It would be you traducir español
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If I had to be gay with somebody to prevent a terrorist attack, it would be you!
¡ Si tuviera que ser gay con alguien para prevenir un ataque terrorista, sería contigo!
Yeah, but why is it my head on the stick? 'Cause if that happened, you would probably be fired.
Porque si no lo recuperas tú, probablemente te echarán del trabajo.
Aw... How long do you think it would be before we could do it again?
¿ Cuánto tiempo habrá que esperar para hacerlo otra vez?
It could take months, and in the meantime, you would be transported to the Centro Penitenciario para Mujeres de Algeciras in Cádiz, the single most vicious female prison population in the entire Spanish-speaking world.
Podría tardar meses. Y mientras tanto, tendrás que esperar en el Centro Penitenciario para Mujeres de Algeciras en Cádiz, Es, sin duda, la prisión para mujeres más violenta de todo el mundo hispanoparlante.
Would it be you now Come true?
¿ Ahora... sería posible?
It would be all right if all you had to do was look at him.
Estaría bien si solo hubiera que mirarlo.
We never knew what would happen and so, in the old days, you know we just literally, I mean, it could be we'd be out there, you know..
Nunca sabíamos lo que iba a pasar. En esos días, ya sabes... Literalmente, quiero decir, podría ser...
But if you were fat, it would be higher up.
Pero si estuvieras gordo, tendrías que marcar más alto.
- Brayden, I'll cover your hours, you know that. But, I do think it would be a good idea for you to go back to work.
Brayden, sabes que te cubro, pero pienso que sería bueno para vos volver a trabajar.
Tell him you were raised in a different era, but now you know it's wrong to judge people based on their sexual orientation and that if you had to be gay with someone for some reason, you know, to prevent a terrorist attack or something, it would be with him.
Dile que te criaron en otra época pero que ahora sabes que no hay que juzgar a la gente por su orientación sexual y que si por algo tuvieras que ser gay con alguien sería con él.
I didn't know I'd be... It would happen that I'd be driving you, but I... or that I'd be... meeting you, I mean.
No sabía que lo... que sucedería esto de llevarlo, pero yo... o que lo... conocería, quiero decir.
It would be a big advantage for us to be in business with you, but it might be a big advantage for you to be in business with us.
Sería una gran ventaja para nosotros hacer negocios con usted, pero podría ser una gran ventaja para usted.
I thought that would be it, you know.
Pensé que eso sería todo.
It would be better if you had never see it.
Sería mejor... que jamás la hubieras visto.
Bobby, It's clear to me that you are exactly the man your father would have wanted you to be.
- Bobby, está claro para mí que eres exactamente el hombre que tu padre hubiera querido que fueras
Yes, it would be better if you could try to remember the one specific space that you use.
Sí, sería mejor que intentara recordar, qué espacio específico usa.
Well, if you went over there, it would be good.
Si te pusieras ahí, estaría bien.
- Reverend Rachel made it very clear that if you weren't gone by lunchtime today, there would be hell to pay for him come election time.
La Reverenda Rachel lo dejó claro. Que si no te habías ido para el almuerzo, no sería un infierno pagarte si no has elegido.
I mean, would you be anywhere if it hadn't been for me?
Digo, ¿ estarías en laguna parte si no hubiese sido por mí?
I guess it would be cruel to make you fly back.
Sería cruel hacerte volar de regreso.
It would be great if you can text me.
Me encantaría que pudieras mandarme un mensaje de texto.
If we take it, we'd be doing society a favor, and you would be doing your job.
Si lo tomamos, le estaríamos haciendo un favor a la sociedad y tú estarías haciendo tu trabajo.
Honestly, if you could have anything, what would it be?
Honestamente. Si puedieras tener lo que fuera. ¿ Qué sería?
Yeah, it would be amazing to have that kind of time to, you know like, tell a real story.
Sí, sería increíble tener el tiempo para hacerlo. Ya sabes sería como, contar una historia real.
If you didn't know which one it was, this would truly be impossible.
Si no supieras qué puerta es, esto sería imposible.
Was America something like what you thought it would be like?
Era algo así como los Estados Unidos lo que pensaba que sería como?
If anything could bring the Hatter back, it would be seeing you again.
