Just do traducir español
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You sure you can't just do this now, get it out of the way?
¿ Seguro que no puede hacerlo ahora?
Just do this, and everything's jake.
Haz esto y quedamos bien.
Hey, so, y'all sure y'all just don't wanna do 30 sausage biscuit meals?
¿ Seguro no quieren 30 combinados de salchicha y bollo?
What did you just do?
¿ Qué hiciste?
Just do what I say for once!
Confía en mí por una vez y haz lo que te digo.
He just do what he told.
Solo hace lo que le dicen.
We just do what we do in bed, and they do what they do.
Solo hacemos lo nuestro en la cama y ellos hacen lo suyo.
Just do him already.
Acuéstate con él.
Please just do what she says, Frankie.
Haz lo que dice, Frankie.
I'll just do a quick examination.
Te revisaré rápidamente.
They just do.
Pero gusta.
I just do.
Simplemente lo odio.
You just do exactly what I say.
Solo hagan exactamente lo que digo.
We just... we just do the spell on Nick like we're doing it for the first time, except we'll turn the Captain into Nick.
Solo hacemos el hechizo en Nick como si lo estuviéramos haciendo por primera vez, excepto que convertimos al capitán en Nick.
Just don't do it alone, okay?
No lo hagas sola, ¿ sí?
- There's something I need to do. You gotta tell me what's going on! - I just need to do something.
Pete, venga, tienes que contarme qué está pasando.
You hire a guy to do a crime... he gets himself killed... you're on the hook, just like you pulled the trigger.
Abuelo, ¿ sabes lo que es un homicidio involuntario, verdad? ¡ Sí!
You hire a guy to do a crime... he gets himself killed... you're on the hook, just like you pulled the trigger. Okay.
Contratas a un tipo para cometer un crimen... él acaba muerto... y estás jodido, es como si tú mismo hubieras apretado el gatillo.
Although, truth be told, I'd also do anything just to see Lana Kane again.
Aunque, dicho sea de paso, también haría lo que fuera para volver a ver a Lana Kane.
I just may do that.
Puede que lo haga.
Irv, shouldn't we just let Snyder do her job?
Irv, ¿ no deberíamos dejar que Schneider haga su trabajo?
Jerry did just what he was supposed to do.
Hizo lo que tenía que hacer.
See, that just won't do.
Esto no alcanzará.
I just want us to take a moment to remember where you're from. Can we do that?
Tomémonos un momento para recordar de dónde venimos, ¿ sí?
Gosh, Ms. Grant. I just wanted to see what I could do to help.
Solo quería ver si podía hacer algo para ayudar.
You do what you do just as well as him.
Tú haces lo tuyo tan bien como él.
Yeah, it's just not as important as the things that you wanna do.
Sí, simplemente no es tan importante como las cosas que tú quieres hacer.
Do you know what I just realized?
Me acabo de dar cuenta de algo.
And then we just shuffle papers around until it looks like we actually do.
- Y les damos largas hasta tenerlo.
What they really do is they make an incision just a little bit further up, and they go in and they grab the testicle, and they pull it out of the scrotum and out through the body.
Hacen una incisión un poco más arriba toman el testículo y lo sacan del cuerpo a través del escroto.
What do you think about our little girl becoming a mother? Ugh, I'm just...
¿ Qué te parece que nuestra niña sea mamá?
I was just trying to do the best I could, all right?
Hice mi mejor esfuerzo.
But I just... I don't know what to do with them.
Pero no sé qué hacer con ellos.
Do you think it came all this way just to hurt us?
¿ Crees que vino para lastimarnos?
Just tell us what we can do.
Solo dígannos qué hacer.
I know you were just trying to do what's best for the children.
Sé que solo quisiste lo mejor para los niños.
I'm just waiting for one of you to do something useful.
Solo estoy esperando que uno de ustedes haga algo útil.
And now I'm gonna go to the factory, just for being Frankie's mother, because that's what you people do.
Ahora me van a mandar a La Fábrica, solo por ser la madre de Frankie, porque eso es lo que ustedes hacen.
I just pull over and... do my Afghan war vet thing.
Puedo parar y... hacer lo de la veterana de la guerra afgana.
You know, Lenny, seeing Homer acting responsible... oh, Aquaman to Phoenix, I just got that... uh, makes me want to buckle down and do my job.
¿ Sabes, Lenny? , ver a Homero actuar de manera responsable... Aquaman en Phoenix, ya lo entendí... hace que tenga ganas de arremangarme y hacer mi trabajo.
Oh, you just love to tell me what to do.
Te encanta decirme qué hacer.
Aren't we just supposed to do the stories we want and not worry about ratings?
¿ No se supone que debemos hacer las historias que queremos y no preocuparnos por los ratings?
What am I supposed to do, just pat him on the back'?
¿ Qué se supone que debía hacer, simplemente acariciarle la espalda?
- We'll just have lo do it someplace else.
Solo tenemos que hacerlo en otro lugar.
But my mother was a patient here, rest her soul, and they were so good to her, I just wanted to do something.
Pero mi madre era una paciente aquí, que descanse su alma, y fueron tan buenos con ella, solo quería hacer algo.
Oh, um, just'cause most people can't really do that sort of thing.
Porque la mayoría de la gente no puede hacer ese tipo de cosas.
Do you mind if I just put him in the back room?
¿ No te molesta si lo pongo en la habitación de atrás?
Yeah, we'll just convince him the best thing to do is resign.
Sí, lo convenceremos de que lo mejor que puede hacer es renunciar.
I don't think he'll do it if we just ask politely.
No creo que lo haga si solo se lo pedimos amablemente.
I just couldn't do it.
Es que no podía hacerlo.
You got anything that would do just a little damage?
¿ Tienes algo que haga un poco de daño?
just do it 1237
just do your job 49
just do your best 22
just don't 272
just don't move 45
just do it already 31
just don't tell anyone 20
just don't worry about it 19
just don't do it 26
just don't touch anything 17
just do your job 49
just do your best 22
just don't 272
just don't move 45
just do it already 31
just don't tell anyone 20
just don't worry about it 19
just don't do it 26
just don't touch anything 17