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I knew it was you traducir español

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I knew it was you, it's always you.
Sabía que eras tú, siempre eres tú.
Jesus Christ, I knew it was you.
¡ Dios mío, yo sabía que eras tú!
And I knew it was you.
Y yo sabía que eras tú.
I mean, if I knew it was you, I would never run.
Es decir, si hubiera sabido que eras tú no hubiera huido.
I knew it was you.
- Sabía que eras tú.
I knew it was you. No.
Sabía que eras tú.
I knew it was you.
Sabía que eras tú.
- I knew it was you!
- ¡ Sabía que eras tú!
You don't mean I knew it was your place?
¿ No querrás decir que yo vine aquí sabiendo que ésta era tu queli?
You know. I really never knew what people meant when they said it was a crisp day. but today...
Nunca supe realmente qué querían decir cuando la gente dice que es un día vigorizante pero hoy...
Ah, I knew it was a lousy plan from the microt you told me.
Ah, sabía que era un plan asqueroso desde el microt que me lo contó
I thought I knew who the enemy was, but it was you.
Creí saber quién era el enemigo, pero eras tú.
But... it was still me. I knew your weaknesses, and i used them against you.
Conocía vuestras debilidades, y las usé contra vosotros.
Fue mucho tiempo antes de conocerte.
And when it was almost over for me... and I was out there on them corners... not a pot to piss in, and anyone that ever knew me or loved me... cussing my name, you know what I told myself?
Y cuando ya estaba casi acabado y vagaba por las calles sin un lugar donde mear, y quienes me conocían o me habían querido me maldecían, ¿ saben qué me dije?
Because I knew you'd talk me out of it if I was making a mistake.
Porque sabía que me harías desistir si estuviese cometiendo un error.
I mean, I didn't know you, but I knew she was... damn it.
Lo se, quiero decir, no te conozco, pero se que ella es maldición.
It was wrong of me to marry you. I knew.... lt's a sin and it's killing us both.
Casarme contigo fue un error. Sabía... Es un pecado y nos está matando a ambos.
"If they knew it was me that took the money, I wouldn't be here talking to you now."
Si supieran que fui yo quien tomó el dinero, no podría estar aquí hablando contigo ahora.
I would have contacted you earlier, but I knew you would think it was another trick.
Te hubiera llamado antes pero sabía que creerías que era otra treta.
I knew it was something pretty serious when you sat down here beside me.
Sabía que era algo grave cuando se sentó a mi lado.
It was that, whenever he'd call me to tell me that he was on some job, I knew you were right there with him.
Era que, siempre que me llamaba para decirme que estaba en algún trabajo, sabía que estabas justo allí con él.
I knew it was a fake. - You did?
Yo sabía que era de mentiras.
Otar, I knew it was you.
Otar, sabía que eras tú.
But I knew you were behind me... and it was annoying to not know... that you could jump me at any moment.
Pero supe que ibas detrás de mí... y fue penoso saber... que podrías aparecer en cualquer momento.
She knew straight away that it was an oedipal thing, that I see my mother in you and wanted to save her from the loss of my father.
Ella supo directamente que yo estaba en una cuestión edípica, que yo veo a mi madre en ti y quería salvarla de la pérdida de mi padre.
You went with it because you didn't want to see him kill her and you knew he wouldn't do it but I was shocked by him thinking that way, "An experiment."
Te dejabas llevar, porque no querías que la matara... Y sabías que no lo haría. Pero me impactó que pensara así : " "Un experimento" ".
I've no idea whose idea it was to get somebody as a female singer and... but Alan Parsons knew Clare Torry and had been working with her, and said why don't you try her...
Ya no recuerdo a quién se le ocurrió lo de la cantante. Alan Parsons conocía a Clare Torry y nos la recomendó.
It was before I knew who you were.
Eso fue, antes de que supiera quien era usted.
And whenever I would ask him how he did it or how he knew, he would just say that he could sense, you know, what was about to happen.
