Is she around traducir español
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- Is she around there now?
- ¿ Ella está con usted?
Martha Perkins, a relic, nobody needs newspaper when she is around.
Martha Perkins, una reliquia. Nadie necesita un periódico cuando ella está cerca.
Why a daughter of mine should fool around with a hotel clerk... when she has the opportunity of marrying one of the Boston Yates... is more than I can understand,
Por qué mi hija estaría coqueteando con un empleado de hotel... cuando tiene la oportunidad de casarse con uno de los Yates de Boston... es más de lo que puedo entender.
Ahí está, envuelto en mi paraguas, pero aún sonriendo.
Where is she running around till late at night?
¿ Por dónde anda callejeando todo el día?
The girl she met in the booth, see, is now riding around in the car.
¿ Eh?
- Is she from around here?
- ¿ Es de aquí?
Shall we go around afterwards and ask how she is?
¿ Quieres ir más tarde a ver cómo sigue?
- Oh, she's around. Don't forget Randall is ANOTHER Anthony Powell'discovery'.
No olvide mencionar en su crítica que a la Randall la descubrí yo.
If she ever finds out that you're going around with that little salesgirl from the delicatessen store on the corner, who, by the way, is going around with someone else...
Si se entera de que anda por ahí con esa vendedora de la tienda de delicatessen de la esquina, quien, a propósito, anda con otro...
Is she.. is she still around? No.
¿ Y sigue allí?
- That's what she is, a princess. I expect now, some people around here won't think they're so smart.
Es cierto y espero que algunas no se lo tengan tan creído.
All she does is sit around and stare out the window... wondering where he is, if he's cold or broke or hungry.
Se pasa el día sentada, mirando por la ventana... preguntándose dónde está él, si está pasando frío o hambre.
But miss Belle, she ain't never going to die'cause around here in old Missouri miss Belle is what the white folks call a "leggend."
¿ Una leyenda? ¿ Y eso qué es? Es sólo la parte más bonita de la verdad.
Poor Garnet. She'll hang around in Florida eating her heart out. Until it finally dawns on her that Lancelot is not coming.
Pobre Garnet, esperándote en Florida, sufriendo, hasta que se dé cuenta de que Lancelot no irá a buscarla.
All she could do is sit around and look on.
Todo lo que hacía era sentarse y mirar.
Phyllis is back from Reno and she's playing around like mad.
Phyllis ha vuelto de Reno y se comporta como una loca..
Listen, you low-down double-crosssing snake. You were the one that brought her around. Where is she?
Cobra traicionera, fue usted quién la trajo. ¿ Dónde está?
f your poodle is so classy... how come she doesn't know better than to go around biting a nice little dog?
Si su perra tiene tanta clase, ¿ por qué muerde a un buen perro?
She's going around saying that marriage is life's graveyard.
- Está muy bien, pero se pasa... el día diciendo que el matrimonio es una tumba para los vivos.
Every time I turn around, there she is staring at me.
Cada vez que me volteo, está ahí parada.
Uh, she, uh, isn't around, is she?
Ella no está por aquí, ¿ verdad?
I can't take you with me Tommy Aunt Helen can't stand children around when she is so sick
Y si me quedo toda la noche, no hay camas.
Well, I was hoping. My old woman is sick of having me around the house, she says.
Esperaba que sí, mi mujer dice que está harta de verme por casa.
She wants to bring them to someone inside. Is it safe to wait around?
Quiere llevárselas a alguien que está dentro. ¿ Es seguro esperar aquí?
She knows her way around, she is not as unsophisticated as she looks
Sabe cuidarse, no es tan inocente como parece.
Well, I do, and enough to give him my ship as soon as she's re-rigged. No man is taking your ship out of here unless he has a rope around his neck like any known pirate. BRASILIANO :
Bien, Yo la tengo y le daré mi nave tan pronto como ella esté aprovisionada
- Is she always around?
- ¿ Siempre está en medio?
Can it be, a young woman, with all those young men around, courted like she is?
No puede ser, una joven así, con todos los jóvenes rondándola, haciéndole la corte.
She looks like she's been chased around the desk and is now headed for the pay window.
Le habrá perseguido alrededor de la mesa y ahora le cobra en la ventanilla.
But, she is around your age.
Pero ella tiene casi tu misma edad.
What she means is if somebody stays and moves around the fire, it'll look like we're still here.
Lo que ella dice ea que, si se queda alguien y se mueve cerca del fuego, parecerá qeu seguimos aqui. Y Fuller no puede moverse.
Is she still around?
¿ Sigue por aquí?
Poor little thing. Wandering around like a lost soul, she is.
Pobre gatita, está triste y no encuentra su sitio.
Still I always have found That when she is around
Pero siempre me ha parecido que cuando anda cerca
This is the way she goes around all the time.
Así es como va siempre.
Talk is, she's been running around with this Morgan... ever since you left for Miami, and that you're plenty burned up.
Se dice que estuvo saliendo con el tal Morgan desde que te fuiste a Miami, y que tú estás muy enojado.
She is Jewish and we need Moby Dick around.
Niña tienes que aguantarte, aquella no puede ir y Moby Dick me hace falta aquí.
- It is monstrous. Liliana suffered. She walked around the house like a machine.
Liliana sufría en silencio, andaba por la casa como... como una autómata.
To feel that the other is around even when he or she isn't.
Sentir que el otro está ahí, cuando no está.
All she does is hang around here on the beach.
Lo único que hace es quedarse aquí en la playa.
Is that what she told you, she didn't want you around anymore?
¿ Te dijo eso, que no quería que estuvieras con ella?
You turn around, and run this way and you see Milano eating parsley he's not here, he's in his place the rose is coming up and the carnation is fading away... She's dead!
abriendo la rosa y cerrando elclavel, iEstá muerta!
Is she around?
¿ Está aquí?
- Where is Louisa? She's around here somewhere. She's with that Rio fella.
No sé, está por ahí con ese tipo llamado Río.
- Yeah, is she still around?
- ¿ Está por aquí?
Just because a girl don't go around with a shawl over her head don't be saying she is not strict, you know?
El hecho de que una niña no vaya por ahí con un chal sobre su cabeza... no está diciendo que no sea estricta, ¿ sabes?
What is she playing at? We're not going to stick around here, are we?
¡ No vamos a quedarnos para esto!
I'm sick and tired of having to do all the work around here... while she is out with that sheeny boyfriend of hers.
Estoy harta de tener que hacerlo todo yo mientras ella está por ahí con su deslumbrante novio.
Thus seen, she is harmless. I entreat you, please be content with the reflected image. Do not go peeking around the edges of the canvas.
Vista de esta manera es inofensiva, pero... les suplico que se conformen con ver la imagen reflejada, y no traten de curiosear por las orillas de la lona.
Must be a great girl all around. Oh, she is.
- Luce muy buena chica.
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