I went to him traducir español
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I went to him for help and he just stood there shouting a bunch of shit.
Lo busqué por ayuda y todo lo que hizo fue hablar mierda.
- I went to see him in the primary.
- Fui a ver al alcalde.
I changed my strategy and I went to Boston Rob and apologized to him because I was going to vote him out at that first tribal council.
He cambiado mi estrategia y me acerqué a Boston Rob y me disculpé con él porque yo quería expulsarlo en ese primer Consejo Tribal.
I got drunk after you'd had a go at me and I went back, and I was saying what you were saying about how he was having me on, and then I threatened to shop him and that's when he said he'd marry me.
Me emborraché después de que tú te metieras conmigo y volví y le dije lo que tú dijiste de que se estaba quedando conmigo y lo amenacé con delatarlo. Es cuando dijo que se casaría conmigo.
I tried to stop him, but when I caught up, he went for me.
Intenté detenerle, pero cuando le cogí, fue a por mí.
I went out to get him a sandwich, and when I got back, he was gone.
Salí a comprarle un sándwich, y cuando regresé, el se habia ido. ¿ Dónde se habra ido?
But my boyfriend was going to U. Minn, and I knew it would be over with him unless I went too.
Pero mi novio se iba a la Universidad de Minnesotta y sabía que se iba a acabar a menos que yo también fuera
And he gets right on top of me, like, and he goes to grab me and I ducked out of the way and he went sprawling into the intersection, and a garbage truck came and hit him...
Y se me vino encima, y me quizó agarrar, y me quité y se fue trompicando a la intersección, y un camión de basura llegó y lo atropelló...
Coach Ryan kind of took him under his wing when his dad first went in, and I know that he was looking forward to seeing a friendly face once he started freshman year.
El entrenador Ryan como que lo tomó bajo su protección cuando a su papá lo arrestaron por primera vez, y sé que ansiaba ver una cara amigable una vez que comenzara en primer año.
I wrote Jason for maybe two years before I went to meet him, because really I could do most of the stuff through the mail, and one day I was talking to his mother, and she said something to the effect of,
Me escribí con Jason unos dos años antes de ir a conocerlo porque podía hacer la mayor parte de cosas por correo y un día hablaba con su madre y ella dijo algo así como :
I'm gonna see him with his eyes open, because after the execution's done and the process went and then - then they call the doctor in to pronounce him dead, then everybody leaves.
todo se termina luego llaman al doctor para declararlo muerto entonces todos se van.
Once we I.D.'d him, we went to his house, ready to apprehend him, but he didn't show up.
Una vez que lo identificamos, fuimos a su casa para arrestarlo pero el no estaba. - El desapareció.
I went to see Freddie, and it was in fact the last time I saw him.
Así que comencé a escribir en pedazos de papel la letra de "Mother Love"
The last time I saw Freddie was, Anita and I went to see him and he was in bed, with the curtains open so he could see out into his garden, and I was talking about things in his garden,
Decía "Dame una máquina de percusión, ellos la van a terminar"
I thought you went and met him to get us this great new studio
Pensé que fuiste a verlo para conseguirnos este nuevo gran estudio.
I went to wish him luck before he went out there.
Fui a desearle suerte antes de que saliera.
I went to the tennis club with him.
Fui al club de tenis con él.
My friends laughed, but I didn't want to be mean, so I... Went in the closet with him.
Mis amigos rieron, pero yo no sabía lo que significaba, asi que... fuí al ropero con él.
I went to Zajac and offered him my help.
Fui a ver a Zajac y le ofrecí mi ayuda.
I went over there to tell him that I, um, I found a way around the no-compete clause.
Fuí alli para decirle que, um, que encontré una forma de pasar por la cláusula de no-competencia.
We went out once and I had lunch with him today to tell him it couldn't work.
Salimos una vez y hoy comí con él para decirle que no podía funcionar.
He had a sleepover at his friend's, and they went to explore inside the old Hooper house, where I have told him a million times not to play.
Se quedó a dormir en la casa de su amigo, y fueron a explorar la vieja casa Hooper, donde le he dicho un millón de veces que no juegue.
And I am the one who went to the hospital and stayed with him.
Yo soy quien fue al hospital y se quedó con él.
I was talking to him this morning before he went into his treatment, and I could just tell how scared he was.
He estado hablando con él esta mañana antes de que fuera al tratamiento y puedo decir lo asustado que estaba.
No, he went to go get his parents from the airport, and I thought he said Jenna went with him.
