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It has to be said traducir español

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- No, thank you. It has to be said that he loved Cecilia very much.
Hay que decir que Cecilia sabe hacerse querer, ¿ eh?
The strike committee has to see that the strike goes smoothly, that the audience is kept out, etc. But it has to be said :
El comité de huelga tiene que procurar que la huelga marche sin problemas, que no se involucre al público, etc. Hay que decirlo claramente.
It works like that. And since our dreams are most of the time added as series of zeros... it has to be said that the images of the sum will have nothing to do with the sum of images.
Es así como funciona... y puesto que nuestros sueños se suman... la mayoría de las veces, como series de ceros... hay que decir que las imágenes del total... no tendrán nada que ver con la totalidad de las imágenes.
It has to be said, Eric, you're a bitter disappointment to me.
Tengo que decirlo Eric, eres una amarga decepción para mí.
In fact... lt's heresy, I know, but, given his wife, who was a crushing stodge, it has to be said, he could be forgiven for having...
De hecho... es herejía, lo sé, pero considerando su esposa que era pesadísima, hay que decirlo, se lo podría perdonar por haber...
It has to be said, you do look quite a bit different there.
Tenemos que decir, que se te ve bastante diferente ahí.
But it has to be said this is largely due to what can only be descried as a conspiracy against me.
Pero eso se debe en gran parte a una conspiración en mi contra.
It has to be said... almost as big as that thing in Bully's pants.
Hay que decirlo... casi tan grande como lo que tiene Bully en los pantalones.
It has to be said.
Hay que decirlo.
The Black Adders were very complicated by the end, it has to be said.
Debo decir que "La Víbora Negra" al final, se volvió complicada.
"The guy I see is in high school and, it has to be said he laughs his ass off whenever we talk about you"
"El chico con el que salgo, va al Instituto y... debo decir se parte el culo de risa cada vez que hablamos de ti"
Oh, and the guy I see is in high school, and it has to be said that... every time we talk about you, he laughs his ass off
Ah, y el chico con el que salgo va al Instituto, y tengo que decirte que cada vez que hablamos de ti, se parte el culo de risa
it's not a question of liking it, I'm used to it it has to be said that I bitterly regret that the headmaster of the school where I was when I was seven pushed me forward for this series because every seven years a little pill of poison is injected into..
no creo que sea cosa de gusto, estoy acostumbrado debo decir que me arrepenti terriblemente de que el director de la escuela donde iba cuando tenia siete años me haya empujado para participar porque cada siete años es una pequeña pildora de veneno que se inyecta...
That's the difference between you and me, Brian, I could always see into the distance, you, it has to be said, were always a little short-sighted.
Esa es la diferencia entre tú y yo, Brian. Yo siempre he tenido perspectiva. tú, todo sea dicho, siempre has sido más corto de vista.
Who, it has to be said, well
Quien, hay que decir,
It has to be said.
Tiene que decirse.
Something has to be done. It has to be said out loud that people are being tortured here.
Podemos hacer algo, al menos aceptar y decir claramente que aquí se tortura.
As someone with a beard once said, "Youth is such a wonderful thing." "It's too bad it has to be wasted on the young."
Como dijo un anciano, la juventud es maravillosa lástima que se despilfarre en los jóvenes.
I don't in principle, but in practice it has a lot to be said for it.
En teoría no, pero en la práctica tiene muchas cosas buenas.
- I said it has to be respectable.
He dicho que ésta debe ser una casa de bien.
I said that the Duchess had to be right sometimes. It has to do with the law of averages.
Te digo que la duquesa puede tener razón a veces.
I said I was going and I am, even if it has to be in that insane calliope.
Dije que iría e iré, aunque tenga que ser en ese cacharro.
inasmuch as Geronimo has led his warriors off the reservation for the third time, causing much bloodshed, it is directed by General Niles that Geronimo and said warriors be transported to Fort Marion, Florida, on this day, April 4th 1886 ".
dado que Gerónimo ha sacado a sus guerreros de la reserva por tercera vez, provocando muchas muertes, el general Niles ha ordenado que Gerónimo y dichos guerreros sean llevados a Fort Marion, Florida, hoy, 14 de abril de 1886 ".
It shall be proclaimed throughout the realm this day a grateful king has reinstated the name, title and estates of Falworth, together with all rights, honors and prerogatives attached to said quality.
Será proclamado por todo el reino que, este día, un Rey agradecido ha restituido el nombre, título y propiedades de Lord Falworth, junto todos los derechos, honores y prerrogativas que acompañan a tal calidad.
It appearing to the court that the crime of manslaughter, a felony, has been committed, and that there is reasonable cause to believe that the defendant committed said crime, it is now ordered that the defendant be bound over to Superior Court for trial.
El tribunal cree que se ha cometido un delito de homicidio. Un delito muy grave, y tiene razones suficientes para pensar que el acusado... cometió dicho crimen. Por lo tanto, ordeno que sea llevado al Tribunal Superior para ser juzgado.
