Just let him go traducir español
710 traducción paralela
Just let him go on thinking that I'm living with you and Anita.
Que siga pensando que vivo contigo y con Anita.
We just let him go.
Acabamos de soltarle.
I don't want to make any trouble, just let him go.
No quiero más complicaciones, déjelo libre.
- We can't just let him go.
- No podemos dejarlo irse así.
Hey, Andre. You can't just let him go like that.
André, hombre, no puedes dejarlo irse así.
Well, at first I was thinking about trying to talk you out of this European tour. But then I figured, just let him go bust and I'll be around...
Iba a convencerte de que no hicieras este viaje a Europa pero después pensé :
And you just let him go?
¿ Y lo dejas marchar tan tranquilo?
Why don't we just let him go and follow him home?
¿ Por qué no la soltamos y la seguimos a su casa?
Why don't you just let him go, Michael?
¿ Por qué no dejas que se vaya, Michael?
Just let him go.
Just let him go.
- Sólo déjalo ir.
- You can't just let him go.
- No pude dejarle ir así como así.
Just let him go
Sólo soltadle
Just let him go.
You just let him go!
¿ Lo dejó escapar?
You mean they just let him go?
¿ Simplemente lo dejaron libre?
I just let him go
- No quise ser duro con el.
Now that you're taking him to Mrs. Mockby's I just hate to let him go.
Ahora que te lo llevas a la Sra. Mockby,... odio tener que dejarle ir.
They think he killed Manny Arnold, that you let him go just out of friendship.
Creen que asesinó a Manny Arnold, y que Ud. le dejó libre por su amistad.
He's just got enough for another ticket, let him go!
No, Cisne. Tiene lo justo para el pasaje, déjale ir.
Is... Is tried to prevent you from divorcing him, any crazy way he could, just because he loves you too much to let you go.
Es intentar evitar que te divorciaras de él del modo más loco que pudo, sólo porque te quiere demasiado para dejarte marchar.
- Just a minute. Let him go on.
- Un momento, Robles.
I was just thinking. Let's go see Giachetta, I know him.
Ahora que lo recuerdo yo, vamos a ver a Giachetta, yo soy su amigo.
I'll not just go away and let him sit here laughing at me.
No voy a irme y dejar que se ría de mí.
It would just be simpler if you would let him go.
Sería más simple que le dejara ir.
He's beating him! Let me go in there! They're just arguing.
- ¡ Tiene que dejarme entrar!
I just wanted him to let me go.
Sólo quería que dejara que me fuera.
He kept on about going into the army until we just had to let him go.
Insistió en ir alistarse hasta que cedimos.
Would you ask them to let my horse go, just let him loose at the bridge,
Pídales que le den mi caballo. Que lo dejen sobre el puente. Sabrá volver solo.
He's just found it out. And now we know, and we can't let him go.
En ese estado de gravedad no podemos dejarle marchar.
They won't bring him back, Mr. Richards, but I just couldn't let you go on blaming Matt Cabot for destroying him.
- No va a resucitarle, Sr. Richard. Pero tampoco es justo que culpe a Matt Cabot de su ruina.
I couldn't let a letter like that just go any place, so I told him the truth.
Entonces, le dije la verdad.
If I catch a man robbing my house do I let him go just because he got to the sidewalk?
Si pillo a un tipo robando mi casa ¿ le dejo escapar porque ha llegado a la acera?
Really, if I had any reason why I want to kill myself just looking at him now, and that reason would be gone let's go back
La verdad, si tuviera algún motivo parar querer suicidarme, con sólo mirarle ahora, ese motivo se evaporaría. Volvamos.
I could hardly let Pott just go ahead and order an air strike, and I wasn't about to tell him that we captured the Italians yesterday, and we gave them a little night off...
Apenas pude contener a Pott en su idea de ordenar un ataque aéreo. No podía decirle que tras capturarlos estuvimos de fiesta con ellos.
We can't let him go just like that.
No podemos dejar que se vaya así como así.
... and you let him go just like that?
Y lo dejaste ir así como así.
.. And if any one hurts him... He just says nothing and let it go!
Y si alguien le hace daño... no decir nada y dejarle marchar.
I told him to stop, but he just wouldn't let go of me
Le dije que parase, pero no quería separarse de mí.
Let go. Looks like I came just in time. Unhand him!
Parece que llego justo a tiempo. ¡ Suéltale!
I will let the child go. Just put your weapons down and come get him.
Tira tu arma y ven a por tu hijo.
Aaron won't let him go just like that. He hired him for a year. He will send for the sheriff.
Aaron no va a dejar que se vaya lo contrató por un año.
If anybody tried to rape me, I'd just pretend to go along with it and then grab a heavy object and let him have it.
Si alguien tratara de violarme, pretenderia seguirle el tren, y luego arrojarla un objeto pesado sobre el.
So finally, she wouldn't let him go to the bathroom After 30 minutes, and he just got
Así que, finalmente, después de 30 minutos... le dio permiso.
- Why can't you just take him to another place and let him go?
- ¿ Por qué no lo llevas a otro lugar?
Go to him, and let him console you, - Just get out of here!
Ve con él a que te consuele.
Honey, let me just go get him out of here.
Querido, voy un momento a llevármelo de aquí.
Go to him, and let him console you! Just get out of here!
Ve con él a que te consuele.
Would you let Kermit go? If you hold him too long he'll just give you warts.
Si sigue agarrándolo, le saldrán verrugas.
When you had to let him go, you know, something - It just
Pero cuando tuvieron que soltarlo, algo...
Just like I said, they let him go.
Como te dije, lo han liberado.
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