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In case you were wondering traducir español

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En el caso de que te preguntes si es ahí donde pertenezco.
And in case you were wondering, a full-page ad my way doesn't cost a nickel.
Y si te lo preguntabas, una página a mi manera no cuesta nada.
By the way, in case you were wondering... who this is, this is Handsome.
Por cierto, en caso de que te estés preguntando... quién es, soy Handsome.
In case you were wondering how I knew where you live.
En caso de que se preguntara cómo supe donde vivía.
in case you were wondering.
En caso de que te lo preguntaras.
She's, uh, in the kitchen, just in case you were wondering.
Está ern la cocirna. por si te lo pregurntabas.
Oh, and in case you were wondering... no, we don't give out free samples.
Oh, y en caso de que se lo estén preguntando no, no damos muestras gratis.
No offence taken, in case you were wondering.
No me doy por ofendido.
In case you were wondering, this wasn't in the plan.
Éste no era el plan, por si te lo estabas preguntando.
Oh, and in case you were wondering those are my legs on the new James Bond poster.
Y por si no lo sabías las piernas del nuevo póster de James Bond son las mías.
Sender told me where I could find you, in case you were wondering.
Remitente me dijo donde podía encontrarte, en caso de que se lo pregunte.
Sir, in case you were wondering, Miss Chandler, she didn't wear a pacemaker.
Por si se lo estaba preguntando, la Srita. Chandler no llevaba marcapasos.
That would make me 28, in case you were wondering.
Tengo 28 años, en caso de que te lo preguntes.
- In case you were wondering.
- Por si querias saberlo.
Well, just in case you were wondering, I do have a disability - I am totally happy with the way i was born, very much.
bueno, en caso que se lo pregunten, tengo una discapacidad - estoy totalmente contento por como nací, realmente mucho.
Commander. In case you were wondering, I never told Neelix where you hid that cider.
En caso de que tenga la duda, yo nunca le dije a Neelix donde usted ocultaba esa sidra.
- In case you were wondering.
- Por si querían saberlo.
Oh, and, in case you were wondering, this is the part where l'm not bluffing.
Y por si se lo preguntan, no estoy fanfarroneando.
I'm five-seven, in case you were wondering.
Soy cinco-siete, en caso que se lo estén preguntando.
I didn't kill anyone, in case you were wondering.
No maté a nadie, en caso de que se lo estén preguntando.
The evening started well enough – that is, until we got to the car... a Jaguar XJ8 convertible with a 290 horsepower engine, in case you were wondering.
La noche empezó bastante bien o sea, hasta que entramos en el coche... un Jaguar XJ8 convertible con motor de 290 caballos, por si te interesa.
In case you were wondering, it says, "if you can read this, you're standing too close".
En caso de que te lo preguntes, dice, "si puedes leer esto, estás parado muy cerca".
And just in case you were wondering how could a half-breed Japanese-Chinese American become the boss of all bosses in Tokyo, Japan, I'll tell you.
Y por si se preguntan cómo una mitad japonesa, mitad china y estadounidense, pudo convertirse en la jefa de todos los jefes en Tokio, Japón? Les contaré.
Oh, just in case you were wondering what happened to Clarissa and Glynnis don't worry.
Oh, solo por si acaso ustedes se están preguntando que sucedió con Clarissa y Glynnis no se preocupen.
Her name is Charlene, in case you were wondering.
Por si lo preguntas, se llama Charlene.
- That's an aspen tree, in case you were wondering.
Eso es un álamo en caso de que se esté preguntando.
- That's an aspen tree, in case you were wondering. - Lieutenant! Over here.
Teniente, por aquí.
That's roughtrader's real name, in case you were wondering.
Ese el verdadero nombre de Roughtrader, en caso de que te lo preguntes.
We've switched subjects, in case you were wondering.
Hemos cambiado de tema, por si te lo estabas preguntando
So that's what happened, in case you were wondering.
.. y eso es lo que pasó, en caso de que te hayas preguntado.
It's a boy... in case you were wondering.
Es niño... en caso de que quisieras saberlo.
No, I was just telling you. In case you were wondering or just curious or whatever.
No, sólo se lo cuento, en caso de curiosidad o lo que sea.
It's going to be 58, in case you were wondering.
¿ Parezco tener 58?
And I wanted to let you know, just in case you were wondering...
Y quería que supieran, en caso de que tuvieran alguna duda...
Right. Well, I'm calling because I just wanted to tell you, in case you were wondering, that in no way, whatsoever, do I blame you for Troy's death.
Sí, bueno, llamo porque quería que supieran, en caso de que tuvieran alguna duda, que de ningún modo, para nada, los culpo por la muerte de Troy.
Just in case you were wondering.
En caso de que te lo preguntes.
She's pretty... and two of you look pretty together, in case you were wondering.
Es bonita... y los dos se ven muy bonitos juntos, por si no Io sabías.
In case you were wondering, I know that.
En caso de que te lo preguntes, lo sé.
In case you were wondering, the answer was The Da Vinci Code.
En caso de que se lo pregunten, la respuesta es El Código Da Vinci.
In case you were wondering, Mr. Clemmons, not pleased.
Por si tenías alguna duda, el Sr. Clemmens no está contento.
In case you were wondering.
En caso de que te preguntes.
In case you were wondering why the scenic tour, detention's far from a beauty spot, but it's the only space we have available after some knucklehead burned up the study hall.
Por si se preguntaba por qué el largo recorrido, detención está lejos de ser un lugar hermoso, pero es el único espacio que tenemos disponible después de que un alcornoque incendiara la sala de estudio.
You know, in case you were wondering the person whose calls you always take that's the relationship you're in.
Por si te lo preguntas la persona cuyas llamadas siempre tomas esa es la relación en la que estás.
"Sorry to interrupt " your busy fucking day, but in case you were wondering " if your wife can take a nice, hot shower,
" Lamento interrumpir tu maldito día ajetreado, pero por si tenías dudas de si tu esposa se podía dar un baño caliente ella puede porque el agua es segura.
It ain't my hand, in case you were wondering.
No es mi mano si eso pensabas.
And just in case you were wondering, it's strictly platonic.
Y en caso de que quiera saberlo, es estrictamente platónico.
In case you were wondering, that's all. I wasn't.
No estoy pensando.
Just in case you guys were wondering, casting's going up at 1 : 00 p.m.
Por si les interesa, la lista del elenco se publicará a la 1 : 00.
Soy el padre de Tom, por si no lo sabíais.
In case you're wondering, Teal'c and I were never scanned.
Por si te lo preguntas, Teal'c y yo no fuimos suplantados.
Just in case you were still wondering.
Sólo por si aún te lo estabas preguntando.

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