Si acaso algo puede reanimarlo, es volver a verte de nuevo.
Maybe it would be better for you if you stopped looking for her.
Quizás sería mejor para ti si dejaras de buscarla.
Matthew, if you... if you would open it..... I would be more comfortable.
Mateo... si tú, si tú la abrieras... me sentiría mejor.
But I thought it would be more pleasing to engage with you socially.
Pero pensé que sería mejor relacionarme socialmente contigo.
So it would be really nice if you didn't TRY and make my life so miserable, as you apparently make everyone else's.
Y sería muy lindo si no tratará de hacerme... la vida tan miserable, como al parecer se la hace a los demás.
It's just, a little common courtesy would be nice, you know?
DELICIAS DARNELL ENTREGAS Un poco de cortesía seria agradable.
That wouldn't be our contract you're holding, would it, Michelle?
Ese no es nuestro contrato, ¿ verdad, Michelle?
- I could have a thousand years with you, and it would still be too soon.
Podría estar mil años contigo, y todavía sería muy pronto.
Like, what would it be like to go through life knowing there's no way you'd ever play pro ball?
¿ Cómo sería ir por la vida sabiendo que nunca jugarás béisbol profesional?
I'd appreciate that more than you can imagine, it would be such...
Se lo agradezco más de lo que imagina, sería un...
Funny you should say that, because I've been thinking... it would be nice to have a partner.
Es gracioso que digas eso, porque he estado pensando... y me gustaría tener un compañero.
They thought it would be better... if a predator such as myself wasn't the first face that you see... when you walk into the ZPD.
Pensaron que sería mejor que un depredador, como yo, no fuera la primera cara que ves al entrar a la Policía.
If that were true, you think it would be a little bit easier?
Si eso fuera cierto, ¿ crees que sería un poco más fácil?
You know, if it wasn't for people like me, this country would be totally fucked.
Sabes, si no fuera por personas como yo, Este país estaría totalmente jodido.
My son would be here right now if it hadn't been for you.
Mi hijo estaría aquí ahora Si no hubiera sido por ti.
Think what it would be like to touch one of these cards in a public place, to stand there, to read it knowing somebody might be watching you waiting to record your response.
Piensa, en lo que sería tocar... una de estas tarjetas en un lugar público. Pararse allí, el leerla. Sabiendo que alguien podría estar observándote.
Maybe you won't believe it, but never for one second did I think that I would be making him change his mind.
Quizás no lo creas, pero ni por un segundo pensé que lo haría cambiar de opinión.
It would be the death of the honest pride with which we've always considered you.
Sería la muerte del orgullo sincero con el que siempre te hemos considerado.
It should be, otherwise you would not be telling me.
Debe ser, de lo contrario no me lo estarías contando.
I mean, how weird would it have been if he'd turned out to be a decent guy, right? What would that have been like? You wouldn't be who you are.
Digo... habría sido raro que fuera decente, ¿ no?
There is a reason why Hobbs is so adamant about getting this flashcard back, because a guy his age would be proud to have proof of fucking a woman as young and beautiful as you without paying for it.
- No. Hay una razón por la cual Hobbs es tan inflexible respecto a recuperar esa memoria usb, porque un tipo de su edad estaría orgulloso de tener prueba de joderse a una mujer tan joven y tan bella como tú sin pagar por eso.
They said if I didn't hire you it would be the mistake of my life.
Dijeron que no contratarte sería el peor error de mi vida.
It would be a shame for someone like you to fall that easy.
Sería una vergüenza para alguien como tú caer así de fácil.
- You said it would be safe.
Dijiste que estaría seguro.
I want to do the show with you because I think it would be good for us, and I think it would be good for you, and...
Quiero hacer el programa contigo porque sería bueno para nosotros... y pienso que sería bueno para ti, y...
it wouldn't matter 49
it would be nice 40
it would have been 21
it would be great 34
it would be a pleasure 19
it would be my honor 25
it would be my pleasure 61
it wouldn't be the first time 64
it would be 199
it wouldn't hurt 20
it would be nice 40
it would have been 21
it would be great 34
it would be a pleasure 19
it would be my honor 25
it would be my pleasure 61
it wouldn't be the first time 64
it would be 199
it wouldn't hurt 20