It seems traducir español
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It seems like it was... a good thing.
Parece como si fuera... Una buena cosa.
And also it seems like you hate me.
Y también parece que me odies.
Because it seems to me you're punishing one of your most esteemed professors due to tragedies in her personal life.
Porque me parece que está castigando a uno de sus más estimados profesores por las tragedias de su vida personal.
It seems he's accused of impregnating very young women with many more embryos than is ethical or safe for the girls to carry to full term.
Lo acusan de fecundar a mujeres muy jóvenes... con más embriones de lo que ética y seguro es... para que las jóvenes lleven a término el embarazo.
So it seems that Peter Florrick's micromanagement was needed.
Así que parece que el exceso de control de Peter Florrick era necesario.
So... It seems the de chaussin family fortune
Así parece la fortuna de la familia Chaussin
It seems the killer left a piece of a tactical belt at the scene.
Al parecer, el asesino dejó un pedazo de un cinturón táctico en la escena.
Mr. Dove, appointments are there to be made, but you, it seems, feel yourself above the simple act of a knock upon a door.
Señor Dove, las citas están para fijarse, pero usted, parece creer estar por encima del simple acto de llamar a una puerta.
Even though it seems illogical that they would be there?
¿ Aunque parezca ilógico que estuvieran allí?
It seems that he was passing himself off as a Dr. Rollins ever since Charlotte DiLaurentis was admitted to Welby.
Parece que se hacía pasar como el Dr. Rollins desde que Charlotte DiLaurentis fue internada en Welby.
And possibility of Nicole being alive it seems like it changes everything.
Y la posibilidad de que Nicole siga viva parece que lo cambia todo.
It seems like all of us Chanels are just doomed to a life of romantic tragedy.
Parece que todas nosotras las Chanels estamos condenadas a una vida de tragedia romántica.
It seems like he was honing in on some of the missing.
Parece que se estaba acercando a algunos de los desaparecidos.
Well... whatever you're doing, it seems to be working.
Bueno... lo que sea que estés haciendo, parece que funciona.
It seems weird to wish you good luck.
Suena raro desearte buena suerte.
Yes, well, it seems I don't share our team's definition of success, but let's see if our labors came to a certain fruition, shall we?
Sí, bueno, creo que no comparto la definición de éxito de nuestro equipo, pero veamos si nuestra labor dio algún fruto, ¿ de acuerdo?
It seems some of the parents have some... concerns. Ah, yeah.
Parece que algunos padres están... preocupados.
It seems like almost every single local government building has been directly hit, if not very badly damaged.
Parece que casi todos los edificios del gobierno... han sido volados o muy dañados.
So it seems.
Eso parece.
It seems to indicate that we paid for Budweiser twice what we did just a year ago.
Parece indicar que pagamos para Budweiser... el doble de lo que hicimos hace apenas un año.
-'Cause it seems like it would be intense.
Porque parece que seré muy intenso.
If there's something I can do to help save him and his creation, then uh, it seems like I should.
Si hay algo que pueda hacer para salvarle... y a su creación, entonces... siento que debo.
Well, it seems fair since I wouldn't be here if you lunatics hadn't set me up to be grabbed by Amara.
Es justo... ya que no estaría aquí si vosotros, pirados, no me hubiérais puesto una trampa para que me cogiera Amara.
It seems terrible to be celebrating the birth of one child when your own is....
Parece terrible festejar el nacimiento de un niño... cuando el propio es...
At least it seems he was well looked after.
Al menos parece que estaba bien atendido.
It seems Peggy received a pair of roller skates from Father Christmas.
Parece que Peggy recibió un par de patines de ruedas de Papá Noel.
Yeah, well, it seems like you're doing just great.
Parece que te va genial. Vamos.
But it seems you got a problem with that, too.
Pero parece que también tienes un problema con eso.
'Cause it seems like to me...
Porque a mí me parece que...
'Cause it seems like she's still in love with that guy. Back off, bro.
Apártate, tío.
Well, it seems the victim's witness has decided to forego making a statement here today.
Bueno, parece ser que la testigo de la víctima ha decidido renunciar a declarar.
It was our hope that this stunt would burn out on its own, but it seems to be metastasizing.
Esperábamos que esta artimaña acabaría sin más, pero parece ser metástasis.
To be honest, I'm hesitant to even present this because it seems so obvious, but we go with the PTSD defense.
Para ser sincero, estoy indeciso incluso a exponer esto ya que parece muy obvio, pero vamos con la defensa de trastorno de estrés postraumático.
So, it seems like you're doing pretty good, Pete.
Así que, parece que lo estás haciendo bastante bien, Pete.
Mr. Prashant, it seems quite clear why Andrea went into the room and why she stayed for so long etc. etc.
Prashant ji, parece bastante claro por qué Andrea fue a la habitación.. .. y por qué se quedó por tanto tiempo, etc.
It seems like there's a bigger and bigger disconnect.
Parecería haber una desconexión...
It seems that ore that I discovered...
Parece que el mineral que descubrí...
'Cause it seems like you're stalling.
Porque más bien parece que intentas retenerla.
It sure seems like that.
Parece seguro así.
It just seems odd that they would have given up two of their boys.
Es extraño que dieran en adopción a dos de sus hijos.
Seems he clings to it with some determination, however.
Sin embargo, se aferra a ella con mucha determinación.
And if, as it now seems likely, it was not he performed these savage acts, you will now be reopening the investigation into the murder of Inspector Bennet Drake.
Y si, como ahora parece, no fue él quien realizó esos actos salvajes. ¿ Reabrirá ahora el caso de la investigación del asesinato del inspector Bennet Drake?
This plan seems impossible until it's possible.
Este plan parece imposible hasta que sea posible.
Seems some pirates got to it first.
Parece que unos piratas llegaron primero.
Nothing's ever what it seems.
Pero este es sólo el primer paso.
It just seems a little strange that he's suddenly here now.
Parece un poco extraño que esté de repente aquí.
It's not nothing if where the assailant kicked you is evidence. And there seems to be some residue on your shirt too.
Esto sí es algo, donde el asaltante te golpeó es evidencia y hay que ver si hay algunos residuos en tu camisa también.
Well, I'm not suggesting anything, other than I remember what it's like to be overwhelmed. And sometimes, after you get an I.D., and what seems like an obvious cause of death...
Bueno, no estoy sugiriendo nada, aparte de lo que recuerdo que se siente al estar abrumado y a veces, después de conseguir una identificación y lo que parece una causa de muerte obvia...
But it all, er, it all seems so silly. Doesn't it?
Pero todo, eh, todo parece tan tonto. ¿ No es así?
'Cause it really seems like you guys care about each other.
Porque parece que os importáis el uno al otro.
Because after a while, it just seems silly when you stop and think about it.
Porque después de un tiempo, parece estúpido cuando te paras a pensar en ello.
it seems to be 17
it seems like 43
it seems today that all you see 46
it seems to me 101
it seems so 68
it seems that way 37
it seems that 22
it seems impossible 22
it seems like it 16
it seems not 17
it seems like 43
it seems today that all you see 46
it seems to me 101
it seems so 68
it seems that way 37
it seems that 22
it seems impossible 22
it seems like it 16
it seems not 17
seems 38
seems so 47
seems like 35
seems to be 24
seems to me 35
seems like it 42
seems that way 46
seems nice 16
seems fair 18
seems so 47
seems like 35
seems to be 24
seems to me 35
seems like it 42
seems that way 46
seems nice 16
seems fair 18