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Jerry traducir español

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That's right, Jerry.
Es cierto, Jerry.
Jerry, you built something here.
Jerry, construiste algo aquí.
But you, Jerry, look at you.
Pero tú, Jerry, mire usted.
Morning, Jerry!
Buen día, Jerry.
You were the agent afloat when disgruntled Petty Officer 3rd class Jerry Hooper strapped an improvised explosive to his chest, tried to make his way to the command center.
Era un agente a bordo... cuando el disgustado contramaestre de 3ra clase Jerry Hooper... se amarró un improvisado... explosivo en su pecho... tratando de llegar al centro de comando.
Have you been leaking to Jerry?
¿ Has estado filtrando información a los alemanes?
You found Jerry Minkie's wife after she ran off with the uber driver, the one with the Subaru.
Encontraste a la esposa de Jerry Minkie cuando se escapó con el chofer aquel con el Subaru.
The man killed Jerry Grant.
Mató a Jerry Grant.
I'm sorry about Jerry.
Lamento lo de Jerry, de verdad.
Good job, Jerry.
Buen trabajo, Jerry.
Jerry, your friend here has a filthy sense of humor.
Jerry, tu amiga tiene un sentido del humor indecente.
Cyrus, James, Jerry, Harrison, Mellie... every one of us!
Cyrus, James, Jerry, Harrison, Mellie... ¡ Cada uno de nosotros!
Okay, well, we need a little more Oprah, a little less Jerry Springer.
Vale, bueno, necesitamos un poquito más de Oprah y un poquito menos de Jerry Springer.
You were on Jerry Springer?
¿ Has estado en Jerry Springer?
Jerry's words.
Palabras de Jerry.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go disinvite Jerry Seinfeld from speaking at commencement.
Ahora, si me disculpáis, voy a desinvitar a Jerry Seinfeld para la charla de apertura.
This morning, I had to jump-start my heart by putting my finger in the socket Tom and Jerry style.
Esta mañana he tenido que poner en marcha mi corazón metiendo el dedo en el enchufe al estilo Tom y Jerry.
Jerry, no one can know about us, especially at your daughter's wedding.
Jerry, nadie puede saber de nosotros, especialmente en la boda de tu hija.
His name is Jerry and he's caught in the pinsetter.
Se llama Jerry y está atrapado en la máquina que acomoda los bolos.
Hey, Jerry, can you hear me, bud?
Oye, Jerry, ¿ me oyes, amigo?
( Severide ) Hey, Jerry, can you wiggle your fingers?
Oye, Jerry ¿ puedes mover tus dedos?
All right, Jerry, hang in there, bud, all right?
Muy bien Jerry, aguanta, amigo, bueno?
One of things that Steve thought was important, and Jerry Manock facilitated it, was this is where all the signatures are.
Una de las cosas que él creía importante, y que Manock facilitó era esto donde estaban todas las firmas.
I don't have any evidence of it yet, sir, and we haven't found any actual proof that Jerry Tyson is still alive.
Todavía no tengo evidencias de ello, señor, y no hemos encontrado ninguna prueba de que Jerry Tyson siga con vida.
Not only that, she treated Jerry Tyson.
No solo eso, trató a Jerry Tyson.
Jerry Tyson.
Jerry Tyson.
That man is Jerry Tyson, also known as 3XK.
Ese hombre es Jerry Tyson, también conocido como 3XK.
But his cellmate, Jerry Tyson, agreed to help us put Gates away in exchange for an early release.
Pero su compañero de celda, Jerry Tyson, aceptó a ayudarnos a internar a Gates a cambio de la libertad condicional.
By the time we realized that Jerry Tyson was 3XK, it was too late.
Para cuando nos enteramos de que Jerry Tyson era 3XK, era demasiado tarde.
She took a ride with Jerry Tyson.
Hizo un viaje con Jerry Tyson.
Except Jerry Tyson is dead.
Excepto que Jerry Tyson está muerto.
Any judge we take this to will see this man is Jerry Tyson.
A cualquier juez que le llevemos esto, verá que es Jerry Tyson.
Jerry Tyson is dead.
Jerry Tyson está muerto.
For Jerry Tyson.
Para Jerry Tyson.
Jerry Tyson, you are under arrest.
Jerry Tyson, está arrestado.
What I wouldn't give to be in that box with Jerry Tyson.
Lo que daría por estar en la sala de interrogatorios con Jerry Tyson.
We also don't know his connection to Jerry Tyson, either.
Tampoco sabemos su conexión con Jerry Tyson.
Not only can we prove Jerry Tyson is alive, but we have him in custody.
No solo podemos probar que Jerry Tyson está vivo, sino que lo tenemos bajo custodia.
Yeah, a future that ended with Jerry Tyson.
Sí, un futuro que acabó con Jerry Tyson.
Jerry Tyson. Oh. Y...
Jerry Tyson.
That man is Jerry Tyson.
Ese hombre es Jerry Tyson.
This guy is Jerry Tyson.
Este tío es Jerry Tyson.
How does it feel now, Jerry?
¿ Qué se siente ahora, Jerry?
Look, I get it... you think I'm Jerry Tyson, and I guess I brought that on myself.
Mira, lo pillo... crees que soy Jerry Tyson, y supongo que me lo tengo merecido.
The man that you know as Michael Boudreau is Jerry Tyson.
El hombre que conoces como Michael Boudreau es Jerry Tyson.
We compare her DNA to his, we can prove he's Jerry Tyson.
Comparamos su ADN con el de él, y probamos que es Jerry Tyson.
We're talking about Jerry Tyson.
Nos referimos a Jerry Tyson.
It might help you rest easy knowing that some of what was said about Jerry is untrue.
Quizá se quede más tranquila sabiendo que todo lo que dijeron sobre Jerry es mentira.
¡ Jerry!

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