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I really don't care traducir español

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I really don't care, atleast people should know, what Batra and Gills are doing with poor people, stop it Priya, Stop it,
Realmente no me importa La gente debe conocer la injusticia que Batra y Gill están haciendo con personas vulnerables de nuestra sociedad. Basta, Basta Priya
I don't really care.
Supongo que sí. Realmente no me importa.
And I don't really care.
Y realmente no me importa.
- I really don't care about that.
¿ La vio? No me preocuparía de eso.
[Laughs] I don't care but this is my house so I really don't need the whole anti-men thing.
No me importa pero esta es mi casa así que no necesito toda esa cuestión anti-hombres.
I don't really care either.
Tampoco me importa en realidad.
Well, I don't really care what you believe.
Realmente no me importa lo que crean.
Let him laugh as much as he wants because I don't really care.
Que se ría tanto como quiera porque a mi no me importa.
I don't really care if they knock me out or not, really.
Realmente no me importa si me noquean o no, de verdad.
Because I'm paying, so I don't really care if it bothers you or not.
Porque pago yo, y por lo tanto no me interesa si te fastidia o no.
But it's bullshit, I mean, with them, they don't care, they really don't care.
Pero es basura. Digo, con ellos. No les importa.
Okay, I really don't care.
En realidad no me importa.
I couldn't remember your name if you told me, and I really don't care if you ever do.
Nunca recordaría tu nombre, y no me interesa recordarlo.
Well, what? I don't really care much for bear claws.
No me gustan mucho las garras de oso.
I don't, I don't really care.
No me interesa.
So don`t go to school, simple I can take care of my brother and sisters Iqbal stop this and get up Enough Iqbal, come on now I think he is really unwell.
Pues no vayas al colegio, simple. Puedo cuidar de mis hermanos. Iqbal, para y levántante.
Well, you know, I really don't care what that bitch thinks,
Sabes, en realidad no me importa lo que piensa esa zorra.
If you really want to know, I don't care.
Si realmente quieres saber, No me importa.
I don't care about the damn JumboTron. I really don't.
No me importa nada lo del Jumbo Tron, de verdad, pero deja que te diga una cosa.
You can think what you like but I really don't care.
No, porque eres estúpido, frígido, arrogante y obsesionado contigo mismo.
I really don't care anymore, Butters.
En realidad ya no me importa, Butters.
Well, I don't really care, as long as it puts some money in my pocket.
Bueno, me da igual, mientras me haga ganar dinero.
I don't really care.
Realmente no me importa.
But I don't really care.
Pero no me importa.
"I really like you but maybe we sh spend a little less time together" "'cause I need mspace but I'll call you on Tuesday and then you never call me so I call you, " but you don't call me back and then when I run into you at the coffee shop, you pretend like you've been having problems with your voice mail and I know that you're lying, but I pretend like I don't care even though I'm dying inside!
pero tal vez deberíamos pasar un poco menos tiempo juntos'porque necesito mi espacio pero te llamaré el martes ". finges haber tenido problemas con tu correo de voz.
The boundaries that you set that I don't understand, because I don't really care who comes in whose house.
Los limites que tu estableces que yo no entiendo, porque no me importa quién entra en la casa de quien.
I really don't care.
me da igual.
I don't really care about any of these things, because buying this car for its dynamic abilities is like buying a porn film for its plot.
¿ y saben qué? Realmente no me importa cualquiera de estas cosas because buying this car for its dynamic abilities is like buying a porn film for its plot.
I really don't think mike's gonna care what shirt I wear.
No creo que a Mike le importe que camisa uso.
- That's nice, but I really don't care.
- Qué bien, pero no me importa.
I don't know who he is, and I really don't care.
No sé quién es... y en verdad no me interesa.
Yeah, I don't really care about that.
- Creo que podríamos... - Yo ni siquiera me preocupo por eso.
Frankly, I really don't care if he knows about us.
Francamente, realmente no me importa si el sabe sobre nosotros
I really don't care much about it.
Realmente no me importa mucho.
- I don't really care.
- Realmente no me importa.
I don't really care what happens to these characters.
No me importa qué sea de estos personajes.
because i know how much we care about the endangered rubber trees apparently, and i just really don't want to think that hard about trash.
porque se cuanto nos preocupamos por el medio ambiente, aparentemente. y de verdad que no quiero pensar tanto sobre la basura! Sam...
I don't even care, really.
En realidad no me interesa.
I don't really care for your tone.
- En verdad, no me importa tu tono.
No, I still don't really care for it.
- No, aún sigo sin preocuparme por él.
I really don't care.
Me da igual.
Well, I don't really care where you end up... but Lily's comin'with me.
Bueno, realmente no me importa dónde acabes tú pero Lily irá conmigo
I don't really care.
No me importa.
I really don't care.
No me importa.
And frankly I really don't care.
Y francamente no me importa.
God, I don't think they really care about anything else except their own penis.
No creo que nada les importe tanto como su propio pene
I don't really care enough.
No me importas tanto.
I don't really fucking care whether it was one of you guys messing with me, or if there's a guy in the woods.
No me importa si fueron ustedes o si hay alguien en el bosque.
I really don't care.
No me importa una mierda.
- I don't care. He really bothers me.
- No me importa, él me importa.
I really don't care about where he's been dipping his... wick.
No me importa nada dónde moja su... bizcocho, ¿ sabes?

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