I will tell him traducir español
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Allow me, madame, I will tell him immediately.
Permítame, madame. Se lo diré de inmediato.
Okay, I will tell him.
Bueno, yo se lo diré.
OK call your dad I will tell him
Bien, llama a tu papá. Yo le diré.
I will tell him everything about you and convince him.
Le contare todo sobre ti y lo convenceré.
I will tell him, sir.
Se lo diré, señor.
I will tell him.
Se lo diré.
What will I tell him?
¿ Y qué puedo decirle?
I'll be home in the evening Will you tell him?
Estaré de vuelta por la tarde, ¿ Se lo dirá?
Tell him if I win only once I will lose it all
Dile que si gano una vez lo habré perdido todo
You won't tell him. I won't tell him. I will stay in one piece.
Tú no se lo cuentas, yo tampoco y así seguiré entero.
Tell Uncle I'm going to the AG's and... will contact him when I meet Ho. He must stay.
¡ Dile a tío Hai que lo llamaré cuando haya encontrado a Ho!
Ask him to wait for me, and tell him I will come later.
Pídele que me espere,... y dile que llegaré más tarde.
Please tell the Sturmbannfuhrer that I will win for him.
digale al Sturmbannführer que ganaré para él.
Tell him to slow down, will you? I want to take some notes.
Dile que vaya más lento, quiero tomar nota.
- Tell him to stay, I will see no harm comes to him.
- Si se queda, garantizo su seguridad.
He will stay, but he is very much afraid - Tell him I need him.
Se queda, pero está aterrado.
I won't apologize to him, Paul, but I'll tell you what I will do.
No le pediré disculpas, pero ya sé lo que haré.
Tell him I'm being held against my will.
Dígale que estoy aquí contra mi voluntad.
If James comes around, will you tell him I'm looking for him?
Si James viene, ¿ puedes decirle que lo estoy buscando?
If I tell even two words about him it will be morning by then - This can be done after... the engagement. The good time is passing away
Si yo digo ni dos palabras sobre él Quedara pequeño de su vida - -Esto se puede hacer después del... compromiso. el buen tiempo va pasando,
- Will you, now? I'm going nowhere! Tell him to get out of there!
No pienso ir a ningún lado hasta que- ¡ Póngase la ropa!
Listen, if a Mr. Kerrigan calls, will you tell him I've left?
Si llama el Sr. Kerrigan, ¿ le dirá que he salido?
Will you tell him I'm waiting, please?
¿ Podrías decirle que estoy esperándolo, por favor?
Please, do me a favour. Tell Nicola that I will pick him up tomorrow at 11.
Dile a Nicola que paso a recogerlo a las once.
Tell him I beg him for forgiveness and help. I can't understand how it's God's will that we renounce worldly pleasures, when God's will is the reason we're in the world.
Dile que le suplico perdón y ayuda, por lo mucho que me cuesta comprender que sea voluntad divina renunciar a los placeres del mundo, cuando por divina voluntad en el mundo estamos.
Will you please tell him I will be right there?
¿ Puede avisarle que salgo para allá?
Tell the Sheriff for every harm he does these people I will repay him tenfold.
Di al sheriff que le devolveré multiplicado por diez cualquier daño que cometa.
- I will tell him.
Está bien, yo se lo digo.
ashley, sweetie, would you go upstairs and tell will... his uncle and I would Iike to speak with him, please?
ashley, cariño, would vas arriba y dile will... su Tío y yo would like para hablar con él, por favor?
I can tell him where he will be from here the half hour.
Puedo decirle donde va a estar dentro de una media hora.
- So will I. Tell him I'll expect a full report.
Yo también. Que haga un informe completo.
Gambling someone will visit me here, and I'll tell him I love him.
Me aposté a mí misma que si cierto hombre alguna vez viene visitarme en este jardín, nos enamoraremos.
I should also tell you I'm Yaakov's best friend... and probably the last person to see him before he disappeared. Then you and I are gonna have to have a little talk. You will pardon me.
tambien deberia decirle que soy el mejor amigo de yakoov y probablemente la ultima persona que lo vio antes de desaparecer entonces usted y yo vamos a tener una pequeña charla debe disculparme tengo gente esperandome.
And it won't help when I tell him that we are wealthy. - I will talk to my father.
Y no ayuda cuando le digo... que somos acaudalados.
I will defeat him if you say so, but tell me why?
va a derrotarlo si decirlo, pero dime ¿ por qué?
If daddy telephones, tell him that I will go straight to the health club from the college.
Babulal. Si papá llama, dile que iré directo desde la universidad al Health Club. - ¿ Está bien?
Will you tell him how very sorry I am?
¿ Le dirá Ud....... cuánto lo lamento?
Tell Grandpa I promise I will... come back and fetch him.
Dile al abuelo que prometo volver para buscarle.
It is to deceive you, I will guit, tell him
- A ti eh, que te engañe a ti solita. Yo me retiro de la competición.
Will you tell him I'm running late, but I'm on my way?
Usted podría decirle que llegaré un poco tarde, hay muy tráfico.
Tell him I will not fail him at supper, for indeed he hath made great preparation.
... que iré a su cena. Ha hecho grandes preparativos.
But I must tell thee plainly, Claudio undergoes my challenge... and either I must shortly hear from him... or I will subscribe him a coward.
Pero debo deciros, que Claudio ha aceptado mi reto y me responderá pronto, o publicaré su cobardía.
"l will tell God that I am sorry if I have spoilt my love for Him " by choosing something that He does not want. " l have nothing to eat or drink for one hour.
Si cometo pecado, si no es suficiente mi amor por él... y elijo algo que él no quiera... no comeré, ni beberé nada durante una hora.
"l will tell God I want to grow up like Jesus and I want to meet Him in Communion."
Diré a Dios que quiero crecer como Jesús... y que quiero encontrarlo en la comunión. "
Carl can tell him or I will.
Carl se lo puede contar... o yo.
How will Gul Dukat react when I tell him about that?
¿ Cómo va a reaccionar Gul Dukat cuando se lo cuente?
- When you see him, tell me quick! - I will!
- Cuando lo veas, dímelo enseguida.
Tell him to take care of Sarah. Look, I will.
Díganle que cuide de Sarah.
Hey, I will be good to him. You want to tell me who else will be as good to him?
Yo sere bueno con el, dime quien seria bueno con el?
I would go in there and tell him every day, " hey, things will look up.'"
Yo entraba allí y le decía todos los días, "Hey, las cosas van a mejorar". "
Tell him I will come back soon
Dile que volveré pronto.
i will 7976
i will call you 60
i will never forget you 25
i will marry you 56
i will never forgive you 52
i will be back 49
i will kill you 375
i will never leave you 46
i will always love you 92
i will fear no evil 57
i will call you 60
i will never forget you 25
i will marry you 56
i will never forgive you 52
i will be back 49
i will kill you 375
i will never leave you 46
i will always love you 92
i will fear no evil 57