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It'll pass traducir español

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As you see, we've built a flume leading to the top of the wheel. Now, at the proper time, we'll divert the water back through the flume. It'll pass over the top of the wheel, striking the blades, which will turn the wheel, which will drive the shaft, which will turn the upper millstone, and presto, you're grinding wheat.
Como puede ver, la cañería va hasta la encima de la rueda a la hora justa el agua va a pasar por el, va a caer sobre las paletas de la rueda, haciéndola girar,
It ´ s nothing, it'll pass.
No es nada, se pondrá bien.
It's all right. It'll pass.
No es nada, Ya pasará.
Yes, you're right, it'll pass.
Sí, usted tiene razón. Ya pasará.
It'll pass.
Ya pasará.
No, no. It'll pass, it'll pass.
No, ya pasa.
A case of hysteria, it'll pass.
Será una crisis histérica, ya se le pasará.
It'll pass.
Ya se pasará.
You know..., I think we'll give it a pass.
¿ Cree que quiero dar un paseo?
- It'll pass.
- Eso pasará.
Quizás sea la última vez que te vea.
It'll pass, you'll see.
Pasará, ya lo verá.
Look, it'll pass.
Ya se me pasará.
I'll pass it around.
- Sí ve pasándola.
Acute ghetto-itis is all it is. lt'll pass.
Es sólo una otitis aguda. Ya pasará.
All right. I'll pass it all on to her.
Bueno, le daré todo esto.
It'll pass!
Se me pasará.
I'll pass it on to Rip.
Se lo pasaré a Rip.
I'll pass it along.
Pasaré de largo.
It'll pass the time until she...
Pasará el tiempo hasta que ella...
This'll pass, it always does.
- No, ya pasará. Siempre lo hace.
If he gets behind this, it'll pass unanimously.
Si él lo apoya, será aprobado unánimemente.
Maybe it'll pass into oblivion with the help of this strange and rare drink called mescal.
Puede que pase al olvido con la ayuda de esta extraña bebida llamada mezcal.
It'll pass in the blink of an eye.
Pasaría en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
I promise you that in a few days it'll pass.
Prométemelo Seguro en pocos días pasará...
Well, we'll make a sledge and take it down the pass then we shall see.
Bien, haremos un trineo y lo llevaremos abajo... Entonces veremos.
- It'll pass. My love.
Adiós, cielo.
Shortly, it'll pass.
- En un momento se pasará.
- It'll pass.
- Se le pasará.
We'll pass on any information we receive as soon as we get it.
Les comunicaremos cualquier información que tengamos tan pronto nos llegue.
But in the event it does come to pass, we'll see to everything at our expense.
Pero, en caso de que pasara, nos ocuparíamos de lo necesario, - a cargo nuestro.
But I'll tell you one thing : One day soon, air-conditioned Pullmans will pass through here, and the riders will even have a bar to serve them ice-cold beer and won't know what a pain it was to lay down the track.
Ah, pero eso sí, un día de estos pasarán por aquí Pullmans con aire acondicionado, y los viajantes llevarán hasta cantina para echarse una cerveza bien helada, y ni sabrán la friega que nos llevamos para tender la vía.
All I can do is pass along your proposal and we'll see what can be done about it :
Todo lo que puedo hacer es pasar adelante su propuesta y veremos que se puede hacer al respecto.
I'll pass it through you've seen the girl.
Diré que la viste.
It'll pass.
Se me pasará.
Then, I'll pass on it.
Entonces, pasaré.
Don't worry, it'll soon pass.
Es sólo la fuerza centrífuga. Pronto pasará.
- Nothing, it'll pass soon.
- Nada, enseguida se me pasa.
It'll pass.
No me gusta.
I'll wait for it to pass. At the bar?
En el bar, ¿ verdad?
We'll hole up in that shack on top while it's daylight and hope they pass us by.
Nos ocultaremos en el cobertizo durante el día... y esperaremos a que nos pasen.
It'll pass. A cow has got to eat.
Una vaca tiene que comer.
It'll help pass the time.
Ayudará a pasar el tiempo.
I think it'll be ambushed at Hondo Pass.
Creo que serán emboscados en el paso Hondo.
Hold it. Well, I'll have to pass.
Bueno, tendre que pasar.
You want a weekend pass, you'll work for it.
Ustedes quieren un pase de fin de semana, ustedes trabajarán para lograrlo.
It'll pass in a few moments.
Se pasará enseguida.
If you need something else, we'll pass it through the window.
Si necesitas algo más, te lo daremos por la ventana.
You'll pass right through it.
La carreta pasará por ahí.
It'll pass you out.
Si te dan codeína, te desmayas.
It'll pass.
Se le pasará.

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