Mr Saeki said Mr Hanayama has just returned so he won't be able to make it
El Sr. Saeki ha dicho que el Sr. Hanayama acaba de volver, así que no podrá acudir.
It must be said again that Germany has no intention to use military might against small countries, unless they seek to aid our enemy.
De nuevo decimos que los alemanes no tienen intención de utilizar la fuerza militar contra los paises pequeños, a menos que pretendan ayudar a nuestros enemigos.
I also think of what will be said among the people when it's known that this great wealth has been bequeathed to me by one of my subjects.
Tengo que pensar también en la opinión pública cuando se conozca que esta fortuna me ha sido legada por uno de mis súbditos.
- Why does it always has to be said?
- ¿ Por qué hay que decirlo?
Doctor, you said yourself it would be suicide to go out there without the protection of the TARDIS!
Doctor, tú mismo has dicho que sería un suicidio salir sin la protección de la TARDIS!
He has that to dress something more, he has that to be decent. It must have about 80 years e was completely idiot e said : I go to search something in house e when it left, brought a hat.
y le dije, debe ponerse algo encima enseguida para estar un poco más decente, tenía unos 80 años y estaba completamente aturdida y dijo, iré adentro a ponerme algo y salió con el sombrero puesto.
Do not know it is why He has not participated in the plan in the past Whether said to be the runagte
No es claro, pero su negativa a participar del plan lo convierte en un traidor
To many you appear to be a sceptic, but it has also been said that you intend to repudiate all our old beliefs.
Para muchos pareceís ser un escéptico, pero también se ha dicho que vos teneís la intención de repudiar todas nuestras viejas creencias.
You said you had to take the wagon because the Jag has to be lubed... that I could pick it up at 3 : 00, and it's 3 : 30.
Tenías que llevarte el auto familiar porque el Jaguar necesitaba aceite... y podía recogerlo a las 3 : 00 y son las 3 : 30.
It was full of gossip, as usual. but, during it, he said that he was convinced Herod believed himself to be this Jewish Messiah whose coming has bean prophesied.
Estaba llena de chismes, como siempre,... pero entre unos y otros, me decía que Herodes estaba convencido de ser el Mesías judío del que hablan sus profecías.
I said it has to be returned and that's that.
Dije que hay que devolvérselo y sanseacabó.
When someone has got a lot of it as you have and I said a lot... it can be used to get out, can't it?
Cuando se tiene tanto como tú, dicen que para mucho... ¡ Hasta para salir!
She has said to me that perhaps she was pregnant but wanted to be sure of it before speaking with you in order to not deceive you and to not disappoint you, naturally
Me ha dicho que creía estar embarazada, pero que quería tener la seguridad antes de hablar contigo, para evitar que te llevaras una desilusión
Could it not be what has been said to me?
¿ Será verdad lo que me dijeron?
It's a simple question of national responsibility for energy. It has to be clearly said, so what's decided on energy policy can actually be implemented.
Se trata de la responsabilidad del Estado respecto al tema energético, que ha de ser analizada de forma muy clara y precisa, de manera que sea realizable.
Catuso Phelpus has said it is fortunate Hasp is creatively interested in technology, especially hydraulics, for these irritating prohibitions could be eased to an extent by machinery of his own invention.
Catuso PheIpus ha dicho que es una suerte que Hasp esté interesado en la tecnología, en especial en la hidráulica, porque estas prohibiciones se podrían reducir en cierto modo con maquinaria de su propia creación.
I know you said that you didn't want to be a party to it.
Sé que has dicho que no querías ser cómplice.
Just as what you've said, it has to be matched
Es lo que querías, tienes que hacerlo.
It has set off forever he was my teacher and he was learning so well he has said to me that you can be still alone
Ha partido para siempre era mi maestro y estaba aprendiendo tan bien me ha dicho que puedes seguir sola
Or, it'll be dangerous to you. But Auntie Fong said, Hong Kong police wants to arrest you.
Dijo que es nuestro secreto y que tienes serios motivos para hacer lo que has hecho.
I said it has to be studied.
- Hay que estudiarlo.
He said it has to be set up in your bedroom... And we have to program it for you.
Dice que debemos instalarla en su cuarto y debemos programársela.
This has said it all. So I am grateful that you left it in the shop for me to find, so at last I can be sure. Sure of what?
Ha già detto tutto lei e vi sono grata di averla lasciata in quel negozio per me cosi posso avere finalmente la certezza la certezza di cosa?
But she said it has to be an herbal bath.
Pero... Um... Tiene que ser un baño herbal.
- You said it was carelessness and I don't believe carelessness has to exist for a mistake to be made.
- Dijo que era descuido pero para cometer errores no es necesario ser descuidado.
The chief said it has to be seen from far away.
El jefe dijo que se tiene que ver desde lejos.

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