelva...
Go home alone, because I have to go with him.
Vayan a casa solos, porque yo debo volver con él.
I have to take care Let's go home l've prepared your favourite dish
Vayamos a casa, prepare tu comida favorita.
I have to go back home.
No, debo irme. Llamaré a la Sra. Leblanc.
But if your father can't see that, then I think you have no choice but just to go straight home and be furious with him.
Si tu padre no puede ver eso, entonces no te queda otra opción que vete para tu casa y muéstrale lo furiosa que estás con él. oh, a eso voy!
I can't go to any of the colleges that accepted me, and I can't stay home cos we no longer have one.
No puedo estudiar en las universidades que me han aceptado. Y no puedo quedarme en casa porque no tenemos casa.
I might have to go back home.
Tal vez tenga que volver a casa.
I knew I was meant to go home and have cake in bed with Big.
Yo sabía que estaba destinada a ir a casa y comer pastel con Big.
I could get a sudden attack ot food poisoning and have to go home.
Podría fingir un envenenamiento repentino e irme a casa.
I have wanted to go home.
Tengo ganas de regresar a casa.
They go home with no money to feed them, but I have no more orders, so what will happen toall of us?
Vuelven a casa sin dinero, no pueden darles de comer. Pero no tengo encargos. No sé qué será de nosotras.
- Don't I have a home? - Then let's go to your house.
- Entonces vamos a tu casa.
I'm saying you should go home to your superhoney. Have a nice, safe snog.
Estoy diciendo que deberías ir a casa de tu amorcito y daros el lote.
Because, otherwise, I'd have to go home.
Porque si no, tendre que irme a casa.
Craig please, I have fear want to go home with my family
Craig por favor, tengo miedo quiero irme a casa con mi familia
Well, if you had told me you couldn't go, I would have squeezed in time to get it myself between the hunger drive and Christmas dinner at the nursing home.
De haberme dicho que no podías ir, yo habría hecho el tiempo... entre la campaña contra el hambre y la cena del asilo.
You kids will all have to go to your first Confession this Tuesday, so I want you all to go home tonight and think long and hard about all your sins, so that you can tell the priest everything.
Todos tendrán que hacer su primer confesión este jueves. Así que quiero que vayan a casa, y piensen fuerte y profundamente en todos sus pecados. Para que puedan decirle todo al sacerdote.
I don't have to go anywhere but home!
¡ No tengo que ir a ningun lado mas que a casa!
I do not have any beloved home and I don't want to go back with you!
Yo no tengo un amado hogar ¡ y no quiero regresar con usted!

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