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I really didn't traducir español

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Um, I didn't really get a good look because of the mask.
No pude mirarle bien a causa de la máscara.
I didn't really want this.
En realidad no quiero esto.
Well, I've brought a few bits of stuff and that, but I didn't really know what you meant.
Traje algunas cosas, pero no sabía a qué se refería.
I'm glad anyway, I didn't really want to do it, I just got caught up in all the excitement.
De todas formas estoy contento, en verdad no quería serlo, me dejé llevar por el entusiasmo.
Yeah, I didn't really want to go there again without Lance.
Sí, no quería volver allí de nuevo sin Lance.
I really hope it didn't take eight experts the whole morning to come up with that.
De verdad espero que no hicieran falta ocho expertos y toda una manaña para llegar a esa conclusión.
I didn't really think about my dreams, or what I really wanted to do.
No pensé de verdad en mis sueños, o lo que quería hacer de verdad.
- Yeah, I learned that I really didn't know anything about you.
Sí, he aprendido que ciertamente no sabía nada de ti.
I really didn't.
No quise herir tus sentimientos.
Only now that Charmonique mentioned it, I didn't really know how Henry felt.
Ahora que Charmonique lo mencionó, no sabía que sentía Henry.
After I revealed myself to him, he didn't really say much.
Después de revelarme ante él, no dijo mucho.
I didn't really know that that existed.
Yo no sabía realmente que eso existía.
I think the reason they were so good was most of the other punk rock bands were influenced by English punk rock, which talked about political things and class struggle and things that didn't really apply to our American life.
Creo que la razón por la que ellos eran tan buenos era más las otras bandas de punk rock eran influenciadas por el punk rock Inglés. que hablaba de cosas política y el enfrentamiento de clases y cosas que realmente no aplicaban a la vida Americana.
I didn't really know who they were, but I started talking to them then and they said that they were forming a band.
Realmente no sabía quiénes eran, pero después empecé a hablar con ellos y dijeron que estaban formando una banda.
They figured we had made a few albums and I knew what I was doing, but I didn't really know what I was doing.
Se dieron cuenta de que habíamos hecho algunos álbumes y que yo sabía lo que hacía, pero en realidad no sabía lo que hacía.
Girls didn't really like the bands that I had been in or most of the bands that we played with.
A las chicas no les gustaban las bandas en las que yo había estado o la mayoría de las bandas con las que tocábamos.
I didn't choose to live with the doubt of who my father really was.
No elegí vivir con la duda... de quién era realmente mi padre.
I didn't really ever celebrate Christmas until I met you.
Nunca celebré Navidad hasta que te conocí.
And, no, I-I didn't want to talk to Webber, but that wasn't gonna stop me from coming, because I'm really sick of talking back to my TV, and I'm scared I'm gonna get a cat.
Y, no, no quería hablar con Webber, pero eso no me habría impedido ir, porque estoy muy harta de hablar con la tele, y me temo que voy a comprarme un gato.
I really didn't expect to see you digging through garbage till you were 30.
Realmente no esperaba verte excavando basura hasta que tuvieras 30 años.
I was just knocking on a book, so it was really soft and old. It didn't really make a sound.
En realidad no hizo ruido.
And I didn't really think you looked cute today.
Y yo realmente no pensé que hoy te veías bonita.
I thought you didn't really care about it
Pensaba que no te importaba tanto presentarte.
I just didn't really know who else to call.
Yo no sabía realmente quién más llamar.
But selfishly, I'm really glad you didn't because I've been travelling so much,
Pero egoístamente, me alegro mucho de que no lo hiciste porque he estado viajando mucho,
Oh. I didn't say yes... yet, and it's really not a topic for public consumption.
No dije que sí... todavía, y en realidad no es un tema para el consumo público.
- I-I d-didn't think a knife could really hurt me.
- No pensé que una navaja pudiera herirme de verdad.
Somewhere around age eight or nine, I just decided I really didn't want to hear them anymore.
Por allá cuando tenía ocho o nueve años, simplemente decidí que ya no les quería seguir escuchando.
Uh, I didn't really know her before she was married, so...
Realmente no la conocía antes de que estuviera casada, así que...
Yo realmente no lo vi bien.
Oh, I-I was super late, so I didn't really...
Estaba super atrasada, así que realmente no...
I didn't really know him.
Yo no lo conocía realmente.
Even this morning when I set off, I didn't really know why.
Incluso esta mañana cuando me puse en camino, realmente no sabía el por qué.
And it really didn't hit me And it really didn't hit me until tonight, but i've got Until tonight, but i've got literally no one to come and
Y nunca me había afectado hasta esta noche, pero no tengo a nadie al que ir y hablar después del tribal.
Well, I didn't know who he really was, so I just...
Bueno, yo no sabía quién era en realidad, así que sólo...
Well, I gotta hand it to you, even though it didn't work, that letter you wrote was really something.
Debo reconocerlo. Si bien no funcionó, esa carta que escribiste fue algo muy bonito.
I didn't think that my own daughter would do anything that would be humiliating either but she really does go around doing things that are humiliating.
También me preguntaba si realmente querías caminar alrededor causando problemas, pero como era de esperar, eras tú.
But I didn't visit him. I was really busy today.
Yo no fui, yo estaba muy ocupado hoy.
But Ah Reum. I really didn't know it would end up like this.
Pero Ah Reum... realmente no sabía que terminaría así.
I didn't really need the TOEIC score, but I still got 984.
Yo no necesitaba realmente la puntuación TOEIC, aun así conseguí 984.
I really didn't want to do this.
Realmente no quería hacer esto.
You know, I really would prefer it if you didn't say anything.
- Sabes que yo preferiría que no dijeras nada.
I mean, I was like nervous, and I didn't really understand why.
Estaba nervioso y no sabía por qué.
nunca habia probado antes mis reflejos nauseosos, pero me jode el sabor a banana del lubricante no me hacía querer vomitar como un perrito enfermo.
- I really didn't.
- No lo sabía.
I guess I really didn't think that through.
Supongo que realmente no creo que a través de.
I really didn't expect that from you.
Realmente no esperaba eso de usted.
You know, the money kinda had everybody divided, man, but I really wish it didn't.
El dinero separo a todo el mundo, hermano, pero ojala no hubiera sido así.
I'm a bit peeved I didn't think of it first, really.
Me molesta un poco no haber pensado primero en eso.
When I first met this lovely lady... back in the olden days... I had a pretty good idea, what I wanted to do in my job... but I didn't really... know what I wanted to... be as a man when I grew up, If they ever grew up.
Cuando conocí a esta encantadora dama en los viejos tiempos tenía una idea clara de lo que quería hacer en mi trabajo pero en realidad no sabía lo que quería ser...
I mean, I didn't move to New York because I really wanted to try.
No me mudé a Nueva York porque quería intentarlo.

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