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Involuntarily traducir español

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Everyone watched her involuntarily because everyone had many children and little food.
Todos la observaban porque todos tenían muchos hijos y poca comida.
The third was as still as a quiet sea. Her delicate skin rippled gently, shivering involuntarily. "
"La tercera estaba quieta como el mar... con finas ondulaciones que apenas arrugaban su delicada piel."
Can one be held responsible for a crime one commits involuntarily but forgets out of nervous shock or due to alcohol?
¿ Puede uno ser responsable de un crimen cometido involuntariamente, que se olvida después de un shock nervioso, o se comete drogado o bebido?
" Involuntarily, my fingers twitched wildly.
Sin querer se agitan los dedos de mis manos.
- Oh, yes, I suppose it could happen. - Then I ask you, is it not possible that Captain Kirk became aware of Lieutenant Commander Finney's hatred toward him, and perhaps, even involuntarily, began to reciprocate?
- Entonces le pregunto ¿ es posible o no, que al enterarse el capitán Kirk que el teniente Finney sentía odio hacia él...
One tends involuntarily to judge these things from a personal point of view at night.
De noche se tiende a juzgar más las cosas desde un punto de vista privado.
He must bring him involuntarily.
Debes traerlo a la fuerza.
I n this briefcase I happen to have a contract that was drawn up by the best legal minds in the world, who at the moment are involuntarily the recipients of my hospitality.
En este maletín tengo un contrato escrito por los mejores abogados. Que involuntariamente reciben mi hospitalidad.
Accusing me of corrupting the young, means accusing me of making them bad, do you think I corrupt them voluntarily or involuntarily?
Acusándome de corromper a la juventud, es decir, acusándome de hacerla mala, crees que la corrompo voluntaria o involuntariamente?
It has been involuntarily, don't be so angry.
Ha sido sin querer, no se enfade.
Involuntarily, I was instrumental to it.
Yo he sido... el instrumento involuntario.
Only once, involuntarily, for a split second.
Sólo una vez se me escapó un involuntario goce.
This is the point! We are all in danger, myself included, because involuntarily, I'm your accomplice.
... estamos todos en peligro y también yo que involuntariamente, soy vuestro cómplice.
His lips grew calloused, his tongue diminished and a nictitating membrane on his left eye operated involuntarily in conditions of bright light, making his vision sparkle with refracted lights.
Tiene los labios llenos de callos, la lengua reducida y una membrana nictitante en el ojo izquierdo que opera involuntariamente en condiciones de mucha luz, haciendo que su visión brille con luces refractadas.
discharge the negative forces you have involuntarily received.
Descargar las fuerzas negativas que has recibido involuntariamente.
All my limbs involuntarily froze.
Todos mis miembros se paralizaron.
They hold it in all the time and eventually it starts to come out involuntarily. - All right.
Lo retienen todo el tiempo hasta que sale involuntariamente.
I bumped my elbow on a desk and injured something and now it sort of moves involuntarily.
Me golpeé el codo en un escritorio y me lastimé y ahora se mueve involuntariamente.
So just tell him I banged it against a desk and it's been moving involuntarily ever since.
Dile que lo golpeé en un escritorio y desde entonces se mueve solo.
The thought of turning... of turning involuntarily... into one of them... frightened me and made me sick with anger.
La idea de convertirse... de convertirse involuntariamente en un de ellos me asustaba y me enfermaba de rabia.
Jealousy involuntarily feeds the one who loves!
A su pesar, los celos acosan al que ama
You helped me with that, involuntarily.
Involuntariamente me ayudaste en eso.
You profess I even cause you to act involuntarily, though I remain unconvinced, and now the disorganized spch patterns.
Claramente te pongo incomodo. Alegas que incluso te hago actuar involuntariamente, aunque lo dudo... y ahora los patrones de habla desorganizados, ¿ qué pasa?
"The muscles involuntarily"
"Los músculos involuntariamente"
Some respond to the Ko involuntarily.
Algunos responden al Ko involuntariamente.
Involuntarily, my step sometimes hurried, other times crawled... totally not its usual self... with the clearest conscience of numerous delicate tremors... and chills that got to the toes... an abyss of happiness.