Fue por sus padres al aeropuerto. Jenna fue con él.
I went to pick him up in Burbank, where he'd been all week, but Bob panicked.
Fui a recogerle en Burbank, donde había estado toda la semana, pero Bob entró en pánico.
I went to Sedona's loser husband, and I asked him to get rid of her.
Acudí al perdedor del marido de Sedona, y le pedí que se deshiciese de ella.
And so I went to his house and I waited for him. Ohh! You know, I-I don't know why I did it.
Así que fui a su casa y le esperé.
Remember when I went to Justin's yesterday to take him dinner? What's going on?
¿ Qué ocurre?
I went by Ricky's apartment to see if we could talk, but there was some kid over there, and he obviously cared more about talking to him right now.
Me pasé por el apartamento de Ricky para ver si podíamos hablar, pero había un niño allí, y obviamente el se preocupó mas de hablar con él.
I went to see him because Marissa's a friend, and she was going through some tough times.
Fui a verlo porque Marissa es mi amiga, y ella pasaba por momentos difíciles.
I went to see him at his hotel room to talk some sense into him.
Fui a verlo a su habitación de hotel para que recapacitara. ¿ De acuerdo?
So that was- - it was already a done deal by the time I got to Arkansas or went to visit him in Arkansas.
Así que ya era cosa hecha para cuando llegué a Arkansas y fui a visitarlo en Arkansas.
So when I was feeling better, I went to my mother's to pick him up, and... that's when they told me he wasn't there.
Y, cuando me sentí mejor, fui a la casa de mi madre para recogerlo y fue entonces cuando me dijeron que él no estaba allí.
It was on display when I went to see him lecture.
Estaba en un escaparate cuando fui a ver su conferencia.
Klaus filled out after I took care of him the week you all went to Michael Jackson's funeral. ♪ Hee-hee! ♪
Klaus completado después de hacerme cargo de él la semana que todos fuimos al funeral de Michael Jackson.
I went to see him a while ago... When things between us were tense.
Fui a verlo hace un tiempo... cuando las cosas estuvieron tensas entre nosotros.
I knew it was just a matter of time before he came after me, so I went straight back to the garage, and I waited, and when my cell rang, I knew it was him calling.
Sabía que era solo una cuestión de tiempo el que viniera a por mí. así que volví directa al estacionamiento y esperé, y cuando mi teléfono sonó, sabía que era él.
I went to meet him and said :
Yo fui a encontrarmelo y dije :
I told him, "Mommy went away for a few days to paint."
Le dije, " mami se fue por unos días...
Last year when he was sick, I went to see him.
El año pasado cuando estaba enfermo, fui a verlo.
I went to get him.
Fui a por él.
Normally I would have just went back to sleep, but... I just kept bothering him until he finally said "okay".
Normalmente me habría vuelto a dormir pero seguí molestándolo hasta que finalmente dijo : "Bien".
I went into the alleys to see if she was meeting him.
Fui al callejón para ver si ella se iba a encontrar con él.
I went into the alley to see if she was meeting him.
Entré al callejón para ver si ella se encontraba con él.
As soon as I went to turn him, he didn't wanna go.
Tan pronto como me fui a darle la vuelta, él no quiere ir.
I saw him go down the alley, and I went down 7th to try to catch up with him.
Lo vi entrar por el callejon y baje por la septima para tratar de alcanzarlo.
I went back to the restaurant to check on him, and I hate to accuse anyone without proof, particularly a minority, but this guy did not show up for work yesterday... or today.
Bueno, regresé al restaurante a hablar con él, y odio acusar a alguien sin pruebas, en especial a una minoría, pero este tipo no fue a trabajar ayer... o hoy.
I started to look at Scully, sort of steel eyes that he saw weakness in Steve that held probably use against him and he went to the board and said,
Miré a Scully, parecia que tenia ojos de acero pues habia visto debilidad en Steve que probablemente usaria en contra de el, asi que fue a la junta directiva y dijo
Here we go. Alright, I guess I better read with him – he went to this sad amount of trouble.
Será mejor que lo lea... ya que fue tanto lo que se esforzó.
I've reported to him since I first went to Belarus.
Me he reportado a él desde la primera vez que fue a Bielorrusia.
i went for a walk 44
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went over there 16
i went to 26
i went home 97
i went to college 32
i went to harvard 21
i went inside 19
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went over there 16
i went to 26
i went home 97
i went to college 32
i went to harvard 21
i went inside 19