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I helped him traducir español

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I helped him with his tasks.
Le ayudé en su trabajo.
- Well, I helped him so many times, he might well help me one time!
- Le he ayudado tantas veces, que por una vez que me ayude a mí!
Ritchie wanted to pull that job, I helped him, but he wanted to.
Ritchie quería dar ese golpe, yo lo ayudé. Pero él quería.
He was blotto, so I helped him to bed.
Estaba borracho y Ie metí en Ia cama.
" Judd cleaned up most of it and I helped him.
" Judd limpió la mayoría y yo lo ayudé.
And I helped him pack.
Y le he ayudado a hacer las maletas.
I helped him.
Yo le ayudé.
He used to trust me, and in those days I helped him with the cameras and lenses.
ÉI confió en mí, y en esos días yo le ayudaba con las cámaras y las lentes.
He was never sure whether she was faithful to him or not... so I helped him out with this little setup.
Él nunca estaba seguro de si ella le era fiel o no... así que le ayudé con este pequeño sistema.
I helped him to bury them.
Le ayudé a enterrarlos.
Suppose he tells them I helped him?
¿ Y si dice la verdad y que yo le he llevado a casa y le he socorrido?
Yeah, him and me fought many and many a round together. But I guess you could say I helped him about as much as he ever helped me.
Sí, él y yo nos peleamos muchísimas veces, pero podría decirse que le ayudé casi tanto como él a mí.
Yes, it was him who took me, he insisted on taking me to Rio. And I helped him a Iot in the beginning of Cinédia [Studios].
Fue él quién me llevó, se empeñó en llevarme para Rio y yo Io ayudé mucho al comienzo de Ia "Cinédia".
I helped him pick it out.
Le ayudé a elegirlo.
So I helped him.
- Así que le ayudé.
Oh, it wasn't easy, but I helped him.
No fue fácil. Pero lo ayudé.
I helped him with the dancing shoes.
Le ayudé con las zapatillas.
"Paco can help me like I helped him once."
"Paco puede ayudarme como en otro tiempo yo le ayudé a él."
I helped him lift her onto the bed.
Le ayudé a subirla a la cama.
- I helped him escape.
- Le ayudé a fugarse.
I can say that I've accepted him at once and I helped him to get trough.
Puedo decir que lo admití enseguida y le ayudé a salir adelante.
I carried him through the jungle, helped deliver him.
Le ayudé a nacer en la selva.
I will say to Eugen that you helped me deceiving him.
Le diré a Eugen tú me empujaste a engañarlo.
I'll say I killed him and you helped me!
¡ Diré que fuiste mi cómplice! ¡ Diré que yo le maté y tú me ayudaste!
I've helped him and now I will be a friend of his for life.
Yo le hice un favor y ahora será mi amigo por toda la vida.
I helped capture him!
¡ Yo le ayudé a capturarlo!
I did not! I told him Bill had helped you.
No, le dije que Bill te había ayudado.
If I am ever lucky enough to deliver him to the hangman it will be you who helped put him there.
Si alguna vez tengo la suerte de entregarle al verdugo habrás sido tú la responsable de que vaya a él.
When I told him what I had found out, he helped me escape from the Russians... and the others.
Cuando le conté lo que había descubierto, él me ayudó a escapar de los rusos... y de los otros.
With the feeling against Doc, I wouldn't stay in business 10 minutes if they knew I'd helped him.
Con lo que sienten hacia Doc, mi negocio no duraría ni 10 minutos si se supiera que le he ayudado.
Don't worry, I've already helped him...
- No se preocupe, ya yo le socorro, ya...
I've helped him with his writing, nothing else.
Le he ayudado en su trabajo, eso es todo.
But Artie was such a good friend of a young man... who helped him write a ransom note on a stolen typewriter... and who rented a black sedan from the Collins drive-yourself agency... on May 16, that I thought it might joggle your memory.
Artie es muy buen amigo de un joven... que lo ayudó a hacer la nota de rescate en una máquina robada... y que alquiló un sedán negro en la agencia de autos Collins... el 16 de mayo. Pensé que eso te refrescaría la memoria.
Help him like I helped my children.
¡ Cómo yo ayudé a mis hijos!
I promised the sergeant that if he helped us out, you'll take him on.
Le prometí al sargento que si nos ayudaba, usted le aceptaría.
I don't how Mr. Cartwright got hurt... or why you helped him.
No sé como el Sr. Cartwright se hirió... o como lo trataron.
I hid him and helped him to live.
Le escondí y le ayudé a vivir.
I helped to get him set up during the war.
Le ayudé a colocarse durante Ia guerra.
Maybe I could have helped him.
Que quizá yo hubiese podido evitarlo.
I have no feelings for Heath, let him rot... but I do feel for that * 60000 you helped yourself to.
no me interesa Heath, que se pudra... pero sí las 60 000 libras que se embolsó usted.
How could I have helped him by being killed?
¿ Cómo le hubiera ayudado si me hubieran matado?
Mr. Messenger was in the water... he reached for the raft, I only helped him aboard.
ÉI estaba en el agua,... se agarró al cajón y yo sólo le ayudé a subir.
He helped with the earlier low temperature work. I could introduce you to HIM.
Ha colaborado en las últimas invistigaciones sobre bajas temperaturas.
I offered to help him with the fire, but he said that I'd helped him enough for one day.
Me ofrecí a encender la chimenea, pero me dijo que ya le había ayudado mucho por hoy.
I would have helped him, but he couldn't wait.
Yo lo habría ayudado, pero él no podía esperar.
I just helped him because he was so scared.
Sólo le ayudé porque estaba muy asustado.
I've helped him to leave.
Yo le he ayudado para que se fuera.
And I also helped your mother and father! I got him! I got him, Jack!
¡ Lo tengo, lo tengo, Jack!
I helped kill him because he insisted.
Lo maté con éI. Y porque él insistió.
Though I'll tell you one thing, even Pope Paul is not without sin, cause even him, and the cardinals, and the sea of Trent, helped to crucify the man named Pope Pius, and the hiccups,
Pero te digo una cosa, ni siquiera el Papa Pol es sin pecado, aun el, y los cardinales, y el mar de Trent, ayudaron crucificar un hombre llamado el Papa Pius, y los hipos,
Don't tell him I helped you.
¡ No le digáis que os he ayudado!

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