Y cuando le preguntaba cómo lo había hecho o cómo lo había sabido me decía que podía presentir lo que iba a pasar.
And I knew that humiliation was part of the package, but I did it because I had to, and - just you abruptly firing us is completely wrong!
Y sabía que la humillación era parte del paquete, pero lo hice por que tenía que hacerlo, y - ¡ que tú directamente nos despidas no es correcto!
You've got to be kidding me... I knew that it was anathema, but I couldn't help myself from trying out a human transmutation.
¡ Maldito cabrón...! vosotros no dejásteis de experimentar con la transmutación humana.
I knew I was in for it, the moment you came out sideways.
Sabía que eras buena para eso desde el moemtno que naciste con los pies.
I knew it was Nutella or Marmite he'd smudged on the gusset, but it was still him going, "We think you're shit."
Había puesto Nutella o Nocilla por la prenda, pero era como decir, "creemos que eres mierda".
I was one step behind you and you knew it.
Yo iba detrás de ti y lo sabías.
When you said it was a birth mark on your neck, I knew you were lying.
Cuando dijiste que era una marca... de nacimiento en el cuello, sabía que mentías.
I loved that show because you always knew it was only a half-hour till Wings.
Me encantaba ese programa porque Wings salía media hora después.
When you broke up with me, I thought that it was because you knew I was never gonna be a great doctor.
Cuando rompiste conmigo pensé que había sido porque sabías que nunca sería un buen doctor.
I knew you would want to know what Nirrti was doing to his people, since it was you who allowed her to go free.
Creí que les gustaría saber lo que Nirrti les hacía a esta gente... ya que fueron ustedes los que le permitieron marcharse.
Only you. When you handed me that cup... and we looked into each other's eyes... that's when I knew that it was love at first sight.
Sólo tú, y cuando me diste la tacita y nos miramos a los ojos fue entonces que supe que era amor a primera vista.
Don't you get it? They set you up. They knew I was here.
te tendieron una trampa, Sabían que estaba aquí, sabían que te encontraría
I knew there was elements there that I wasn't going to agree with, but, you know, hey, try and do it, so I can win a million dollars.
Sabía que había elementos que no me iban a gustar, pero, eh, intenté hacerlo, para poder ganar un millón de dólares.
The party crasher here was more of a problem than I thought, but why am I gonna work so hard to kill him when I knew... you'd do it for me?
El gorrón fue más problema de lo que creía, pero ¿ por qué iba a trabajar duro en matarlo sabiendo que tú lo ibas a hacer?
See? I told you. I knew it. I knew Link Peterson was a freaky bastard.
Yo sabía que Link Peterson era un tipo raro.
You knew I was gonna do that, so you did it first.
Sabías que yo iba a hacer eso y lo hiciste primero.
How could you not? When I looked at you and you looked at me, I knew it was she.
Cuando yo te miré y tú me miraste, sabía que era ella, sabía que era mi Angeline.
Why did you deem it necessary to page me when you knew I was at home?
¿ Por qué creíste necesario localizarme, cuando sabías que estaba en casa?
Krispy Kreme doughnuts are so good, if I told you they had crack in it, you'd go, " I knew something was up.
Krispy Kreme son tan buenas, que si les dijera que tienen crack... ustedes dirían :
So later when I saw his films... it was kind of the delight of seeing this kind of savage wit, if you will... that beneath, in Hitchcock's case especially... the very urbane, sophisticated, civilized veneer... was this kind of feral, quick animal... that knew exactly where the jugular was... and kind of delighted in the taste of the blood.
Después, cuando vi sus películas... disfruté mucho de esa sagacidad salvaje, por decirle así... que, sobre todo en el caso de Hitchcock, debajo... de una máscara urbana, sofisticada y civilizada... había un animal rápido y feroz... que sabía dónde estaba la yugular... y que disfrutaba del sabor de la sangre.
It was like you knew every side effect I was going through at that time.
Conocías todos los efectos colaterales que yo estaba padeciendo.
- If I knew it was you...
- Si hubiera sabido que eras tú...

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