Mi paso, involuntariamente, ora se precipitaba, ora se arrastraba... un completo estar fuera de sí. Con la clarísima conciencia de un sinnúmero de delicados temblores... y escalofríos que llegaban a los dedos de los pies... un abismo de felicidad.
It's entirely involuntarily, as are your...
Pero es involuntario, como tus....
Is it possible she involuntarily hit that accelerator?
¿ Es posible que pisara involuntariamente el acelerador?
Miss Lockhart, do you feel your mother should be involuntarily committed?
Señorita Lockhart, ¿ cree que su madre debe ser internada?
- He involuntarily fell to the ground?
- ¿ Cayó al suelo involuntariamente?
0ur mind is... involuntarily, a workshop for many things, isn't it?
La cabeza te trae... involuntariamente muchas cosas, ¿ no?
When dry-drowning occurs, the larynx closes involuntarily, preventing air and water from entering the lungs, resulting in hypoxia... a reduced concentration of oxygen in the blood.
La laringe se cierra involuntariamente evitando que el aire y el agua entren en los pulmones lo que origina una hipoxia una concentración reducida de oxígeno en la sangre.
I count letters involuntarily.
Cuento letras involuntariamente.
"Though involuntarily," I have hurt Kajal no end.
Aunque involuntariamente, He hecho daño a Kajal.
Now, some Civil War apologists have said that the Civil War, for all its faults, at least had the effect of outlawing an involuntarily imported workforce model of work.
Los apologistas de la Guerra Civil han dicho que, a pesar de sus fallas, la guerra por lo menos perfiló un modelo laboral involuntariamente importado.
Suppose involuntarily imported labor had never been outlawed.
Supongamos que el trabajo importado involuntariamente nunca se prohibió.
You won't keep me here involuntarily if I volunteer?
¿ No me encerrará en contra de mi voluntad si accedo de forma voluntaria?
This chemical may also account... for the series of terrifying questions that involuntarily pop into our minds... after just one casual tryst.
Esta sustancia es también responsable de una serie de preguntas aterradoras que surgen involuntariamente justo después de un encuentro casual.
It's fairly common for some men to lactate involuntarily... in situations of extreme stress.
Es bastante común que algunos hombres produzcan leche involuntariamente en situaciones de stress extremo.
Okay, as we involuntarily enter into this enforced period of silence... can I ask if there's any medication you forgot to take... or some I might recommend you should try?
Una pregunta, para este período de silencio involuntario... ¿ olvidaste tomar un medicamento... o te puedo recomendar alguno?
- You can't prove it was involuntarily.
¿ Acaso tienes pruebas de que la forzaran?
When you rely solely upon instinct and reflex, you involuntarily make your limitations known.
Resulta limitado confiar únicamente en los reflejos y el instinto.
How did I get involuntarily deputized as a Commandments enforcer?
¿ Cómo llegué a ser involuntariamente el que fomenta los mandamientos?
Yes, your mate gave him a concussion and he involuntarily turned over more than $ 14 million in diamonds to your team.
Si, tus amigos le dieron un golpe en la cabeza y él involuntariamente le paso más de 14 millones en diamantes a tu equipo.
Oh, you accidentally, involuntarily let dead girl live?
¿ Entonces dejaste que la chica muerta viviera accidental e involuntariamente?
He was accidentally, involuntarily manslaughtered.
Fue privado de su vida accidentalmente e involuntariamente.
If I don't explain it accurately, you will involuntarily run wild with the wrong ideas.
Tengo que explicar esto o imaginarás cosas.
Pay attention to individuals who were involuntarily committed in florida.
Pon atención en los individuos que fueron enviados inoluntariamente a Florida.
Of turning involuntarily into one of them... frightened me and made me sick with anger.
me asustaba y me ponía enfermo de furia.
But involuntarily!
Y me está saliendo "Ada o el ardor". ¡ Pero sin querer, eh, sin querer!
For hours during the night, I've involuntarily been playing a game of fantasy basketball in my head.
Ya más de una semana. Creo que es penoso y vergonzoso.

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